26- Movies and Man Periods

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*a few months later*


I wrapped my arm around Luke's waist, and he nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck.

We had finished our food, but we still had plenty of time left before lunch break was over.

"Just one more week to graduation," Ashton said, his expression complicated.

The four of us looked down, pondering.

What's gonna happen after this?

After we finish highschool.

What do we do?

Where do we go?

See its at this point of life that we feel like we're playing a new game, but the tutorial was in chinese so we couldn't understand shit and now we're lost.

I can't fucking read chinese.

I'm not Asian

Fuck you to those guys who thought I was.

Disrespect smH

"What college are you guys going to?" Alisa asked, looking over to me and Luke.

"I don't know yet," I curtly said, playing with Luke's hair softly, making Luke whimper slightly.

"Luke?" Alisa urged on, and Luke simply shrugged.

"Shhh, me cuddle daddy," Luke said, bringing a finger to his lips, before cuddling even closer to me.

Michael came over and slammed his food on the table.

"Woah, chill Mikey," Ashton giggled.

Michael flipped him off.

"Crikey! What got your panties in a twist?"
Ashton giggled even more, and Michael groaned.

"Bitch you will leave me the fuck alone. I do not wear panties, I wear fucking boxers okay? So shut the fuck up you taco shit" Michael huffed, and Alisa hit him lightly on the back.

I noticed Michael's hair was pink.


"What's his problem?" Ashton tilted his head, looking over at Alisa.

"He's been like this for the past few days. I think he's on his man-period," Alisa shook her head, and Luke giggled, mumbling 'man-period' to himself and giggling again softly.





No Lukey for yall.

(Arzaylea who?)

"Fuck you guys I'm leaving," Michael grunted, before getting up and sitting at the round table next to ours.

"Hey, don't swear!"

(You can guess who said that lmao)

"I do what I want, I'm punk rock." Michael said through gritted teeth.

"No you're not." I said, smiling the slightest bit.

"Just because you wear eyeliner sometimes doesn't mean you're punk rock" Luke said from under me, giggling.

"YOU HAVE PINK HAIRR" I said in a dramatic tone, and Michael groaned, stuffing his face with his mashed potato, and all three of us burst out laughing, earning stares from the other students and glares from some.

11:11 -Cake Hoodings (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now