chapter 14

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Johnnie's POV: Me and Andy got back home around three hours later and there was a police car in our driveway. "Are you Johnnie" a officer asked as we walked in. "Ya where is everyone" I asked and me we walked over to him. "The kids are all with their mother" he said even though I knew it was only the girls mother. "But why aren't they here" Andy asked confused. "Oh not your mother, she's missing" he said and I felt really shocked. "Come on we're getting the kids" I said to Andy and we got in the car. We got there a few minutes later since it was only a few blocks away. "Hey its Johnnie and Andy" I said knocking on the door. "Come on in" I heard someone say. "We just got back from skyzone" Cassie said coming up to me. "Where's mom" I asked her. "They took her after they took you" she answered and I felt horrible. "Let's go home" I said and started walking towards the door. "Wait, we want to stay the night here" Tasha said and I stopped. "Ok do you mind if we stay too" I asked their mother. "Of course you can stay" she said and she smiled so I smiled back. "Thanks" I said and she kept smiling. "Let's go try and find your mom kids you stay here" Andy said and we walked out the door. "Ok so let's go to the house and see if they left anything to give us a clue where she is" I said and we started jogging towards the house. "Hey can we go in, I forgot my phone here earlier" Andy said to the officer and he let us in. "Ok we better hurry" Andy said and we started looking all around the house. I went into Tasha's room and is saw blood on her bed. That must have been where he hurt Cassie. "Hey I found something" I heard Andy yell and I went to the kitchen.

"Its a note" Andy said and he handed it to me. Hey Jai I'm taking their mom to the abandoned house at the corner of Clum and Cool road how did the police manage to not see this. We walked up to the door and the officer let us out and we ran to the corner of Clum and Cool. "Shoot we should have brought police" I said and Andy got his phone out. "This is Andy Biersack my friends mom was recently kidnapped and we think we found her we're at the corner of Clum and Cool road please don't use sirens while coming thanks" he said and he hung up. "Ok well we can't go in until they get here" Andy said and I saw the house. "Its looks haunted" I said and Andy smiled. "Cool" he said and I laughed at the look on his face. "Here they come" I said and a minute later they parked beside us. "Can we go in and if we need you we'll yell" I asked and they said yes. "We will be ready to shoot if we have to" the officer said and he got his gun out. "I don't think that will be necessary" I said and we slowly walked in. "Let's go down here I hear talking" Andy said and he opened the door and there was a lot of stairs. Mom's face lit up when she saw us but I signaled for her to stay quiet. She didn't look hurt which was good. There was only two guys down there with her so Andy got one and so did I. "We got them" I yelled as loud as I could and the police ran down the stairs. They put them in handcuffs and I untied mom and she hugged me. "How are the kids" she asked me and she looked scared for the answer. "They're all at Cassie and Tasha's mom's house" I said and she looked relieved.

Cassie's POV: Its been over an hour since the guys left and we haven't really done anything but sit and talk. The guys walked in with Bella and we all ran over and hugged her. "Johnnie told me you are all staying here tonight" she said after we were all done hugging her. "Ya we are" Tasha said and she looked at mom. "Do you mind if I stay, I don't really want to stay there by myself" she asked her and mom smiled. "Of course all of you can stay" she said and I winced from the pain in my leg. "Oh my what happened" Bella asked me and Beau explained it to her while Tasha got me some ice. "Aw sweetie I'm so sorry" she said and she hugged me again. "Oh no check out what's trending on Twitter" Jake said and we all took out our phones. #thekidsintheblackjacket
The five tweets I saw first was. I saw them at the park. I saw them at skyzone. I saw one had blue hair. All I know is they're in California. Let's all find out who they are. "Maybe we should stay out of public" Jake said and we all agreed.

Skips to Monday ~first day of school~

"Wake up" Johnnie said shaking me. "I don't wanna go" I pouted and just laid there. "Come on you're gonna be late" he said and I slowly sat up. He walked out and I started getting ready. I put on the blood red dress and black flats and straightened my hair and walked out of the room. "Ok let's see how this goes" I said to Tasha as she walked out of her room with the outfit on. The boys walked out in their outfits and they both looked extremely tired. "Here so we know who is who" Beau said and he handed me a necklace with the sun on it and Jake handed Tasha one with the moon. "They each put one on too and we his them under our shirts so nobody saw. "Let's go" I said and I checked to make sure you couldn't see where the stitches used to be. "You'll leg is healing really good" Tasha said looking down at my leg. "Ya the scars aren't too bad" I said and I grabbed my bag. It was a Botdf like Tasha's and we walked out the door to go to school. "We have to go to the office for you guys but me and Tasha have always went here so we're fine" I said as we walked into the school ten minutes later. "Hi I'm Beau and this is my brother Jake we're new here and we all need our schedules" he said and the secretary stood up and grabbed all of our schedules. "Your boys uncle requested all of you have the same classes" she said and we looked at our schedules.

Choir 7:53-8:41
Gym 8:44-9:32
English 9:35-10:23
Social Studies 10:26-11:14
Algebra 11:17-12:05
Lunch 12:08-12:32
Study hall 12:35-1:23
Science 1:26-2:14
Spanish 2:17-3:05

"Nooo not second period gym" Tasha said and I had an oh crap thought. "We didn't bring gym clothes" I said and I smacked my hand to my forehead. "Well let's go to the choir room" Tasha said and we started walking off.

Thanks for reading peace out girl/boy scouts

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