chapter 2

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Cassie's POV: We went to the living room and sat on the couch so she could tell us what she wanted and tears started slipping from her eyes. "We agreed that when you two turned 13 you would go back with your mother and that is why I gave you so much today" She said and started crying. "Wait we were adopted" I asked confused. "Yes" Johnnie's mom said. "You are my daughters" She said smiling. "Will we get to see you again" I asked mom but she was to busy crying to respond. "Yes once a week" Johnnie's mom answered. "Wait a second so Johnnie Guilbert is our brother" Tasha asked which that news just hit me. "Yes" Johnnie said smiling. We had to go up to our rooms and pack all of our things which took awhile so Johnnie's mom which is technically our mom too. We already decided to call our new mother Bella instead of calling her mom. We finally got all of our things packed and started taking things down stairs. Mom was crying harder than ever and Johnnie was sitting by her letting her know she would see us every Monday and it was Thursday today. We put our things in the car and hugged mom goodbye and we left. Their house was only three blocks away so we could just walk there if we ever wanted to.

We walked into our new home and Johnnie showed us our rooms, they were across the hall from each other which made us happy because we liked being near each other. We started unpacking our things which took forever because we had so much. I put my shirts and pants in the dresser, but hung my favorite shirts in the closet and then put my extra shoes in the closet. I took my hair straightener and makeup out of one of the bags and put them on top of the dresser. I took out my phone charger and put it on the little table by my bed. I took my art supplies out of my bag and put it in the drawer of the little table and hung up some posters and drawings. I took out a picture of me, Tasha, and mom and sat it on the table. I decided that I could unpack the rest later. I slid the bags under my bed and walked over to Tasha's. "Happy Birthday to us" I said smiling. "Ya no kidding"She said laughing. We were both sad about leaving mom but we were really excited to be the sisters of freaking Johnnie Guilbert.

I saw Johnnie walk by and then he walked back and came into the room. "Were having a birthday party for you tomorrow" He told us smiling. It was kinda to late to have one today because it was 9:30. He walked out and me and Tasha started talking again. "I still can't believe this" I said trying not to scream. "Me either" Tasha but she couldn't control her scream so i ended up screaming too. "What's wrong" Johnnie said running into the room and me and Tasha started laughing. "We just love you so much" I said and Tasha and mines faces got red we were about to burst out with laughter. "I love you girls too" He said and at the same time me and Tasha dropped down to the ground and started laughing. We couldn't control it we laughed so loud and for so long and Johnnie ended up walking out laughing. After about five minutes we finally stopped laughing. My vision was blurry due to all the tears in my eyes.

"Today was defiantly the best birthday ever" I said and Tasha agreed. It was 10:30 by the time I went back to my room and I was really tired so I decided to go to sleep. I was just hoping that I wouldn't wake up to this all being a dream.

The next morning

I woke up at 7:30, I usually never wake up that early except for when school starts and holidays. I walked to Tasha's room and she was still asleep so I just walked around the house trying to get to know my way around better. I walked into the kitchen and Bella was sitting in there drinking coffee. "Would you like some sweetie" she asked me and I made a disgusted face. "Coffee is one of the grossest drinks ever no thank you" I said and she laughed. "Do you like apple juice" She asked me. "Oh my gosh yes that's the best drink ever" I said and she laughed again. "There's some in the fridge" she said and I walked over to the fridge. I felt kind of weird for just getting into it. After I found the juice I had to find a cup. It took me forever but I finally found one. I got half a glass of juice and put it away. I sat down at the table with her and drank it. "So how are you" She asked me and then took a drink of her coffee. "Im fine thanks" I said smiling and she smiled too. I could tell she really wanted to talk to me but it felt a little weird and I didn't know what to say.

I finished my juice and got up. "I'm going outside" I said and walked away from the table. I went to my room first to get my phone and then walked to the front yard. I got bored and decided to look on snapchat. I looked at Johnnie's snapchat and almost died. He took a video of when me and Tasha were having our laugh attack and neither of us had realized that jerk. He didn't say anything about us being his sisters but I knew that the news would get out soon. i checked the time and it was 10:00 so Tasha should be getting up soon. I walked back inside and passed Johnnie's room on the way to my own and he was sitting on his bed on his phone. "You made us look like we had mental issues" I said and he looked at me confused. "Snapchat the laugh attack" I said and he laughed. "Oh yeah" He said smiling. "Oh and your girls party is at five and I would like to make a video before it to let everyone know the great news" He said. "kk" i said and walked to my room and saw that Tasha was awake. "Johnnie said the party is at five and that we are going to be making a video to let people know the news" I said and she smiled. We have both always wanted to make a YouTube video.

I decided to curl my hair which took forever to do because I almost never curl it, I always straighten it. I picked out another of my favorite outfits and put it on. A BOTDF shirt, black skinny jeans, FIR, P!ATD, and MCR bracelets. I don't like wearing shoes indoors though, so I didn't. I looked in the mirror my bright green hair looked amazing in curls it was super pretty. I decided to put on some eyeliner and black eye shadow. "Are you ready for the video"Johnnie asked standing in between mine and Tasha's opened doors. "yes" we both screamed.

ok so those of you that have read my other stories this has been why i wasn't updating those because im secretly writing this even though when I post this it won't be a secret anymore lol peace out girl/boy scouts

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