21- Weddings

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Sorry I haven't updated in so long.
been having major writer's block

I'm a bad writer anyway :(

And I literally got this idea from an episode of Austin & Ally my nephew was watching on tv.

But enjoy anyway :) --Dj

"Now, you are to choose one of these important events in someone's life and do a re-enactment. How, you carry out this, will affect your grade. So choose wisely. "

As soon as Mrs Morgan wrote the last one down, the class started buzzling with conversations between the students and their partners.

"Hey, let's do the wedding one. It's one of the most important events in life, and I really wanna try wedding planning," Luke said to the raven haired boy beside him.

Calum got up and crouched infront of Luke's desk, one one knee, and held out Luke's hand.

"Will you, Luke, do me the honour of helping me and yourself get an A for this assignment by re-enacting a wedding?"

Luke giggled and put his other hand(which was in sweater paws, mind you) to cover his mouth, making him look adorable.

"I'd do you anytime." Luke smirked, making Calum blush deeply.

"Aw, you two are such a cute couple. Anthony and I were such a cute couple. He stole my heart, and my chocolate chip macademia coOKIES LIKE THE HELL NOBODY TAKES MY COOKIES. NOBODY. THAT MAN LEFT ME FOR THAT STUPID SLUT FROM HIS OFFICE THEN HE CHOOSES TO JUST RUN OFF WITH HER AND HER FAKE BOOBS ANd i'm rambling again aren't I. I'm sorry class. Carry on."

The class stared at Mrs Morgan in silence.

"Why isn't there a topic for giving birth? It's the best day. It's the day that life is given to a young human who comes in his or her birthday suit, and looks like a potato until hours later. Then one of you has an excuse to come to class naked! Luke should be the one, I mean he's such baby sometimes. Besides, there's nothing we haven't seen before Calum,"

Calum pouted while Luke was laughing his ass off at Michael.

It was true though.

Calum had a new habit of strutting around the house naked.

Michael and Ashton learned of this the hard way, when after a sleepover at the Hoodings', they woke up to a butt-naked Calum making breakfast.

"Are you even in my class?"

Mrs Morgan smirked.

She knew Michael wasn't in her class. At least not this one.

It's a Tuesday.

Michael has a free period on Tuesdays.

"Nope. " Michael got up from his seat and went to Calum's desk.

"Good luck bro. This is gonna be the best day of your life. Your most important day. Don't forget, I'll always be your bro."

Michael patted Calum's shoulder, and sounded like he was about to cry.

He then turned around and leaned in to Luke's face.

"If you hurt him, I'll destroy you," he said in a low voice.

"Get outta here, Clifford." Mrs Morgan laughed, and Michael ran out of class yelling that he's batman.

"Wha..." Luke trailed off, as Calum winked and started trying to seduce Luke by flexing his muscles, making Luke laugh.

"Luke, I need to speak with you after class. It's about the upcoming school anniversary thingy. "

Luke nodded, before turning back to his boyfriend, who pouted after his failed attempts, making Luke giggle again.

11:11 -Cake Hoodings (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now