chapter 3

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Cassie's POV: We walked in to Johnnie's room and he was already set up for the video. It was already 1:00 time was going by so fast today.

The video

"Hey guys it's Johnnie and I have some surprising news for you trust me your gonna love it" He said smiling and made a hand gesture for us to sit down beside him on his bed. "This is Cassie and Tasha my sisters and if your wondering no we didn't adopt them they are really my sisters" He said and we laughed. Me and Tasha had no idea what to do so we just let Johnnie do all the talking.

After the video

The video had ended only 5 minutes after it had started because we had to get stuff ready for the party. It was 1:30 so i didn't get why we were getting ready so early for it but aw well. Me and Tasha mixed fruit punch and 7 up together for juice and it was amazing. We put the juice in the fridge and started blowing up balloons. We love balloons. Balloons are awesome, but if someone pops one I will go crazy. I hate the sound of balloons popping. We blew up five packs so they ground was covered in them I made a little sign and put it on the door for the party guests. "Pop a balloon at your own risk" I put on it and decorated it with glitter. I wasn't even sure who was coming. After I did all of that it was 2:00 so we still had three hours before the party started. We made little snacks and Bella picked up the cake which was three layers. The bottom was chocolate the middle was red velvet and the top was white. We also got ice cream cookies and cream and chocolate and after we got all of that it was 3:00.

"I just got a text that everyone is just going to come at 4:00" Johnnie told us and put his phone away. Ok so we have an hour to find something to do. I curled my hair again because it had pretty much fallen out and this time I put hair spray in it. By time I got done fixing my hair it was 3:45 and I heard the doorbell ring. "Girls come on everyone's here" I heard Johnnie yell and I walked out to the living room it took awhile to get to the door due to the balloons. I was surprised my who I saw standing there. Damon, Alex, Jordan, Shannon, Kyle, Bryan, and Jaydon. And then Tasha walked up and one more person walked in. Twaimz. Me and her tried to stays calm and we actually did they walked in with a couple presents I was really surprised. We got food and drinks and talked for a little bit and then it was time to open presents because they wanted to open presents and then eat cake and ice cream.

We both opened the presents Johnnie gave us first it was a camera one for each of us and we hugged him and said thank you. Then we opened our presents from Bella they were laptops and we hugged her too. Next we opened the present from the whole MDE fam. We opened it and it was the best present ever. It was a paper saying we were officially in the MDE fam and it said they had created YouTube channels for us we hugged all of them. We opened Twaimz present and we laughed we each got five stuffed llamas. We started putting the gifts in our room but Johnnie yelled at us. "Wait there's one more present its outside" he said and we all walked outside. Me and Tasha both screamed at the top of our lungs. "Dahvie Vanity" Tasha screamed. "Jayy Von Monroe" I screamed next. "Andy Biersack" she screamed after me. "Ronnie I can't remember you last name" I finished off and they all laughed.

Yes I know his last name is Radke

They walked over to Us and gave us hugs. Me and Tasha were totally fan girling. "Best birthday party ever" I screamed. "Agreed" Tasha screamed back. We walked back inside and they started jumping on balloons. "Did you note read the sign" I screamed and they all just stopped and laughed. "Yes we just wanted to know what you would say" Jayy said. "You really wanna know" I asked them smiling. "Yup" they all replied. "You popped my freaking balloon" I said picking up a balloon and popping it in my hands. "Hey you wouldn't know that Jayy said that if it wasn't for me" Tasha screamed and everyone laughed. "I know" I replied and we all walked into the kitchen to get some cake and ice cream. I got chocolate cake and cookies and cream ice cream. It was so good. "Wait we need to give your our presents its from all of us" Andy said to us and handed us each a present. It was a shirt, pants, and boots and they all signed everything but the pants.

Me and Tasha squealed. We loved them so much and the boots were super cute. I would probably end up wearing the boots every day. I went to put them in the closet and opened the closet door to lots of new clothes and new shoes. There was also a new phone on my bed. I ran out with the phone in my hands. "Thank you so much my old phone was so crappy" I said hugging Johnnie. "We didn't get you that stuff" Johnnie said and everyone's faces were confused. "Ok then I'm just gonna put this back before it blows up" I said walking back to the room. I went to put all the things that were new on the bed but when I opened the door there was a boy standing there. I screamed on the top of my lungs and ran out of the room and back to the living room popping balloons along the way. "There is a boy in my closet" I said and everyone laughed. "Tasha go to your room Cassie you can go with her" Johnnie said and we were confused but we went to her room and I closed my door as we walked into her room.

We opened her closet door and there was another boy standing in hers that looked exactly like the other. We screamed and ran out popping more balloons. "What the heck is going on" I asked and waited for someone to answer. "What girl doesn't want a boyfriend" Alex said and everyone laughed. "Every girl wants one but not in their closet" Tasha screamed and everyone laughed. And then I saw the guys from our closets walking towards us they were twins too. "Go away" I screamed walking away from them. Me and Tasha were backing away and got stuck in a corner the guys walked up to us stroked our faces with their faces and went to kiss us. "No way honey boo boo" I said and picked my knee up and it hit him where the sun don't shine and I saw Tasha had dead leg the guy that was in front of her. "We like girls like you" one of them said and started walking towards us again and we started running away and they chased us. "What is wrong with you" I said and continued to run.

Hiiii vote and comment please and zank you peace out girl/boy scouts

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