Part Twenty Five

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Riley's POV

~12 hours after part 24~

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty," My eyelids flutter open, and I find Ellie standing directly in front of me. Her face is inches away from mine, and the strong scent of Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamond overpowers my senses. "You slept well." She mumbles and I groan.

"Please back off," I beg, and she complies. I look around the room, which is different from the one I was in before. The bed in the corner has different sheets, not to mention is a significantly larger queen size compared to the twin in the room I was in before. The square mahogany table was replaced with a circular table covered in an antique French tapestry. "Ellie where are we?" I ask and fakes surprise.

"The same place we were before. My house, of course!" She lies and I shake my head. I know it isn't her house, but I need her out of the room for me to figure out more.

"Ellie, can you do me a favor?" I ask politely and she nods her head. "Can I have fried escargot, a T-bone steak and a mango-passion smoothie?" The combination of those things would take hours to prepare, and even longer to find two of, which two depending on where we are.

"Of course! I'll get right on it." Ellie flips her blonde hair over her shoulder and leaves the room. I wait until I can no longer hear her footsteps to stand up from the chair. I peek behind me, and move forward a few feet before running backwards, slamming the chair against the wall, turning it into nothing but splinters of wood.

I step out of the rope and take off my left shoe, removing the sole before placing it on the carpeted ground next to me. I remove the phone from the shoe charger, powered by my steps and punch in Michelle's number.

Ring. Ring. She picks up on the third. "What? I don't have much time." She growls, and I chuckle.

"Can you spare a few minutes for me?" I ask, and Michelle gasps over the phone. I hear the car screech, and a few horns honk before silence.

"Riley, is that you?" Michelle asks, and I nod. "You have to speak. Nodding won't work on the phone," I laugh, and she continues. "Do you know where you are?" Michelle asks and I shake my head.

"No, but... Just wait. I'm going to see if I can find a way outside. Don't hang up." I tell her calmly.

"Riley, that isn't safe!" Michelle cries and I sigh, placing the sole of my shoe in it's spot, and the shoe back on my foot.

"It's all I can do. Don't hang up," I gently push the door open, and whisper into the phone. "Try and track the call." I tiptoe down the seemingly empty hallway for a while before I come across a fire escape. I press my back against it, and silently close it after walking through. When I turn around, staring out into the streets I gasp.

"Michelle?" I say nervously, as my eyes catch sight of a tall, silver tower in the middle of the town, none other than the Eiffel tower. "I'm in Paris."

:o Guys, I want your opinion. Should Riley manage to get away from Ellie, should she escape on her own and meet up with Michelle, or should Michelle rescue her?

Yeah. I'm gonna post once more tonight, but I wanna mess around a bit before I do xD yeah.

Do you guys have instagram? You should follow me. My username is sarahshanghai98

Like, comment, follow! Enjoy!


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