Chapter 20-"Star-Crossed"(Part 3)

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***I am very sorry, really guys I am, I know what I've said about doing things sooner.But I have so much on my plate right now, On top of always being so busy, Like cant catch a breather type of busy, I'm dealing with a lot; I have lost someone who meant the world to me. At the moment I'm dealing with grieving, depression, major stress, anxiety, at nights insomnia or over sleeping, and a case of emotional trauma, so things are quite hard for me. But I keep pushing forward, because I got to continue, because I have to try, I owe it to my self, and my loved one. I've lost my drive for a lot of things, writing among them, but I am trying to remember the reason I would do it, I'm digging deep withing my self to get me back. So I am sorry, I really am, but bear with me, I will get there again. When I started this story, June 06th 2013 I gave me a one year dead line. I actually would have finished this book sometime this April or May, for I only had so many more chapters planed, But this changed everything. I hope not to disappoint. Thank you for sticking by, and Private messaging me, means so much to me! Thanks for voting for reading, and those sweet comments and words of encouragement. Thank you! for Sticking with me. Now Lets continue with the last of the "Star Crossed" chapters. ( hint re search the word Star Crossed you'll know why I named these 3 chapters after that)***

Love You Loads!



***Millie's POV***

"Elaine!" I whined banging on the door for the 3rd time, I had a good couple of cups of coffee already to snap me wide awake, and now I was jumping around doing the potty dance outside the bathroom door trying to get Elaine to hurry up, cause I had to pee.

"Jesus Christ!" Said Elaine bursting the door open, yet still blocking my entrance "Today could be the day when I meet my soon to be hubby ahem Mr. Styles, and here I am trying to make an impression and here you are about to pee in the carpet!" She wrapped her towels tighter around her and marched to her room. I basically bolted in there.

She was right however; today could be finally the day.

***Niall's POV***

"Wha- Who-Whe-" I didn't know what I wanted to ask Tony, He was just standing there with a raised eyebrow looking at me "WHY?!" I shouted I finally shouted.

"Because she graduated, and that's what 18 year old's usually do, unless you are my Nephew, in which case you crash at my older sister's house well until your 30's because, why leave when you got free food and rent...he's a lazy ass, but that's a different story" he Took my arm "Here, sit down" I quite obediently did so. "Grace!" he called out.

"What?" Shouted a female voice from the Kitchen

"Bring our young friend here a glass of water, cause he looks like he's gonna pass out." He took a seat in front of me, and motioned Paul the chair next to me. "I know where I've seen you before! Millie's school folders! She'd do her homework in the back in her spare time, and she had pictures of you and her." He smiled at me, and I felt my face lit up, she still loved me. "You look a bit different, but thats alright, a boy does change a bit in his growing up years. Grace where's that water?!"

"I'm right here" Said a middle aged woman walking out with a glass of water for me, she took a look at Paul "You didn't mention there was two people Tony! I'll be back with a glass for you sir"

"My younger sister" Said Tony pointing at her "Grace" She smiled politely.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Niall and this is Paul" I told her, She was about to leave when she turned around and faced me.

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