chapter 15

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Cassie's POV: We hurried to our class and took our seats. "I'm sorry class but today will be a free day I'm having some problems with some of the song sheets" the choir teacher said and we were all very happy that we could do whatever we wanted to do. I was pretty much on my phone the whole time, posting on Snapchat and scrolling through Facebook. "Hey do you guys want to go to the mall after school" I asked them and they all looked up from their phones. "Sure" Beau said and Tasha and Jake agreed with them. "We'll have to ask someone to take us" Tasha said and she texted Johnnie. "Johnnie said Andy will take us" Tasha said and she put her phone down again. "Hey Cassie I have a question" a random kid said coming up to us. "Wait which one are you" he asked and we all tried not to laugh. "And which ones Beau" he asked and we all just smiled. "Ok never mind" he said and walked away. We kept talking about all kinds of random things and then the bell rang. "Haha I just remembered I can't play until next week" I said as we all walked into the gym. "I hate you" Tasha said and I blew a kiss at her and laughed. "Hi where should I sit out at" I asked the teacher and she pointed at some bleachers. I went over to them and everyone crowded around the teacher. She spread out balls and they started playing scatterball which was one of my favorite gamed ever. I think its like the hunger games, especially how my school is. Beau and Jake were actually really athletic, they were always the last ones up and everyone was out because of them. Tasha on the other hand was like me, run and hide.

Jake and Beau didn't take any pity on her though, any time she got up they got her down and I could tell she was ready to kill them both. I saw Beau and Jake look at me and then whisper something to each other and then they walked towards where I was sleeping with two balls. "No" I screamed and I went to duck but the balls both hit me. "Ow" I said and I just laid between the bleachers. "You ok" I heard Beau ask laughing. "No I'm in pre-death" I said and I heard him laugh again. The rest of the day went by really slow, we mainly had to listen to the same rules over and over again, at least there is no homework. "Ok well let's get back so we can get to the mall" Jake said and we started walking back to the house. Andy was already ready to go when we walked in, which really surprised me. "Guys I'm sorry but, I'm going back to Ohio tomorrow" Andy told us and all of our jaws dropped. "No you can't" Tasha said and we all just stood there. "We all love you, you're like family to me" I said and he smiled. "I'm sorry" he said and he got in the car. We all got into the car too and the car ride was completely silent. We were all extremely upset about him leaving, including Andy. Johnnie had to stay behind because he was going to help Bella clean things up at the house so we could go back there tonight. We got to the mall and went into hot topic. "Oh my gosh Andy Biersack, I can't believe you're actually right here" the cashier lady said and she ran over to us.

"Haha hey" he said and she hugged him. The rest of us went ahead and shopped while he talked with her but we didn't really get much I just got a couple of bracelets. After that we went back home as in Bella's house. We go there and I couldn't stand walking into my room and I could tell Tasha didn't want to walk into hers. "I'm sleeping in the living room tonight" I announced and we all decided that would be best. It was only six and we didn't have any homework, but lucky us still had to go to school tomorrow no matter what. I don't think any of us really knew what to do. There wasn't really anything for us to do. "Andy do you really have to go" Beau asked him and he frowned. "Yes I'm really sorry I don't want to go I just need to, but you'll be ok here with Johnnie, Tasha, Cassie and Bella" he said and he hugged Jake and Beau. "I love you both" he said and they all started crying. Whenever I see someone crying it makes me want to cry, I didn't want to cry but I did and I looked at Tasha and she was crying too. Then Johnnie walked in and he started crying. We all did a big group hug and wiped our tears away. "Why can't we go with you" Jake asked and Andy frowned. "You can but I didn't think you would want to leave the girls" Andy said and they both looked at us. "We can go too" Tasha said and everyone turned their looks towards Andy.

"That's not up to me" Andy said and we frowned. "I can ask mom but I really don't want to be separated from you again, I finally got you back after 13 years" Johnnie said and he started walking to the kitchen where she was cooking. "Johnnie you could come too" Andy said and he stopped in his footsteps. "I don't know, we can't just leave mom and she doesn't like traveling" Johnnie said and we all looked at him. "Ok I'll still ask if we can all go" he said and he went into the kitchen. Going from California to Ohio would be a really big change. Its supposed to be getting colder there now and in California the lowest its ever been in awhile is 70°. We would all freeze to death. "She said we can go but come back for visits" Johnnie said and we all looked at each other and smiled.

I'm so sorry I haven't updates this in awhile but here you go, if you ever want me to update just tell me and I will asap peace out girl/boy scouts

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