How much do you love me?

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How much do you love me?

Those of you who know me well know that when I say that phrase, it is never followed by something good. I'm never like "Hey, how much do you love me? Cuz I just won the lottery." It's a lot more like "How much do you love me? Because I just flunked out of school."

But like, not as intense. The thing is, I hope the answer is 'A shitload.' Whether it be that you love me, my writing, whatever. Point is, I hope that's the case. Because it will make my life easier if you guys do.

Now, before I continue, I am going to define a word for you guys:

Temporarily: lasting, existing, serving, or effective for a time only; not permanent:


I imagine you guys know what I am saying, and yes, Maria, I know that you will either:

a) Burst into tears

b) Go into a huge rant

c) Ask me all about the new story.

But here's the deal, man. I am TEMPORARILY discontinuing Prove Me Wrong. TEMPORARILY. As in only for a while. I have huge writers block. Like, I know where I want to get, and I know how to get there kind of, but I can't motivate myself even a little. 

Fear not, my loyal readers. Odds are I'll be back to writing this story within a couple of months. Just not this one. But, I of course, am going to be starting a new story.

Some of you guys have been around from the start. Maria, you were there at I swear to god day one, Leland you were there preeeetty fucking close to that and some of you weren't there at the start but are here all the time now. But all of you know that I got my start in fanfics.

One Direction fanfics, to be exact. And I still have them. Saved somewhere, I have all of them, except sadly my favorite. So if you guys ever want me to post them again, just say the word. Anyways, this new story is not a One Direction fanfic. But it is a fanfic none the less.

There is a band, called 5 Seconds of Summer, or 5SOS for short. And I may be a teensie tiny fucking in love with them. LOOK AT THEM. TELL ME THEY ARE NOT PERFECT. I MEAN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK. Also on the side is a link to one of their songs. The link isn't working, so just type in 5sos in google. Something will show up. Fall in love with them and start fanfics, but keep this in mind. 




I mean, I showed you them. I EARNT IT! But they're all fucking adorbs. Seriously.

The fanfic is called Out of Order, here's the description.

The unique way girls who used to not give Luke the time of day when he wasn’t famous try and get him has gotten on his nerves.

So, when a total stranger sticks their neck out one day and pretends to be his girlfriend, Luke is amazed at the results. The two seem perfect together, and very believable. The girls back off, and Luke is convinced he’s found the answer to his problems.

New and lonely, she agrees. The two of them are the cutest fake couple the world has seen. But word starts to travel. What was once just something casual to help Luke out became a full time job.

With the whole world watching them, the teens have to decide if they can keep bluffing, or if it’s time to fold and count their losses. Or maybe, just maybe, what they believed to be a bluff, is the start of an out of order love story.

The first part is up now.


Love you guys.


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