chapter 18

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Cassie's POV: Andy got here earlier then he thought he would. I don't think the teacher was very happy because we were in the middle of class. "Blake Shelton" everyone screamed and then me and Tasha walked up to him. "Hey Blake" we said at the same time. "Hello Tasha, Hello Cassie" he said and everyone's jaws dropped. "How did you get him here" someone asked and I smiled. "Him" I said and Andy walked in. "Our boyfriends are his nephews" Tasha said and Andy shook his head in agreement. "Wait didn't you say your last name was Guilbert" someone asked and I shook my head yes. "Are you related to Johnnie" someone asked and I shook my head yes again.
"Doubt it" someone said and Johnnie walked in. "Hey sis" Johnnie said and hugged me and Tasha. "Hey" we both said. "Still means nothing you're all emo besides Blake Shelton which means you come from the devil and plus you cut" someone said and I pulled up my sleeves. "Have I really cut" I asked them and Tasha rolled up her sleeves too. "You have a big cut on your arms going up and down" someone said to me. "I was kidnapped and they cut me with a knife" I said and I picked up my pants leg and showed them my stitches. "Why don't you all hold out your arms" Blake said and they did. Him, Andy and Johnnie went around and started pulling up sleeves and checking arms. "Are you emo" Andy asked a guy. "No" he answered. "Oh yet you still have that scar" Andy said and he smiled. "Woah woah woah, aren't you the one that were saying everything" Blake said and he grabbed his wrists.

"He has them both all up and down his arms is he emo" Blake said and he let go of his arms. "Bye" the guys said and they walked out. "I bet that's the last time you judge someone by how they're dressed" Tasha said and we both sat down in our seats. "Oh ya and I'm taking them out of school" Andy said and we walked out. "Later haters" I said right before I walked out. "This will be a good story on YouTube" Johnnie said and we all agreed. "Thanks for coming Blake" I said and he left. We grabbed Beau and Jake out of class and went home. "Well what now" I asked Andy. "There's only seven months of school left its fine you can go to a new school next year" Johnnie said and we walked inside. Wohoo no more school. Of course I was upset about what those kids were saying to us but hey its life and I'm used to all the bullying by now. Me and Tasha went to our room because we wanted to talk, not about something certain its just we haven't talked alone in awhile, I don't think we have since we found out Johnnie was our brother. We usually just talk about whatever comes to mind and we won't get bored until after an hour. We aren't necessarily bored its just that we end up wanting to do something else. "I want to swim" I complained and laid down on my bed. "Me too its no fair" Tasha said and she laid down on her bed. "There's not going to be any warmth until summer its scary" Tasha said and I agreed. "I love swimming and plus now we can't even go to the park because of the cold weather" I said and I checked my phone. "Ughh people are tweeting about what happened at the school" I said and threw my phone down on the bed.

"Great we'll never hear the end of this" she said and we both sat up. "Cassie" I heard Beau say. "Tasha" I heard Jake say and they both knocked on the door. "Do you wanna build a snowman" they sang and me and Tasha looked at each other. "You're dead" we screamed at the same time and when we opened the door they were both gone. We ran around the corner of the house and they threw water balloons full of paint at us and we just stood there for a minute and then me and Tasha looked at each other again. "One" I whispered. "Two" she whispered. "Three" we both screamed and started running after them. "Andy help" the guys yelled as we chased them out the door. "No you're both on your own" I heard him scream and we all started running down the sidewalk. "Tasha we don't even know where we're going" I said to her and the guys must have heard us. "Its fine we'll take you somewhere nice" Jake shouted and we all kept running. I ran into somebody and I fell down. "Keep going Tasha I'll catch up" I screamed and she kept running. "Watch where you're going next time" the guy said that ran into me and I stood up. "Oh my gosh Cassie Guilbert I am so sorry it was my fault" he said and he helped me up. "Its fine I'm used to falling" I said and I went to walk away. "Hey can we hang out some time" he asked and I stopped and looked back at him. "Who are you" I asked and he smiled. "I'm Justin I'm 14 and I live in California, I'm just here on a vacation" he said and I was confused. "Why would you come here for vacation" I asked and he laughed.

"Well you're here too and I know you live in California" he said still smiling. "Well I live here now" I said and he frowned. "That sucks I literally just moved to where you live a month ago and I was hoping to see you and Tasha more often" he said and I was confused. "Wait how did you know who was who" I asked him and he laughed. "You literally yelled keep running Tasha I'll catch up" he said and I just said oh. "Call me sometime" he said and he handed me a piece of paper which I was guessing was his phone number. "I have a boyfriend and you know that" I said and I handed the paper back to him. "Keep it, you can double check with your boyfriend first but trust me I'd treat you better than he does" he said and I threw the paper on the ground. "Bye" he said and he hugged me and I ran off. I had to text Tasha to see where they were and she said to just keep running straight until I found a park. I ran as fast as I could and when I got there I was out of breath. " them...back" I asked trying to catch my breath. "No, they're hiding in that tree I was waiting for you to get them back" she said and I looked at them but they weren't paying attention. "Ok what's the plan" I asked her and she smiled. "We will just act like they're not there and wait for them to come down and when they door we taze them" she said and she held up two tazers. "Oh my gosh ow" I said and we hid in a bush. "And now we wait" she said and we sat there and watched them.

Soooooo I have an idea and as soon as you guys tell me to I'll update but not until someone says to peace out girl/boy scouts

Im Johnnie Guilberts sisterWhere stories live. Discover now