chapter 11

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Cassie's POV: We got in the car and went home and Johnnie looked extremely surprised by what he saw. "I can't tell any of you apart" he said and we all smiled. "That's the point" I said laughing. "Well let's see Cassie laughs more than Tasha so you're Cassie" he said and I frowned. "No fair" I said and crossed my arms. "I can tell my own sisters apart" he said and Andy walked up to us. "Let me see something" Andy said and he walked around the boys. "You're Jake, you always move away a little when I come that close to you or when anyone does" Andy said and I was so surprised they knew who was who. "Ok well nobody can know we changed our looks" Tasha said and I shook my head. "Ok but I wanted to go to the park" Beau said and I grabbed a black jacket and put it on and put the hood up so it covered my face. "I'll go get more" Johnnie said and he walked to our rooms. "Thanks" Tasha said as he handed them the jackets. "Its gonna look weird because its 85° out but whatever" Jake said and we walked out. "Do you guys want to come" I asked before we walked out. "No we might blow your cover" Andy said and he kinda had a point. "Woah why is there so many people here" I asked as my jaw dropped when we got there. "It looks like there's something going on" Jake said and it looked like Tasha tried not to smack him. "Well no duh, everyone is standing in a crowd" she said and I started walking towards the crowd. "Hey what's going on" I asked somebody and kept my head lowered and tried to disguise my voice a little. "And we will do anything to find their school sceduals and kidnap them" I heard someone say and everyone yelled ya. "Who's this about" I asked confused. "Beau, Jake, Tasha, and Cassie" the person said and I started walking away. "Guys let's get out of here now" I said and we started walking away.

"Wait I know that voice from anywhere" I heard a boy say and they all turned towards us. "Its them" he yelled and they all started running after us. "Run" I screamed and we all started running home. "Hey Johnnie there's kinda some people like a lot of people chasing us home and I'm pretty sure they want to kidnap us" I said calling him. "Me and Andy are on our way" he said and hung up. "Oh my gosh they're fast" Jake said and I looked back and they were really close. I saw Andy and Johnnie running towards us and I saw both of their jaws drop. Probably because of all the people behind us. "Woah woah woah" Johnnie said stepping between us and the crowd and so did Andy. "What's going on" Andy asked and everyone just looked at each other. The next thing I knew two tall boys went up to them and hit them with golf clubs until they fell down to the ground unconscious. "Uh oh" me and Tasha said at the same time and we all started backing away. "Get them" someone screamed and we all started running. "What do we do" I screamed trying not to look back. "We can't lead them to our house" Tasha said and sadly I looked back and I tripped. They all caught up to me before I could stand up again and they pulled me up. "Just go I'll be fine" I said but they all turned back. They started fighting each other but there was no point there was too many of them. They overpowered them and I looked around. It was all boys. "Everyone go home except you" he said pointing to a few people. "Take the car and take Johnnie and Andy somewhere in like Maine or something just away from here, I'll take them back to their place" the boy said that was holding onto me. What he didn't know was that mom was home. Only the four that was holding us came with him.

"Where's your house" he asked us. "You don't need to know" Beau said and the guy put a knife to my throat. "Where's your house" he asked again and I was so scared I wouldn't breathe. "I' you" I said which was probably a mistake. He took the knife away and I let out a deep breath. "There" I said and we walked up to the door. We walked in and he accidentally knocked over something and it smashed to the ground. "Everything ok" I heard mom yelled and he got the knife out again and put it to my throat again. "Ya mom everything is fine" I said and he put it back. "Where's your room" he whispered to me. "In there" I said and we walked into the room and he threw me on the bed. "Let go of the girls wait and let me get some ropes for the boys" he said and a boy let go of Tasha and she sat beside me. I heard mom scream and I tried to get up but I was pushed back down. "Mom" me and Tasha yelled at the same time. "I'll have someone come pick her up" he said coming back in with duck tape. He put the boys down on the air mattress and put duck tape around their wrists and ankles and then moved over to me and Tasha. He put duck tape around our ankles but not our wrists. "You can all leave take the woman" he said and the other boys walked out. "Why do you all have jackets on" he asked and he threw down my hood. "Tasha you died your hair" he said smiling. "I want to see you Cassie" he said and yanked down Tasha's hood. "Wait what" he said confused. He lifted up my shirt to see my belly button and he smiled. "Hey Cassie" he said and he put my shirt down then he picked up Tasha's. "Dang it" he said and he looked at the guys. "Ok you two go to the girl who's yours" he said and Beau and Jake slowly stood up and slowly walked over. He yanked down their hoods and smacked his forehead.

"This is going to be complicated" he said and he pushed the guys away from us. "Ha I know what to do" he said and he pulled out his phone. Mine and Beaus phone went off and he smiled. "Thank you so much twitter" he said and he took all of our phones. Then he kissed me and Tasha on the cheeks and we both slapped him. "Ok clearly you need it on your wrists too" he said and he got the duck tape out again. He put it on our wrists and smiled. "Now you both have to be punished" he said and it looked like he was thinking. "Hmm let's play 7 minutes in heaven" he said and he picked my up and sat me against the wall. "Don't you dare" I said and he grabbed my face and leaned forward and I spit in his face. "Ok bigger punishment" he said and he grabbed me and took me into Tasha's room and locked the door. He threw me on the bed and stood over top of me. "I'll be right back" he said and he walked out of the room.

Tasha's POV: he took Cassie into my room and I looked at the guys. I was scared of what he was going to do to her and clearly so were they. "She'll be fine" Jake said fake smiling. I heard Cassie screaming and I started panicking even more. "I love that sound" I heard the guy scream at her and she screamed again. Beau was trying so hard to get out of the tape. If he hasn't put it around my wrists I could have gotten us all out. There is no way I was going to let him continue doing whatever he was doing to her in there though. I needed a plan and fast.

Thanks for reading peace out girl/boy scouts

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