chapter 8

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Cassie's POV: "Come on let's go up to the room" I said and we stood up. Tasha and Jake had already went up to their room and Andy was still just standing there crying. We went into the room and Beau sat down on the bed and stared at the wall. "It will get better I promise, it may take awhile but it will get better" I said as I hugged him again. "Thanks Cassie, and thanks for being here for me right now" He said and he kissed my cheek. "Do you want to talk about it" I asked him and he was messing with his hands and he looked down at them. "No sorry" he said still looking down. "Its ok I understand" I said and hugged him again. "What do you want to do" I asked him. He wouldn't look up at all. "How about you get some rest" I said and he laid down on the bed and I waited for him to fall asleep before I walked out. "Johnnie can I talk to you for a second" I asked and him and Andy were sitting on the couch. "Sure" he said walking over to me. "So how is Andy" I asked looking over at him. "Not so good" Johnnie said and Andy looked our way and his eyes were red.

"How's Beau" Johnnies asked me. "He's asleep but he didn't want to talk about it" I said and I saw Tasha walk out of her room while closing the door. "He fell asleep" she said as she walked over to us. "So how long are they staying with us" I asked Johnnie. "I'm not sure but I invited Andy to stay with us as long as he needs to" Johnnie said and we all looked at Andy. His head was on his hands and he was shaking so Johnnie walked over to him. "We need to try and get their minds off it for a little bit" Tasha said and I agreed. "I have no idea how to though" I said and I looked over at Johnnie patting Andy on the back. "I feel so bad for them" Tasha said and she looked down at the ground. "Ya me too" I said and I started messing with my hands. "We could take them to the park but I'm not sure if that will help any" I said and Tasha looked at me. "What if we make them have like a scavenger hunt with a big prize at the end that should take their minds off it for a little bit" she said and I smiled. "Ok let's ask Johnnie if we can go to the store real quick" I said and walked over to him. "Ok he said sounds good" I said as I slipped on my shoes.

"What should the prize be" I asked Tasha. "Um what about a gun guys love guns" she said and I smiled. "Perfect" I said and we went off to Walmart. "So for the hunt I was thinking maybe taping pieces of papers and giving clues to things" Tasha said while we started walking. "Ok" I said and started jogging. "We need to hurry though before they wake up" I said and she started running and so did I. It took us 30 minutes because we had to convince the people that we were allowed to buy the gun. We got back and ran to get some paper and tape and ran to the park. "Too much running I can't breathe" I said as soon as we got to the park. "Ok where should we hide them" Tasha asked. "By the little pond back in the woods" I said and her face lit up. "Great idea" she said as we ran back and his them and wrote a note. Great job you have found your prize
We started taping clues to trees and monkey bars and all other sorts of things. "Ok let's get back" Tasha said and we ran back to the house. We ran into our rooms and woke the guys up. "Me and Tasha have a surprise for you guys come on hurry" I said smiling and he quickly got his shoes on.

"Let's go" Tasha said as her and Jake got to the door. "We have to hurry before if gets dark" I said and we all started running. We got to the park and we all stopped so me and Tasha could tell them what was going on. "Ok so we are going to have a little scavenger hunt" Tasha said smiling. "There are clues all over the park to where your prize is" I said smiling. "Here's your first clue" Tasha said and handed them a piece of paper. Im under the shade not up in a tree I still see the skies where could I be "Ok so its in the shade but not up in a tree but it doesn't say anything about being down at the bottom of one" Beau said and they ran over to a tree. "Found it" Jake said holding up the next clue. I go round and round and make you dizzy look very close because its somewhere under me
"Round and round it must be the Merry Go Round" Jake said and they ran over to it. "Under it let's check the bottom" Beau said and they got on their hands and knees and looked at the bottom for the clue. "Wait here's a freshly dug up spot" Beau said and he started undigging it. "Here" He said handing it to Jake to read.

Look up up up high and away I soar very high and sometimes I sway "Monkey bars" Beau asked. "No they don't move so they can't sway" Jake said and they started looking around. "Swings" They both said at the same time and ran over to it.

Skips a few clues to the last

You can catch a great breeze her and its really refreshing I'm deep in the woods where can you find me "The only place in the woods would be the pond" Jake said and they ran into the woods and we followed them. "Ok we need to look for a clue or something" Beau said and they looked around. "There's something white in those bushes" Jake said and they went over to it. Great job you have found your prize they dug into the bushes and lifted up the guns. "Thanks" Beau said and pointed it at his head. "No" I screamed. I knew there wasn't any bullets in it yet but that's still not smart to do. "Its just a joke calm down" he said and took the gun down. "Well not a very funny one" I said and turned away.

Sorry for not updating this in awhile I have been updating a different one instead if you ever want me to update comment and tell me and I will as soon as I can Peace out girl/boy scouts

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