Chapter 7- "Worlds Apart" (Part 1)

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"As painfully slow as it felt sometimes, time actually started to passed me by, I remember that almost two months had gone by and I still wouldn't talk to my mother unless it was utterly necessary, I didn't even cross path with Matt. I'd avoid the bitch.

My mother did try to make effort with me, I feel that now that I look back at it, being back in her homeland started to give her a bit of a back bone.

Like for example against Matt's will she bought me a car, she got me a nice television, and satellite I had access to channels in the UK so I watched every X-factor show, I recorded them as well.
I would go to the library use the Internet there, and I would print out pictures, read stuff about them, I was doing everything in my power to keep up with them, Its like I was the first 1D fan in the USA.

I got a part time job at a restaurant. I was earning up to leave by my next birthday. Guys! I remember that first month and a half was the worst for me. I had never been so alone in my whole entire life, not even when I first moved to Ireland.
But just like Niall came to me at my lowest point so unexpected, something else was coming my way just as unnoticed.
You would think that by then I would have realized that the best things come always when you least expect.."

***Millie's POV***

Today is Saturday October 16th 2010, about 10 days from October 27th.
This would have been the first official year anniversary of Niall and I, it probably was still, I mean technically he didn't know I was gone and we never had broken up so we're still dating.
In a very complex way he was still mine, I on the other hand was still and would always be completely his.

Today is a very chilly after noon, I woke up to find that almost every leaf in every tree had changed color. I watched my boys give their performance and I swear they would get better by the week.
I'm so proud of them, if only there was one way to tell him, but deep down I know that he is aware of that.

I don't work today, neither did Matt, so I got ready to go to a coffee shop.
I grabbed my keys and stuffed them in my purse,took the book size album I bought to put the pictures of Niall and I, a book, and a sweater in case it got cold.

"Where are you headed Sammie-Leigh?" My mother was outside raking leaves.
She was the only one to still call me that, Matt just called me Samaria, which was perfect I wouldn't want him using the name Niall gave me.
I made sure every here just like in Ireland knew me as Millie, I liked it that way.

"Just out to some coffee shop, I got some homework i'd like to do" she gave me the concerned glance but she probably knew I just didn't want to breathe the same air as Matt.

"Alright darling don't be out too late."

The coffee shop was nearly empty today, I liked this place it had a retro feeling to it.
I went up to place my order, I knew the girl who worked here she went to school with me, her name was Elaine, and was probably the only person who didn't bully me.

"Hi Millie! what can I get for you?" She was liked in school, she was outgoing and care free and seemed fun, she was respected.

"Hey Elaine, I want an English Toffee with White Chocolate Double-Shot of Espresso, Frappe style and go crazy with the whipped cream"

"Isnt it a bit cold for a Frappe?" she laughed

"It is never to cold for a Frappe, Oh yeah can you make that into a large?"

"Sure thing" I paid and she got to work, she was about my height, strawberry blond, with huge doll-like blue eyes, thickly framed with lashes, I liked her eyes they where so blue they reminded me of Niall's.

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