chapter 5

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Cassie's POV: We walked out to the kitchen and Tasha and Jake were in there eating cereal. I didn't feel like eating so I just sat down and waited for everyone else to finish which didn't take to long. We all went outside because it felt nice out and we sat in the grass and all of us were still in our pajamas. Me and Tasha were both wearing shorts and tank tops so it felt kind of weird. "I'm dying my hair green like Cassie's" Beau randomly said and me and Tasha laughed. "I'm dying mine red like Tasha's" Jake said and we laughed again. "Wohoo Tasha now were going to be twinzies with our boyfriends" I said and we laughed again. "I'm gonna ask if we can dye it right now" Beau said and him and Jake ran inside. "Wow" I did and that's all I could say. Me and Tasha looked at each other and just started laughing.

"Hey what time is it" she asked me and I pulled my phone out of my pocket. "10:32" I told her. "Ok Johnnie should be awake then" she said. "Hey let's got to the park" I said. And we got up and just started walking. We ran to the park and got on the swings. "Cassie" Tasha said smiling. "Yeeeessss" I said. "Were still in our pajamas and we just left our house without anyone knowing where we went" She said continuing to smile. "Were so smart" I replied and we started laughing. People started showing up at the park and walking over to us. "No don't look at us were practically naked" I screamed while running away laughing. "Nudity" Tasha screamed and we were both running around like idiots. We stopped because my phone rang it was Johnnie.

Johnnie: park

Me: yup

Johnnie: come home

Me: k

I hung up the phone and we started walking back. It didn't take to long to get home. We walked in the door and Johnnie was sitting on the couch. "Get dressed were going to get their hair died" he said and we both went to our rooms. It was 87° out so I didn't want to wear jeans. I made Beau get out so I could change. I changed into black high waist shorts the white shirt I got yesterday and the white boots. I hurried and straightened my hair but didn't bother with make up. I walked out and Tasha was still getting ready. When she finally came out she was wearing the same thing as me. "Oh ya twinzies" I said and we high five and Johnnie laughed. We walked out to the car Tasha sat up front. We went to the same place mom had taken us to get our hair died. When they called Beau's name I went with him so I could watch his reaction. "Hey I remember you I died your hair" the hair lady said smiling.

She did his hair and he started getting irritated. "This is taking forever" he complained. "Seriously it took way longer for me because you have short hair" I said laughing. We walked to the sinks and she washed out the extra dye. "Ow ow OW" he kept saying. I just kept laughing at him and then it was time for the hair dryers. "It burns" he complained. "Stop complaining so much" I said still laughing. Jake and Tasha walked up and Jake sat down. "This burns" Jake said. "Dude that's the billionth time you complained" Tasha said and I laughed. "I know your feeling" I said to Tasha and looked at Beau. After ten minutes the ladies came back and let us leave. As soon as we saw their hair we burst out laughing. We started walking back and they looked in the mirrors at their reflection.

When we walked up to Johnnie he started dying from laughter too. He paid the desk lady and we left. "Hey I'm proud to match my girlfriend" Beau said. "Ya me too" Jake replied. "You guys look's the word" I said laughing. "Ridiculous" Tasha screamed and we both started laughing. "Its ok your still cute" I said and covered my mouth. And Beau laughed at me. We finally got home and we decided to go to the park. "Be back before dark its supposed to storm" Johnnie said and we started walking off. "I hate storms" I said and Tasha laughed. "Really" Beau asked. "She is like terrified by them" Tasha said and she wasn't joking. We got to the park and we went on the merry go round. Me and Tasha sat on it and Beau and Jake spun it and we were sitting in the middle holding on for our lives. "I'm gonna puke" I screamed."I'm gonna fly off this thing" Tasha said and the guys stopped it. When they stopped it,it jolted and me and Tasha both hit our heads on the bars we were holding on to.

"Ow" we both said at the same time and I rubbed my for head. "Sorry are you girls ok" Beau said and they walked over to us and helped us up. "Yup" I replied. We took pictures together and posted them and people commented on them and liked them. Most of the comments said that we were cute couples. We started feeling sprinkles. "Come on let's go" Jake said. "No" I said and stood there. "Its not dark and we love playing in the rain" Tasha told them so they understood why I said no. "Ok fine but if we hear thunder or see lightning were running back to the house" Beau said and me and Tasha started running around in the rain. "Start pouring" I kept screaming and the rain got heavier and heavier. "Yayy" me and Tasha both screamed.

Beau walked up to me as it was pouring and Jake walked up to Tasha. They stood in front of us and me and Tasha were smiling and they started smiling too. Beau stroked my face that was wet with rain water and leaned in and kissed me. We pulled apart and I smiled. "So did you think it would be more romantic like in movies since it is raining" I said laughing and he smiled. I looked at Tasha and Jake leaned in and kissed her. I smiled and Beau started to grab my waist. "Give me those kisses" he said smiling and I pulled away and ran while laughing. I looked back and he was right behind me. I ended up tripping in the mud and he fell over me. There was a bright flash and a loud sound and I looked up quickly and saw that lightning had struck the tree we were all standing my earlier before it started raining.

Hiiii I don't know what to say lol peace out girl/boy scouts

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