chapter 13

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Cassie's POV: It was really hot especially since we had the jackets on but mom would be here soon. "Cassie you shouldn't stand for to long her" Beau said and I jumped on his back. "I will not let these cuts ruin our plan I'll cover them in like foundation or something after it heals" I said and I saw moms car. "There she is" I said and she pulled up beside us.

Bella's POV: I was actually a little terrified when I woke up in a dark room. I looked around and nobody was there. I hope the kids are ok. "Hey she's awake" I heard a boy said and the lights were turned on. "Where are they" I said as soon as he came in sight. "Don't worry we won't hurt you, you were just in our way" he said and he came over and untied me. "Where are they" I said again and he sat down beside me. "Cassie, Tasha, Beau and Jake are at your house with someone, and well Andy and Johnnie is um in Maine" he said and my jaw dropped. "You will be so sorry for this" I said and he got up and walked away.

Johnnie's POV: I woke up not remember falling asleep tied up next to Andy. It was obvious we were in a basement. "Hey you awake" I heard Andy whisper and I looked at him. "Ya I don't remember falling asleep do you" I asked him. "No" he said and a door opened. "Hello" a tall boy said walking in and another boy walked in with him. "What do you want" Andy asked and he started moving his hands around trying to get untied. "The plan wasn't to kidnap you, but you stepped in at the wrong time" he said and I just looked at Andy. "Johnnie I've always looked up to you you're so cool and you have an amazing life so I'm happy we kidnapped you on the other hand Andy is big and strong so I wish we didn't kidnap him" he said and his friend just stood there awkwardly. "I...I can't do this I don't want to be a part of this" his friend said and he started freaking out. "My names Luke and my friends name is Cole by the way" he said pointing to him. "You have to stick with this" Luke said looking at Cole. "Ok fine go get something to eat there was a pizza place in walking distance" Cole said and Luke left. "Ok guys let's get out of here" he said and he started untying us. Wow its going to be easier to escape than we thought. "We can take the van hopefully he didn't" he said and we all ran out of the house and the van wasn't there. "Crap we gotta find a car" he said and we just took off running. "All the kids are at your house" he said and we saw a car lot. "Any chance either of you can buy a car" he asked us. "Let's take a plane it will be way faster" I said and we went into the car lot. "Hey where's the nearest airport" I asked and an old man looked up. "2 miles away that direction straight line" he said and we walked out. "Hopefully there's a flight to leave soon" Andy said and we all started jogging. "Let's run" Cole said and me and Andy just looked at him. "Skinny jeans aren't meant for running" he said and I agreed. "Ok but we still need to hurry" Cole said and we continued to jog. It took us all about 20 minutes to get there. "I got a text from Jai the one that took the kids, they got away oh and here are your phones" he said and I immediately dialed Tasha's number. "Are you ok" I asked and she quickly answered yes. "Ok me and Andy are on our way back stay safe" I said and we ran into the airport.

"Flight 216 leaves at 6:45pm to California perfect" I said and checked the time. "Guys its 6:38 we have to hurry" Andy said and we all took off running. We got the tickets and got seated on the plane just in time. "Oh my gosh Andy Biersack and Johnnie Guilbert I'm a big fan" a teenage girl screamed when she saw us. 3 hours until we get there.

Cassie's POV: We got to the house and we explained everything that had happened and mom looked extremely worried. Tasha's phone started ringing and her face lit with joy. "Its Johnnie" she said and she answered. "They're on their way back" she said after she hung up the phone. I had been so worried about them all of us have been. But we still had to find Bella. "Are you kids going to stay here tonight" she asked us and I could tell she wanted us to. "Sure is been forever since we slept in our beds" Tasha said and mom looked at the boys. "I'm not so sure about then sleeping with you though" she said and me and Tasha both laughed. "Ughhh I want to make a video so badly but we can't" I said and Tasha crossed her arms obviously agreeing with me. "I want to go to the park or something but I don't think that's very safe" Tasha said and we turned towards mom. "Let's go to skyzone" she said and we started jumping up and down. "Oh my gosh I just figured you would take us to the park" I said squealing. "Get your stuff and meet me in the car" she said and she grabbed her purse and walked out. "Wait" Jake said before we walked out. "We can't be seen in public" he said and we all looked down. "What if we keep our hoods up" Beau said which would be difficult and look creepy but I really wanted to go. "Ok" Tasha said and we locked the door and we all got in the car. It took us a half hour to get there but I knew it would be worth it and hopefully the guys would be home soon.

Soooooo um ya....peace out girl/boy scouts

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