chapter 9

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Cassie's POV: We started walking back to the house and I was still extremely upset about what Beau did. I don't think that's a kind of thing to joke around about. "Can I hold your hand" he asked me because he realized how ticked off I was. "Whatever" I said and he grabbed onto my hand and squeezed it but I didn't bother squeezing his hand. "Why are you so upset" he asked Mr and I just gave him a death glare. "Why do you think" I said and I pulled my hand away from his. "Move" Tasha said shoving Beau and Jake out of her way so she could walk by me. "I don't blame you for being mad right now" she said and I just looked at her. "Ya but whatever" I said and we started jogging so we could get home before dark. We got home around five minutes later and me and Tasha ran up to my room and locked everyone else out. "Let me in I want to sleep" I heard Beau say through the door. "You are not sleeping in the same room as me" I said back and he just kept knocking on the door. "Johnnie" Tasha screamed probably so Beau would leave us alone. "Do you wanna stay in her tonight" I asked her and she just smiled at me. "Sure" she said and I smiled back. "Thanks" I said and we hugged.

We both woke up the next morning around noon and I still felt extremely tired. "What should we do today" Tasha asked yawning. "No idea" I said and struggled to hold a yawn back but it didn't work very well. I don't understand why we were both yawning so much I mean geez we had 11 hours of sleep. "We could go to the mall" I suggested and Tasha agreed. We grabbed some clothes got dressed and then we went down stairs. "Hey Johnnie we're heading to the mall tell mom please" I said and I realized that was the first time I actually called her mom. "Ok but she said you guys are all going school shopping around 3 so be back by then" he said and we grabbed our shoes and walked out the door. "Ughhh I can't believe its already time for school" I pouted. "Its gonna be better then ever because now we're in highschool" Tasha said sarcastically. "Well let's hurry and get to the mall" Tasha said and we started running. We got to the mall ten minutes later and we were both out of breath. "Ok I am not looking forward to gym" I said as we walked into the mall. We walked in and went to our usual place. Hot Topic. It was kinda hard to find what we wanted since we go here so often. I ended up just getting a couple bracelets.

"Hey we should go to Auntie Anne's or Cinnabons" I said and Tasha licked her lips. "Yum Cinnabon" she said and we started walking towards where Cinnabon is. We ordered some cinnamon rolls and sat down and ate them. One boy came up to us while we were eating and he looked like he was around 16. "Hey aren't you Tasha and Cassie Guilbert from MDE" he asked and we smiled. "Ya" we said at the same time. "Cool can I have a picture with you" he asked and we nodded yes. I moved over to where Tasha was sitting and he took some pictures with us. "Thanks" he said and he walked away. I checked the time and it was only 1:49. I had over 20 messages from Beau asking where I was and saying he was sorry but I just ignored them. I saw Tasha checking her phone too. "Wow I have tons of messages from Jake" she said as she sat her phone down. "Same with Beau" I said and stood up to throw our trash away. "I'm still upset about what he did" I said and I threw the things away. Tasha stood up and we started walking around. "Same but I feel bad for what happened to their parents" she said which I felt bad too. "Ya maybe we should just let them come and hang out with us" I said and we both got out our phones and messaged them. Over ten minutes later they showed up and we met by Sears. "I'm really sorry" Beau said and he hugged me. "Its fine I guess" I said and he pulled away.

"So what should we do because we need to go back around 2:45" Tasha said and I just looked around. "I have no idea" I said. "Let's all do livestreams on YouNow" Beau said and we got our phones out because why not. I tweeted that all of us would be on YouNow and then started my stream.

The stream

"Hi it's me and I was super bored and Beau had the idea of us streaming so yup here I am" I said and started looking through comments. "Is everyone here with me, yes" I said and showed everyone. "Are you at the mall, yup sure am" I said and we all sat down on a bench. "Do you have to go to school next week, sadly yes" I said and checked the time. "Ok well I am going home in 15 minutes but I guess I can stream until we get there" I said and looked at Tasha and I could tell she was bored too. "Go join Tasha's broadcast I'm ending mine for now" I said and I ended it and she said to go join Jakes or Beau's and she ended hers too. She decided to pop in on Jake's stream so I did the same for Beau's. "Ok well I think we all need to get going bye" I said and he ended it and so did Jake.

After the streams

Its 2:45 so we decided we needed to start heading back to the house. Its Wednesday and we have to start school Monday so yay. We got home 15 minutes later and we had to get into the car as soon as we got home. Johnnie doesn't go to school anymore so it was just me, Tasha, Jake, Beau and Mom. I sat up front and everyone else sat in the back. Andy was still staying at our house so him and Johnnie are probably doing something. Around five minutes later we got to the mall. "You all already have things from Hot Topic and I'm sorry but you're going to Sears and JC Pennys" mom told us and I tried not to scream. "I think I don't need anymore clothes" Tasha said and I agreed with her. "You girls can get some dresses" she suggested. I have a couple dresses but I didn't really like wearing them often. "One thats it" Is all I said and we all got out of the car.

Hi soooo thanks for reading peace out girl/boy scouts

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