Chapter 6- "Amongst The Stars"

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Tears kept flowing out my eyes. Funny how some scars look healed, yet is just a matter of touching them a bit to find they are still fresh and you can steel bleed.
"I'm so sorry guys, I didn't mean to start crying" I tell my Viewers as i'm drying my tears with the back of my sleeve.
Even they seem to be holding still I knew they where still watching me for I could see the numbers rising, but no one was messaging me.
Maybe they also needed a moment to take in what had happened. After a moment of gathering my emotions, and taking deep breaths it was time to continue.

"Are you guys still with me?" I gave the camera a small smile, and at that instant the messages came back and wouldn't stop, all of them where a bit similar, they all arranged from: "I hate Matt" "You're step-monster is a dick, how could your mom just stand there and do nothing?" "I'm sorry Millie :'( Xx" "I'm pretty sure most of this fandom who is watching this is crying with you :'(" "I'm so angry! should seriously consider trending #FuckYouMatt or Idk just something or flat out punch that dick in the balls!" "Cry all you want Millie! Just let it all out!" "Please Don't cry babe Xx" "What happened next?" All of them made me smile.

"So I moved to the states, to New York, Not New York City but rather a smallish growing town about 3 hours away from the city called Elmira.."

***Millie's POV***

We traveled the whole day, almost nine hours to get to New York City, and close to four hours to get to Elmira.
Turned out that when we went to Scotland earlier this summer Matt made a deal with his one of his relatives, his cousin John has property in New York, (in Elmira to be specific) the deal was to trade Matt's house in Mullingar, for Johns house in Elmira.
Whatever money my mother and Matt had saved up was used on traveling expenses, and to buy a car, a car which was waiting for us as soon as we arrived to New York City.

We pulled to the drive way of our new house by night fall, it was two floors, but not as big or as nice as the house in Ireland.

"Your room is up stairs, the second door to the right." Said Matt brusquely at me.
I just simply nodded. I hadn't spoken to either of them since I arrived home from Bobby's house last night. "Bathroom is right across from you"

"Our things arrived earlier this afternoon, John's friend put most of it the garage or in that pile on the living room, Honey if you need anything just go grab it. Our room is here down stairs, just come get me if you need me" she rested her hand on my shoulder and shrugged it off, after all she had done she still had the nerve to play nice, she was trying but its not like I cared.

I picked up my luggage I took on the plane and made it to the room that was supposedly mine.
My bed was already put in place, as where a couple of shelves, and a few boxes big boxes with my name where brought up. It was a pretty decent sized room, the room was painted white aside from one wall that was a nasty shade of green, such a pale green it reminded me of baby food, I had a window seat, and thankfully no neighbors behind the house. The stars where beginning to come out, how weird was it to think about that by the time I was going to sleep Niall would be close to waking up.

He is so far from me. I needed to distract so I decided to open up a few boxes. I pulled out sheets made my bed, pulled out a few clothing items put them away.
One box was full of my books, I picked up 7 of them but as I was heading towards the shelf I tripped dropping half of them on the floor, making a bunch of pictures of Niall and me that I had kept between their pages to protect them from Mom and Matt to go everywhere across the floor.
That right there did it, It brought me to my knees full of tears, something that felt like a knife ripping at my chest would cause me to rock back and forth, it hurt more with every picture I carefully picked up.
I wasnt gone for a day away from Ireland, away from him, yet the pain was already killing me, How I was to live a whole year like this was beyond me.

***Niall's POV***

I woke up to the sound of Harry's snoring, damn it was still early! all five of us shared a bedroom, the rest of the boys seem to have grown used to it so they hadn't been woken up.
I wanted to keep sleeping I was drained from last night performance, it was our second one, and it had gone amazing and as always we had gone to bed late, I was exhausted but that damn Curly fry wasn't going to let me sleep with all that snoring.

I stretched a little bit on my bed thinking, maybe today I'd call my dad if I got some free time. Something was wrong, I could feel it on my bones, every time I asked about Millie in the two weeks i'd been here, he would go all quiet, and it was always the same excuse "her parents have her on a leash and wont let her leave the house much" "she hasn't been able to come down"
I know my Millie, she would have found a way to get to my house and give me a call, she would have sent me a letter by now, she would have done something, but so far nothing, what was going on? I decided to get out of bed and give my dad a call.


"You are up early Bobby"

"Niall! How are you Son? Yes well I gotta work today, Nice job last night! You tell the lads I said you guys did amazing!"

"Thanks pops means a lot! Hey lisen have you heard from Millie?" I crossed my fingers for some good news.

"Yes!" I let a sigh of relief "She and Megan where here last night and they watched the show with me and Greg! She loved it son she was cheering for you lads the whole time, she told me to tell you that she loves you so much and that she is so proud of you, she also mentioned to tell the lads she says hello" That made me smile.

"That makes me so happy! Thanks dad for passing that on, I was getting worried I had some weird feeling, like there is something wrong over there."

"No Niall don't you worry we are all fine, Millie is just more restricted than before, I swear that Matt has got her locked up real bad all she is missing is the tower and dragon to keep her from humanity, but she got away last night, but she is fine son."

"That pisses me off, but I'm glad to know that she is able to escape for a bit, one day this will all be over Bobby."

"Yeah, someday she will get away, but I got to go now, I cant be late for work" we said our good bye's and I crawled back into bed, maybe now that I knew things where ok i'd be able to sleep better.

***Bobby's POV***

I absolutely hated to lie to him like that, I had practiced that story since the night before.
My boy couldn't know the truth just yet, Millie was right he had to maintain focused, specially now.
The day Millie left this town I spread word among the town and specially on everyone close to Niall, I had forced them to secrecy if Niall was to reach out to any of them while he was gone they where all to say that Millie was still here. I asked them to say that she was just under a lock and key by her parents, they would need to help me protect Niall.

I felt terrible for even telling a lie, let alone telling a lie to my own son, and I pray God forgives me every time.
Today when he said he felt something was wrong scared me, I knew that if I wanted to keep this up I needed to pick it up and make the stories seem more real, I promised to Millie, and I intended to keep that promise.

***Millie's POV***

Well this blew.

School sucked, I had been out of the States for so long I knew nothing!
It was different from schools in Ireland, I was getting teased a lot too, kids just wheren't as nice here.
Or at least to me, I was becoming an out cast.
I hardly ate anything so I was dropping a lot of weight, all my clothing fit baggy.
I was still getting used to the time difference, and either way I hardly slept, so my eyes had dark circles. When I was alone I could never stop crying so my eyes where always red and puffy.
I no longer cared who saw me, I had no one to impress, so I stopped wearing make up, my hair was always up now too.
I spoke to no one, and I wasn't very nice either. This place was changing me, I was getting a bit of an edge.
I no longer was intimidated that easily. I no longer cared, all I wanted was to get through this year.

The only place I took comfort was at night, when everyone else was asleep I would sit on my window and I would watch the stars.
It reminded me that even though I was thousands of Miles away from the only thing I had ever loved, we where still under the same sky, the same moon who watched over him at night was over me right now.

I would just sit there and remember that amongst all those stars he was there somewhere.

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