chapter 10

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Cassie's POV: I hate going school shopping but at least I only have to get one dress. Knowing me I'll probably get way more. We got to the mall and we all got out of the car. "Please don't make us shop at those places" Tasha said as soon as we walked in the mall. "The light hurts my eyes" she said and she hissed and Sears light as we walked in. "It burns" I said shielding my eyes. Me and Tasha looked at each other and smiled. "Sometimes I sleep all day because I hate the sun light" we sang together and then we started laughing. "Just one dress please but no black" she said and Tasha did a demon screech. "I have an idea" I said and I ran off and Tasha, Jake and Beau followed me. "Look" I said holding up a dress. "Blood, blood gallons of the stuff you give them more that they can drink but it will never be enough" I said and Tasha grabbed the dress too. "BLOOD" she screamed and I started dying from laughter because everyone in the store looked at us. "Ok they found their dress, now you boys need something dressy" she said and she looked around. "Light brown dress pants a white shirt and red tie" she said and she handed the boys their things. They both looked extremely disgusted by the white but aw well. "We are actually going to dress like twins wow" I said and started laughing. I remembered how me and Tasha always dressed alike when we were little but now its just silly.

"We could have tricked people if I didn't have a lip piercing and we didn't have different colors of hair" Tasha said and that gave me an idea. "Mom can I get a lip piercing" I asked and she just sighed. "As long as you don't trick me" she said and I smiled. "How about blue" Tasha said and I just looked at mom. "Ok fine" she said and we high fived. "Can you guys get blue or any other color you want" Tasha asked and we both just looked at them and they looked at each other. "Blue" They said and they both smiled. "This is going to be good" I said laughing. "Beauty Academy here we come" mom said and she paid and we left. "And white wizard" I said and Tasha laughed. "I need a belly button" she said and mom sighed. "You're going to make me pay a lot" she said as we got in the car. "We can pay, we get loads of money from videos" I said and five minutes later we got to the beauty academy. "Hi I'd like to get all of these kids hair dyed" she said to the woman at the desk. "What color" she asked. "Blue" she replied. "All of them" she asked confused. "Yes" she said and we all started laughing. "But you won't be able to tell them apart" she said and we all laughed harder. "They're paying so they'll get what they want" mom said and we went and sat down. Ten minutes later a girl called my name and I walked behind her and sat down in the chair.

"I could recognize you from anywhere I love your videos" she said as she started messing with my hair. "Thanks" I said smiling. "I've always loved your hair why are you changing it" she asked me and I tried not to laugh. "Well me and Tasha and of course Jake and Beau will be starting high school next week and we want to trick a few people" I said and I smiled an evil grin. "What about your lip" she asked me. "I'm getting it pierced" I said and she smiled. "I can pierce it" she said and I thought for a second. "You can" I asked her. "Ya after I do your hair" she said and she started putting the dye in. "Thanks" I said and I cringed because the dye was cold. "Sorry" she said laughing. She finished dying my hair and then we went to the sinks. "I really hate this part" I said as I sat down and put by head in the sink. "I'll make it fast" she said and Tasha walked in. "Hi" I said and she sat down next to me. "She is going to pierce my lip" I said pointing at the girl doing my hair and she waved. "Do you think you could do my belly button" Tasha asked her and she smiled. "Of course" she said and she started rinsing out the extra hair dye. "Hi Beau" I said as I saw him walk in as me and Tasha finally finished. "Hey" he said and we walked to the hair dryers. "Ten minutes" she said and she walked off.

"She's a big fan" I said and Tasha smiled. "I kinda figured that out" she said laughing. Five minuted later Beau and Jake walked in and sat down. "Ouch I need a neck massage" Jake said rubbing his neck. "Guess you're buying a neck massager" Tasha said and me and Beau laughed. "That's not what I was expecting you to say" Jake said and she smiled. "Ok let's go in here to pierce your guys lip and belly button" she said walking back in and we walked in to a little room. "Oh my name is Grace by the way" she said and I sat down in a chair. She stuck the needle in my lip and I winced a little. "Sorry" she said as she put the lip ring in. I got out of the chair and Tasha laid down. She put a new needle in Tasha's skin but she didn't react at all. I don't understand how though. "Thank you so much" I said and I hugged Grace. "You're welcome" she said and we walked out to where mom was. "Your lip" she said and I smiled. "Grace pierced it. "And my belly button" Tasha said and she lifted her shirt. "Put your shirt down" I said and she laughed. "Group photo" I said and we all took a picture. "No posting we have to go all week undiscovered" I said and Grace had to go so we paid the desk lady and left.

Thanks for reading peace out girl/boy scouts

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