chapter 12

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Tasha's POV: I looked around the room for something sharp. Too bad we weren't in my room because I had a glass cup in there. Then I remembered Cassie's was really into scrapbooking so she must have scissors somewhere. I heard her scream again and I got up as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast thanks to the tape. "What are you doing" Jake asked me and I started moving to her desk. "She loves scrapbooking so there must be scissors in here somewhere" I said and they both got up. I opened her desk drawer and there they were. I cut my feet and walked over to Beau to undo my hands. Next I started cutting the tape off of Beau but then I heard the guy coming back and I ran to the bed and his the scissors under the pillow. "This is what happens when you're bad" he said holding up a bloody knife. My jaw dropped and I grabbed the scissors and ran towards him.

Cassie's POV: He walked back in a few minutes later with a big knife from the kitchen. "Good thing you're wearing shorts" he said smiling. He came up to me and started taking my jacket off of me and then he traced my arms up and down with the knife. "Please don't" I said and I felt years building up in my eyes. "Shh it won't hurt that bad" he said and he pushed the blade into my skin. I screamed from the horrible pain and he smiled. "I love that sound" he screamed back at me and I started to cry. He pushed the blade into my other arm and I screamed again. "Please just stop" I said crying and he smiled again. "Its ok baby" he said and he kissed my forehead. He moved down to my legs and he pushed the blade into my leg and I screamed one last time until the room started getting dark. "Crap" is the last think I heard before the whole room went dark.

The kidnappers name is gonna be Jai

Jai's POV: "Crap" I said because I saw her eyes close and she became extremely calm. Did I kill her from to much blood loss I thought to myself and I started panicking but then she opened her eyes again and she looked extremely terrified. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean for that to happen" I said and I ran out of the room to get towels and wrapped them around her arms and her leg so she wouldn't lose more blood. I walked out of the room and went back where all the others were. "This is what happens when you're bad" I said and held up the knife covered in her blood. Tasha stood up and started running towards me and she ran a pair of scissors in her hand. "She's ok its just ketchup" I lied before she stabbed me.

Johnnie's POV: I woke up next to Andy in the back of a van and I started panicking. "Andy wake up" I said shaking him. "The kids aren't in here" I said and he quickly sat up and looked around. "Were are they" he screamed and he started hitting the sides of the van. I felt the van jolt to a stop and the two boys that had knocked us out opened the back doors and held up guns so we wouldn't try to attack them. "They're back at your house" one said and I looked at Andy. "where are we going" I asked and the other smiled. "Maine, we're only a few hours away you've slept so long" he said and both of our jaws dropped. They slammed the doors shut again and the van started again. "I hope they're ok" I sighed.

Cassie's POV: I saw he had must of accidentally cut off the take from my ankles and I got up. I went over to where Tasha keeps her pocket knife and cut the take off of my wrists. I limped over to the door and I opened it and I went to the door and opened it making it look like I had ran out and then I his in Johnnie's room waiting for him to notice I had left. I laid the blankets on Johnnies bed so they wouldn't show under the bed and I slid under his bed but peeked through a little whole. I heard a door shut and I got ready. "Dang it" I heard him scream and I saw him run out the door. I quickly got up and ran to the door as fast as I could even though it hurt really bad because of the cut in my leg. I quietly shut the door so he wouldn't hear and I locked it. Then I ran back to my room after grabbing a knife and called the police. "There was this boy and him and his friends kidnapped me and my friends my mom my brother and my boyfriends uncle and I tricked him into getting out of the house" I said and I paused for a breath. I have him our address next and he told me to stay in the house but we all needed to make it look like we ran and we needed to hide. I cut the tape off of them and and we his in the closet. "Cassie he hurt you" Tasha said and Beau's face was bright red. "It stopped bleeding I said and I realized how bad it started hurting again. I heard sirens and then I heard the police break the door down. "You're all safe now" he said and he saw me. "I need an ambulance" he said and Tasha grabbed our coats. "Nobody can see us we're to well known around here" she said and we put them on. "Where's your mom, brother, and your guys uncle" he asked us and I looked down. "They said something about taking my brother and their uncle to Maine but I don't know where my mom is" I said and I looked down. "What's their names" he asked me. "My brother is Johnnie Guilbert, my mom is Bella Guilbert, and their uncle is Andy Biersack" I said and he smiled. "Oh I know you kids you're Cassie, Tasha, Beau and Jake" he said and I saw the ambulance coming.

"Can they all ride in the ambulance please" I asked and he looked at me. "Of course but I'm going to wait here in case your kidnapper comes back" he said and we all climbed into the ambulance and they made me lay down. "You're going to need stitches" a nurse said and I made a duh face. "Oh my wrists have cuts too" I said and I pulled up my sleeves. "Is anyone else hurt" she asked and they all said no. "Nobody can know what happened to us" Tasha said and the nurse looked confused. "Why not" she asked and I looked at Tasha so she would explain. "We're well known around here" she said and the nurse made an oh face. "Do any of you need to contact parents" she asked and I thought for a second. "No they're all gone" I said and she saw we were all upset. "Let's go" she said as someone opened the doors for us to get out. "You can't walk on your leg" she said and Beau picked me up bridal style and scared the crap out if me because I wasn't expecting that.

One hour later

"Ok go ahead and go home now but no walking to much" the doctor said and we all just looked at each other. "Wait Tasha we can call mom" I said and she went up to the person at the desk. "Can I borrow a phone" she asked and then she called her. "She's on her way" she said and we waited outside.

Ummmmmmmm peace out girl/boy scouts

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