Chapter 1- A New Beginning

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Hey there! I'm Millie, I was born in the United States by a hard working single mother, you see my daddy ditched us as soon as he found out mom was pregnant with me.
If you ask me it was totally by far his loss, I happen to think that Virginia (My Mom) by popular definition of standard beauty and class, is an extremely beautiful woman. Sometimes I like to think I look like her but I know that's far from true, We are polar opposites! My mom is a tall blue eyed brunette, the woman has an elegant air to her, and knows how to carry her self too, me? I'm a first class mess who didn't even inherit the blue eyes.
So where does a loser like my father fit in with her? Well we all make mistakes. (She has a problem choosing men I think)
Point is my mom didn't let that take her down she had a child to raise, and so she finished college and majored in business (that tireless work ethic I'm telling you)
By the time I was 10 years old, my mom was a big time shot who did a lot of traveling around the world. Best part; she took me EVERYWHERE, she might have been busy but never too busy for me.

One of those trips took us to Ireland, a beautiful country where she met Irishman Matthew (can tell where this is going?)
Well fast forward to the time I was 13 and those two where 'happily' married, and I had a Step Daddy which I couldn't stand. (But for the record he didn't like me)
Matt was over possessive, jealous of everyone including the bond I had with my Mom, he wanted her and her time all for him self. He eventually made my mom quit her job, stating that the constant traveling would end their marriage, my Mom did not want to lose him.
When I was 14, we moved to Mullingar Ireland, Matt established a business there with of course my mom running it all, and it is here where my story starts taking place.

I was almost 15 when I met him; My mom had her new beginning, all caught up with Matt and his crap. Little did I know i was about to have a new beginning all of my own!
I was in one of my usual walks around the town, you see i'd do anything not to be home, home was just too lonely with my mom never being around for me anymore.
I didn't have many friends, I was socially kind of awkward. Anyways I was walking around this really nice park when I saw a boy with shaggy blond highlighted hair..

****Flash Back****

***Millie's POV***

Here I was caught up in all my self pity, again. Wondering about in the same park, wishing I had the nerve to go up to someone my age and say 'Hey there! I'm a loner and according to all the Bob Ross videos I see on You Tube, we all need another happy tree friend to be happy! Would you like to be my tree?!'
Pssh  i'm pathetic, the sound of a guitar being strummed, pulled me out of my pitiful thoughts, I couldn't get a clear view of what was going on, so i let curiosity get the better of me.
I went to check it out, I sat under a tree not too far away, and not too close to the point where I would look like a creeper (which I was being) I was close enough to hear and see who was playing, he was about my age, shaggy hair not too tall and quite skinny, but the way he was dancing and singing around his friends had my attention, the other kids around him would just kinda laugh at him and take small jabs, and even if it was all healthy banter among I wanted to jump in and jab back at them.
I pulled my hair behind my ear to hear a little better, the boy would just laugh, I liked his laugh it was contagious, and he would brush the comments off and say how one day they'd want his autograph and that would sent his friends in to a fit of laughter, one of them said "yeah Niall let me tell you I would kill to breath your same air, I would die if you just spat on me" and they would all laugh. Niall so his name was Niall...
"Yeah! you are gonna be begging for me to spit on you while I play and sell out arenas!" said Niall. I didn't mean to but I cracked up laughing at their "spit on me Niall" crap and he heard me he looked me, I blushed and pretended I was never looking to begin with, I took out my phone as if that was what was keeping my interest, I peeked up to see if I lost his attention but he was still looking at me so I just stood off and left before the others took noticed.

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