chapter 4

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Cassie's POV: "ok guys that's enough" Johnnie yelled at the guys but they kept chasing us. "I said stop" Johnnie said and ran after the guys and tackled both of them at the same time. "Thank you" me and Tasha said at the same time and walked back to the couch everyone was laughing at the little show. "That was cruel" I said and everyone laughed. "No that was creepy" Tasha said. "That too" I said Johnnie started walking back over with the two guys. "No go away" I said and everyone laughed again. "We don't like you go away" Tasha said and they kept coming towards us. "Is there a park near here" I asked randomly. "Yes one block away" Johnnie answered confused. "Come on" I said to Tasha and we ran out the door to find the park. "We just left our party" I said laughing. We kept running and we heard everyone else running behind us. "No were bringing the party to the park" Tasha said. "Touchè" I said and we both kept running.

It didn't take to long to get to the park and when we did we climbed up monkey bars and sat on top of them. They all ran over at the bottom there were only few other people at the park and they all ran over to where we were. The two boys started climbing the monkey bars and we slowly got ready to escape. They got to the top and me and Tasha slipped in between different little bars of them. They jumped down after us and the chase began again. Then I stopped and Tasha did too. But they slowly were walking forward. "If you touch either of us my foot will go up your butthole so far that it will start to come out of your ear" I said and they started backing up. "That's what I thought" I said and everyone else was busy laughing.

"This isn't that funny" Tasha said and I nodded my head in agreement. "What you don't like my birthday present" Andy said. "These are my nephews and I figured if you four got to know each other enough you could date" He said and I started to think."we cant even tell them apart" I said laughing. "They agreed to get their hair cut different ways" Andy said. "But only if you date them" he finished off. This was really weird. "But we don't even know them" Tasha said. "I know but you can get to know them"he said and we agreed to be friends for now. Neither of us knew if we were ready for boyfriends yet. So we didn't say anything about that. We all started walking back to the house because it was getting dark and everyone was getting ready to go home. It was already 9:00 and everyone had come from 4:00-4:30. "Oh and one more thing their both staying the night for a week bye" Andy said and walked out there door and I just looked at the two boys. "Oh no" I said and me and Tasha started backing away.

Everyone had already left and we were cleaning up. "One boy will be staying in each of your rooms with the door open on air mattresses" Johnnie said and I started freaking out. "So your forcing us to spend time with them" I said pretty much pouting and I looked at the guys faces and they looked offended. "Sorry I didn't mean to offend you its just I'm not ready for a boyfriend or at least I don't think I am" I said and started picking up balloons. I got balloons and started popping them and tried not to hurt myself because I hate that sound and every time one popped I jumped. By time we got done cleaning it was midnight so we all went to bed. I went to my room and made the boy wait outside so I could change. When I was done he came in and we blew up the air mattress. "Ok there's a few rules, one don't try to touch me, two don't be creepy, three stay on this side of the room" I said and he nodded.

I sat down on my bed and realized we knew nothing about each other I didn't even know his name. "Ok while I take off my make up we can talk" I said going to my mirror. "So what's your name" I asked him. "Beau" he said. "Ok" I said while taking off eyeliner and eye shadow. "Favorite color" I asked. "Bright green" he said and touched my hair. "Don't touch me" I said and he let go. "Sorry" he mumbled. "Its fine sorry for being kind of rude" I said and he smiled. We stopped talking for a while and I finished taking off my make up. "I'm gonna go get some juice" I said and I walked out and in to the kitchen. I poured a little bit of orange juice drank it and walked back. When I walked back in to the room he was sitting on my bed and gestured for me to sit down. I slowly walked over and sat beside him.

He was looking at me and I was just looking down at the ground. "Your really pretty" he said turning my face to look at his. "Thanks" I said and looked away again. "Can we please date" he asked me smiling. "Um I......I don't know.....I'll think about it" I said and he got up and went to the air mattress. "Good night" he said and I turned off the light. "Night" I replied and laid down.

The next morning

I woke up and Beau was still sleeping. I have to admit he is kind of cute. I walked in to Tasha's room and she was sitting on her bed on her phone. And the other boy was still sleeping. "What's his name" I randomly asked her. "Jake" she replied. "His is Beau" I told her. "He asked me out and I said I would think about it should I date him" I asked her. "Jake asked me out too and I wanted to talk to you first before I decided" she said and we were both smiling. "Should we give it a try" I asked her. "Ya" she said and I went and woke up Beau. "Hey if your gonna be my boyfriend then you have to wake up" I said and he sat up really quick. "Wait so is that a yes" he asked me smiling. "Yes its a yes" I said laughing. He tackled me in a big hug and I kept laughing. "Ok but I need to be able to tell my boyfriend apart from my sisters boyfriend" I said laughing as me got up. "She said yes to him too" he asked. "Ya" I replied and he smiled. "Ok what if I dye my hair bright green like yours" he said and I laughed thinking of what he would look like. "No not that definitely not that" I said laughing and he frowned. "Why I bet I could pull it off" he said pouting. "Ok fine whatever" I said laughing.

Hiiiii........peace out girl/boy scouts

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