Chapter 8- "Worlds Apart" (Part 2 & 3)

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***Millie's POV-(Continued)***

"You heard me,Screw this! It's already been a crazy morning, and I am sick of school already. Come on" she took my hand and dragged me out the school doors. "We are taking the day off."

"Talking the Day off?" I asked her still trailing behind her.

"Yes!" she glanced my way. "haven't you ever skipped school?"

"Yeah" I said unsure, Elaine gave me a look  "Okay fine! No, I've never skipped school"

"Wow a High School Senior whose never skipped school" she laughed "It's never to late to start, Get in!" she motioned for me to get in her car, I was sick of it all, so its not like I was going to say no. She let out an excited laugh "I am horrible, Corrupting people and all!"

"Where exactly are we going?" I laughed

"My house" 

"Okay thats not to bad for corruption" she just laughed "wont they call our parents?"

"I'll take care of it once we get home don't worry, trust me" and somehow with out knowing much about her I did trust her.

Not even a ten minute drive later we where at her house.It was a small cozy looking home. It was very simply furnished and it was warm.

"Welcome to my house, feel free to drop your bag anywhere! Here let me give you the tour of my huge home" she took my hand and pulled me along "so you are standing in our living room, right here is the Kitchen you can roam around and take whatever you like, in this hallway here to your right is a bathroom, room to your left is dad's office and room at the end is his room, and now if we go up this flight of stairs it takes you to the attic, also known as my room."

"You sleep in the attic?" I laughed it sounded kinda funny

"It sounds like some creeper room but its not I promise! My Dad fixed it up for me and it is amazing"

She wasn't kidding either, it was huge up there she had her own king bed all the furniture a girl needs, walk in closet, her work area, her own computer, television, it was decorated in beautiful bright colors, it suited her.

"Your room is beautiful!"

"Thanks, I owe it all to my good old dad! he truly is the greatest"

I'm not going to lie, I envied that a little bit, I always wanted a dad. Closest thing to that I ever had was Bobby and I couldn't be with him now.

"Lets get food and come back to chill up here" she said and I followed her down stairs.

"Oh I almost forgot!" She picked up her house phone "We gotta call the school, pay attention because it will be your turn after"

She took out a post-it that had a number scribbled under the name "Elaine's School" she coughed and when she spoke her voice sounded more grown up and mature.

"Hello, this is Evelyn Parker, and I  am calling in for my student" she took a small pause and listened "Yes my daughter's name is Elaine Rosalynd Parker she is in the 12th grade." another small pause "She is home sick" pause "Yes I think it's that flu that's going around" pause "will do, you have a nice day, good bye" she hang the up down and I laughed.

"Wouldn't your mom mind?" Her eyes showed a sad expression, and shook her head.

"Nah she doesn't care, here its your turn" she dialed the number and handed me the phone. I was nervous but I took a deep breath.

"Hello this is Virginia MacAleese, I'm calling in for my daughter Samaria Leigh Haynesworth, she is in the 12th grade. She is home sick so she wont be in school today." The secretary wished a speedy recovery and that she would take care of the absence. I thanked her and wished her a nice day.

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