chapter 7

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Cassie's POV: I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 8:45 and woke Beau up, then I went to Tasha's room and woke her and Jake up. "Let's get ready I want to go to mom's at 10" I said and Tasha sat up and I went back to my room and Beau was looking through his things for clothes. I went to my dresser and picked out my outfit for the day. A BOTDF shirt black skinny jeans black vans and three bracelets. I went into the bathroom and changed while Beau changed in the room. When I was done I went back into the room and started straightening my hair. "I still can't believe you dyed your hair green" I said laughing when I saw Beat walk up behind me. "Well I had" he said smiling. "Whatever" I replied still laughing. "Wow its already 9:30 you better hurry" Beau said as he sat down on my bed. "I'm almost done" I said as I straightened the last part of my hair. "There let's go downstairs" I said and grabbed my phone and started walking down stairs. Five minutes after waiting Tasha and Jake walked down and we walked out the door and went in the direction of mom's house. It only took is five minutes to get to her house. We rang the bell and seconds later she opened the door.

"Girls I have missed you so much" she said pulling us into a tight hug. "Who are they" she asked looking at the boys. "Our boyfriends" I said and she got a wide grin. "Well its obvious who is dating who" she said and let us in. "I made cookies" she said as we sat in the living room. "Yay" me and Tasha said at the same time. "I'm Beau" Beau said holding out his hand for her to shake. "I'm Jake" Jake said and held out his hand. "Its very nice to meet you boys" she said smiling and shook both of their hands. "So what all are we doing today" Tasha asked mom. "Anything you want" she said still smiling. Even though it had only been a few days I can tell how much she has missed us since we were usually home with her every day. "We could go to the mall but, we have money" I suggested. "Ok get in the car" she said and we all got in. We got to the mall ten minutes later and we went straight to Hot Topic. We each had around 200 dollars to spend. I looked around the store and got what I wanted.


Skinnys: Black Black Black Dark gray

Bracelets: BOTDF BVB

shoes: Vans

I still had around 110 dollars left after I bought everything. We were at hot topic for a half hour before we were all done. "Ow" I said as we walked out. "What" Tasha asked me. "My shirt managed to get stuck to my belly button ring" I said and she laughed. "Cassie luck" she said and we started walking to the car. "What else do you want to do" Mom asked all of us. "Movies" Tasha suggested as we got into the car. We got to the theater and walked in and looked at the options. "Which one" Mom asked us and me and Tasha looked at each other. "The Gallows" we said at the same time. She got pur tickets and we walked in and we said in a row in the middle. The lights turned off and the movie started. I was sitting by Tasha and Tyler. There was so many people in the theaters to see the movie. It was one of the best scary movies ever defiantly better than insidious 3. It had taken 1 hour and 30 minutes for that movie to end and after the movie we decided it was time for us to go back to our house.

"I can drive you home" mom offered us because it was starting to get really windy. "Ok thanks" I said as well all piled into the car. It only took ten minutes to get home and mom looked really sad like she was about to cry. "Its ok we'll be back soon" Tasha said and we got out of the car and hugged her then went inside. "Wow its noon why are you already back" Johnnie asked as we walked in. "Well we left at 10 and we figured it would be best to cone hone now" I said realizing I didn't really know why we came home. At least I didn't have a good excuse anyways. "School starts in a week so we might go school shopping today but I'm not sure" Johnnie said and all of our jaws dropped. "No not school" we all groaned. I couldn't help but laugh that we all said the same thing. "Cassie how is this funny and you better have a good reason or I'll slap Johnnie" she said raising her hand. "Why me what did I do" he asked throwing up his hands in defense. "Ok fine Beau" she said and Beau jumped back. "Wait a sec why me" he said as she kept her hand raised. "Well she loves you and it would be funny" Tasha said and looked at me. "Slap him" I said smiling and she hit him as hard as she could. "I didn't mean that hard" I said and started dying from laughter.

"Ow" Beau said rubbing his arm. "Wait where'd Johnnie go" Jake asked and we all looked and realized that was at the door with Andy. Andy was in tears.

Johnnie's POV: I heard a knock on the door right before Tasha slapped Beau and went to answer it. When I opened the door Andy was standing there in tears. "Andy what's wrong" I asked him confused. "Well.....Beau...and Jake's parents.... a .......a accident....and they... They died" he said and started crying harder. "Can...can they...stay here" he asked and wiped some tears away from his face. "Yes of course" I said and patted him on the back. Right then all of the kids walked up to is confused. "What wrong" Tasha asked us. "You better sit down" I told them and we all walked into the living room. "Do you want me to tell them" I asked Andy since it was clearly hard for him to talk right now. He nodded his head and I had to think of how to tell them.

Cassie's POV: We were all sitting on the couch except Johnnie and Andy. I was sitting beside Beau and Tasha was sitting beside Jake. "Well I guess there really is no way to put this easily but....boys your parents were in a accident and they passed away...and you are staying here with us now" Johnnie said and the boys started crying and me and Tasha just looked at each other. I pulled Beau into a hug and just let him cry into my shoulder until he had no more tears left. "I love you" I whispered into his ear while he still cried.

Hiiii so I must have problems because if you have read all of my books then you probably realized that in every book I kill off parents...... Why....I have no idea XD lol thanks for reading peace out girl/boy scouts

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