chapter 20

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Beau's POV: Around an hour after the guys were chasing us we called it quits and we called the girls to see where they were but there was no answer. That was really weird they always answer us. We went back to the house and they weren't there that's when we really started to worry. They wouldn't have ran away, at least I don't think they would have. Maybe they were kidnapped, I really hope not or I wouldn't be able to forgive myself because I technically started the whole prank war thing. We all got in the car and we drove around trying to find them but they were nowhere in sight, we ended up calling the police around midnight which was around three hours after they disappeared. We kept looking though, we didn't stop until around five in the morning because we could all barely keep our eyes open. We drove back to the house and we decided we would get around three hours of sleep and then we would look again. I needed to find Cassie I just need to.

Cassie's POV: I was so upset to be back in California, ya sure now I can swim again whenever I want but I want to be with the guys. I love them all so much they're all my family. At least me and Tasha were still together though, but freaking James and Justin wow I want to just slit their throats. We got to the house and we were confused by what we saw.

Johnnie's POV: I woke up after about two hours of sleep and I just wanted to scream. I finally got them both back after 13 years and now they're gone again are you serious. I love them so much I am such a wreck right now. I just hope they didn't run away because of what had happened at their school because that was horrible I felt so bad for them. I remember when that happened to me that's why I dropped out of highschool I just couldn't take it anymore. The others were still asleep so I ran outside and decided I would look some more. I tweeted and asked for people in Ohio to help look and I saw multiple people coming out of their homes to help. I tried so hard to stay calm but it just wouldn't work, and I probably won't ever be calm again not until I see them again.

Jake's POV: I woke up and Johnnie was gone, everyone else was still asleep though. I hurried and got something to eat so I could look because I'm sure that's what Johnnie was doing. I made some toast because there wasn't any cereal or pop tarts or anything like that. I figured it would be easier to eat toast while looking for them too. I saw that Johnnie had tweeted about them missing and I retweeted it a couple tines so it would show up on people's phones more than once which would hopefully help a little bit more.

Justin's POV: I ran into Cassie and this time her sister Tasha was with her too. That's perfect now James can date Tasha and I can date Cassie and there will be no fight over them. She helped Tasha up and then I decided it was time for random questions. "Who are you running from" I asked them. "Andy and Johnnie" Tasha answered and I tried not to smile. "You can hide at my place" I said and then they just looked at each other and then they decided to follow me. We got to my place and I could tell they were both confused on why there were only two teen boys in the house. "Where are your parents" Cassie asked me. "Me and him are the only ones here my parents gave me money for me and my friend to come here" I answered and they looked at each other like they were rethinking about being here. Cassie's phone rang and she put it on speaker, it was her mom. Her and Tasha were upset and I offered to let them stay with us and ride the plane back to California with us so their mom let us. After she hung up I showed them their room and they ran in and locked the door so me and James couldn't get on which was very rude. I kept them distracted while James snuck around to their window and he climbed in and he let me in the room. I sat down and talked to the girls and kept smiling, eventually Cassie will be mine and I will make sure of that. We all went to bed around eleven since we had to get up extremely early. When I woke up I woke the girls up and then we started walking to the airport. Me and James had to restrain the girls from running into Andy's house because they really wanted to go back but we couldn't let that happen. We got to the airport somewhere around 5:15 and we waited to board the plane. When we finally got back to California it was extremely warm outside. "Bye" the girls said and neither me or James were about to give up on them. "No we're coming with you" I told them and they just kept walking. It took us I think around ten minutes to get to their house and when we got there they were extremely confused and trust me so was I, I was actually a little terrified.

Andy's POV: By time I woke up everyone else was already gone and running around looking for the girls. I grabbed my shoes not caring what I looked like and I ran out the door. It was freezing out but that wasn't going to stop any of us from trying to find them. They were like little sisters to me and I know how much the boys love them and I can't let them lose the girls, especially after what had just happened to their parents which we were all still trying to get used to. A person doesn't get over a persons death you have to just get used to the pain of them being gone which is harder for some people than others. For me it was the most difficult thing to ever do. Most siblings don't get along, even though they're mother was adopted when she was 16 of course we fought and we weren't even under the same roof but of course I loved her to death. Anyways that doesn't matter right now, what matters is that we get those girls back to my house soon and safely. I can't imagine what their mom might say since she barely wanted them to even come here.

Cassie's POV: "Ronnie what are you doing here" I asked and the next thing I know he came up to me and he sprayed something in my face and I blacked out. The text was never from mom was the last thing I thought.

Ok so the next book to this will be called kidnapped by Ronnie Radke just so you know I'll post on here when I make it peace out girl/boy scouts

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