chapter 16

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Cassie's POV: I woke up in the morning and looked at the time, it was a little after noon. We were supposed to leave around three so I decided to pack. I looked down at the air mattress and Beau was starting to wake up. "Start packing" I said and i threw a pillow at him and he sat up. "Ughhh ok" he said and he went and got his stuff and put it in suit cases. I just now realized that we were going to have to go to a whole new school, so yay. I've never been to Ohio I've only been in California my whole life so hopefully its not too cold because all I have is shorts. I'm just hoping it isn't as bad as people say in Ohio. I saw something on Facebook that people said Ohio's weather was bipolar but eh whatever we'll find out soon. I think Andy said the plane ride usually lasts around seven hours so wohoo. I'm probably going to sleep most of the time because why not. Me and Beau finished packing around one and we sat down on my bed. "I don't know what to do" I said and Beau grabbed my hand. "Let's go to the park" he said and we stood up. "Tasha do you guys want to go to the park" I asked her walking into her room. "Can't have to pack sorry" she said and we walked back out and went downstairs. I was still in my pajamas but oh well they could pass as day time clothes. I put my hair up in a messy bun and we walked out the door.

Neither of us wore shoes because we like going barefoot. "Its sad knowing this is our last time in this park for awhile" I said as we got there and sat on the swings. "I'm sure you guys will love Ohio, I have so may friends back there ya the weather sucks during the winter but right now in fall the leaves are so pretty and you and Tasha have never even seen snow" he said and I smiled because he was smiling the biggest grin ever as he described the place. "Nobody ever actually knew me though, I was always homeschooled my friends were neighbors kids and friends of theirs that I met so I don't know what the school might be like" he said and he got up and pushed me on the swing. "There's also a really big park with a pool beside it except by now it will be closed, I never really went to the park but I walked past it a lot, it has a really big playset for bigger kids and a small playset for little kids, and of course they have swings even better than these ones" he said and I smiled. "You'll love it" he said and I smiled again. "I bet I will" I said and I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was 1:53 we should go back around 2:30. "We have about a half hour" I said and I out my phone away. He stopped pushing the swing so I could get off and I took my phone out again.

"Hey guys come to the park on Cherry street if you want to see me and Beau we're moving soon so its your last chance" I tweeted and posted a picture of us. I decided not to say we were moving to Ohio because we could surprise people at the new school when they saw us. I started thinking and I realized Kyle lives in Ohio too so we would probably get to see him more now. It seemed like we had never gotten to see him much. A couple people showed up and we smiled and took pictures with them and then I checked the time and it was 2:45. "Crap" I said and we started running. It really hurt my leg but I didn't care, we really needed to get back before Johnnie and Andy killed us. We got home at 2:56 and Johnie and Andy were loading the car and they gave us both death stares. "We love you" me and Beau said at the same time and hugged them. "We already got your bags get in" Johnnie said and we got into Andy's car. I sat beside Tasha and she punched my arm. "Ow what was that for" I said rubbing my arm and she smiled. "For fun" she said and I hit her back. "Oh wow that really hurt" she said and she laughed. I was not even close to being tough. "How long will it take to get to the air port" Jake asked and Johnnie looked back at us. "Only like five minutes" he said and he turned back around.

Me, Tasha, Beau and Jake were all crammed in the back which really sucked but at least it won't take to long to get there. "We'll have to take you all shopping for warmer clothes" Andy said and Johnnie nodded his head in agreement. "Ya I don't think mom will want you to freeze to death" Johnnie said and he laughed. Andy pulled into the air port and we all piled out of the car. We grabbed our suitcases which we all had two except Andy he had one. We went into the airport security and then finally got on the plane. I got the window seat, Beau sat beside me and Johnnie sat on the outside. Tasha sat behind me next to the window and beside her was Jake and then Andy. It was only around 3:15 so it was too difficult to go to sleep so I didn't. "Wait isn't there a time difference" I asked and Beau looked at me and nodded his head yes. "Three hours" he said and my jaw dropped. "So me going to sleep at ten in California I have to somehow go to bed at seven in Ohio, ya like that's going to happen" I said and I felt Tasha kick my seat. "Grow up" I yelled and heard her laugh. "Get a life" she said and she kicked my seat again. I honestly would have done the same exact thing if I was sitting behind her. I am way more childish than her, I can not be serious for more than three seconds.

Seven hours later

We got off the plane and went through security again and then got a rental car and headed to Andy's. It was a half hour drive which sucked because this car was just as small as the other. When we walked in me and Tasha screamed at what we saw.

Hiii so if you have any ideas for this story please tell me because I don't have any peace out girl/boy scouts

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