Chapter 1

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Cassie's POV: "Cassie come down here please" I heard my mom call from downstairs and I ran down the steps and almost fell on my face. "Cassie luck" I heard my sister Tasha scream. "shut up" I said and she laughed. I got down to the kitchen where my mom was standing and she yelled for Tasha. "Ok girls, for your birthdays we are going to the mall and then going out to eat so go get ready" she said and we both ran back up stairs.

Cassie and Tasha are twins and they are now 13 they have dark brown hair, blue eyes and are short and they live in California

We got upstairs and went to our rooms to get dressed and I checked my phone which was on the charger I unplugged it because it was finally fully charged. I was going to post a picture of me and Tasha together saying it was our birthday but then I saw all the pictures I had of Johnnie Guilbert. "oh my gosh he's so cute" I whispered to myself. I put my phone down after posting the picture of me and Tasha and finally got ready it took me ten minutes just to find an outfit I decided to wear my favorite outfit since after all it is my birthday. "Cassie are you ready" I heard Tasha yell. "ya let me get some shoes" i said and grabbed my black converse. I ended up wearing a Johnnie Guilbert shirt with black skinny jeans, a FIR, and BOTDF bracelet, and my black converse. We walked down stairs and told mom we were ready and got in the car. The mall was 5 minutes away and mom already knew that the only store we were going to go to is Hot Topic. We each were allowed to get 6 outfits and 2 pairs of shoes and 5 bracelets which was fine by me.

"Now before we go out to eat I have a surprise for you" she said smiling. "What is it" i couldn't help asking. "Just wait were almost there" she said and 2 minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of white wizard and me Tasha squealed. "Ok Tasha you're getting your lip pierced and Cassie your getting your belly button pierced, that is what you girls wanted right" mom asked us. "Ya" we said at the same time. She had to sign some papers saying that she gave permission for us to get piercings and then it was time to get them and i went first. It hurt a little bit but not much it just felt like a shot just a little pinch. And then it was Tasha's turn. She said hers didn't hurt either. We hugged mom and thanked her for letting us get them. We went to Bob Evans to eat and it was so good. We pulled into a hair place called Beauty Academy and I was confused. "What are we doing here" Tasha asked she must have been confused too. "bright green and red right" mom asked. "yassss" we both screamed.

I have always wanted my hair died bright green but mom had always said no. I was so excited. We walked in and mom talked to a lady at the desk and 15 minutes later someone called my name. I followed the person to a chair and mirror and sat down. She got bright green hair dye and when I saw it I smiled. She ended up smiling when she saw me smiling she probably thought it was funny that I was so excited. It took 15 minutes to get the hair dye in and then we let it set for awhile and went to the sinks which is the worse part because it hurts your neck really bad. After she got down washing my hair I had to go to the big hair dryers. Them things make it feel like there's a fire on your head it sucks but it's worth it. Tasha ended up coming to the hair dryers 2 minutes after I did. The ladies walked away and me and Tasha started talking. "there's only one thing that could make our birthday better" i said smiling. "Meeting Andy Biersack and Johnnie Guilbert" she replied. "Exactly" I said and we laughed.

It only took ten minutes for our hair to dry and it was perfectly dry too. While we were walking back to mom while we passed the mirrors we kept looking at ourselves and kept smiling. Our hair looked so pretty. Mom paid for getting our hair died and we walked out to the car. "Well now I can tell you two apart"She said and laughed. We got into the car and went home. It was only four which made me surprised I figured it was way later than that. We posted pictures together on Instagram and Facebook showing our new hair. Everybody loved it. I got my phone out and was scrolling through my notifications and almost fainted. "Tasha come here now and bring your phone" I screamed. "what" she said running in. "Johnnie freaking Guilbert told me happy birthday and followed me" I said and she started scrolling through her notifications and screamed. "Yassss"She said and I laughed. She went back to her room and I thanked Johnnie for telling me happy birthday and for following me and he instantly replied and i screamed.

My throat was starting to hurt from all the screaming but I didn't care I was so happy. This is the best birthday ever. It would be way better if we got to meet him but that would be asking too much. So i never brought it up in front of mom. "Girls come down here someone i here to see you" I heard mom yell and me and Tasha raced down the steps. As son as we got to the bottom we both screamed on the top of our lungs. "Johnnie Guilbert" I screamed and we both ran over to him and there was also a lady with him. "Girls we need to talk about something very important" mom said

hey guys i hop you like this story so far peace out girl/boy scouts

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