Part Thirty Five - Final Part

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Michelle's POV

My eyes slowly open, as I sit up in bed. I feel rested. Far too rested. I turn to where Riley fell asleep next to me, but find nothing but an empty spot.

I look around the room, and find it half empty. No Riley, and none of her stuff. I start to panic, as I look at my watch. Nearly two thirty, on a Thursday. I missed an entire day of school, not that it mattered right now.

"There is a logical explanation to all of this..." I mumble, reassuring myself. I hop out of bed and walk over to the dresser, opening it up. Empty. Riley's desk, empty. The bathroom, cleared from all her things. Her bed, only the plain white sheet she always said she hated. I pulled it back, grasping it in my hands, when a small envelope catches my eye.

I set down the sheet on the bed, and pick up the envelope. 'Michelle' was written on the front, with that little squiggly she puts underneath the names on all letters she writes. I tear it open, and pull out a piece of college ruled notebook paper, both sides written on. Sitting down on her bed, I start to read.

Dear Michelle,

I'm sorry for leaving like this. I really didn't have a choice. Leaving during the day would be a nightmare, and I simply couldn't do it.

Leaving you really was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, and I had to train with the US National team.

Had it been anyone else, I wouldn't have bothered. They'd figure out eventually, and would probably have been better off with no word from me. But I couldn't do that to you.

Why I had to leave wasn't because of something you did. It isn't, wasn't, hasn't and won't be something you could, at any point in time, control. If I'm being totally honest, I don't think I can either.

Recently, I've been put in the face of danger. After the whole Ellie scandal, there isn't really a whole bunch I can do, although I'm not giving up.

I was visited by an old friend and warned; the only way for me to be safe is to live somewhere else, for now at least.

I tried to fight it, I did. But if I'm in danger, and I'm around you, then that puts you in danger as well, and I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you.

I don't want you to feel rejected though. I meant what I said, every last word. You are smart, and strong, and beautiful, and funny and charismatic. You will be okay, whether I'm there or not.

I don't know how long it will be until I can see you again, so I want to remind you once more. I love you. With all of my heart, with every piece of me, I love you.

There is nothing that I want more than to call you mine, and I truly hope that someday, I can grant that wish of mine.

Stay strong, beautiful. I love you.

With all my love,


By now, my letter had the odd blurry, tear covered spot. I set it down on the bed, and resting my head in my hands, the tears poured like a waterfall.

Is this the end of Riley and I?

I sure hope not.

Is this the last time I ever hear from her?

Not by a long shot.

Is this the end of our story?

Not even close.

So that's it! The final part of Prove Me Wrong! 

Worry not, the first part of it's sequel, Whatever You Do, will be up soon, a couple of days at the most! I'll write something so you guys can add it to your libraries (:

School starts in a few days, so I'll be quite busy for now, but I'll be posting again once school starts.

Funny how that all works out! 

Anyways, let me know what you guys think of this. Any comments and suggestions to help improve the next story are greatly appreciated, and will be taken into consideration!

Until next time!

Like, comment, share, and enjoy what you have left of summer!!


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