Chapter 3- Private Rooms

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*Warning: Smut Chapter!!*
Chapter 3: Private Rooms

[Eren's P.O.V.]
What am I doing? I had only ever offered private rooms once and I planned for that to be my last one after the fact that I was molested. But for some reason, this man seemed different. I'm not even sure why I thought so. Maybe because he just looked kind of uncomfortable or out of place here. He didn't look like the strip club kinda guy.
I shut the private room door behind us and sat the raven haired boy down on the plush red couch. As a new song started I swallowed slightly. This was happening and I couldn't back out anymore.
I began to slowly move my body and hips to the beat, trying to look seductive when I was feeling anything but.
Deciding to turn away, I began to shake my hips again with my ass presented in front of him.
My face was beginning to get red and warm. I hated dancing up on stage in the first place but doing a private room dance was daunting and I was absolutely terrified and embarrassed.
Embarrassed? For some reason, yes, I was embarrassed to be doing what I do every week.
As the song dragged on I moved myself to sit myself on his thigh while I began to grind my crotch onto him.
One of his cold hands moved up to my side and ran it down my torso, sending a slight shiver over me. I let my eyes wander toward his groin area and saw a large bulge he was trying to cover with his hand. Clear as day.
Now focusing on the heat rising in my own lower area, I let that control my movements while I continued his personal dance.
I let my body move on its own to the beat of the music playing and brought my eyes back up to his face, where he was biting his small pink lip in a way that made another wave of heat rush downwards.
What sick game was I playing right now, and how do I get out of it?

After we finished in the private room, the man and I went back out to his seat where he ordered me another glass of alcohol, which I sat next to my previous glass.
"Hey," his deep, raspy voice spoke, "how much for that?" He pointed back toward the room we had just been in.
I smiled at him, "only $20."
What the hell? No the price is suppose to be $50 for a private room. What was I doing? I hadn't drank anything so why was I doing this? This was the money I needed to live. What the actual hell Eren?! I patronized myself mentally, hating myself for being spineless.
Giving me a look of confusion, he could clearly tell I was lying about the price, but regardless, he handed me a crisp twenty dollar bill. He looked me in the eye again, this time, a set frown on his face, "why do you look so tense?"
I bit my lip. I myself wasn't so sure. This man unsettled me.
The dark haired man and I ended up talking for quite awhile about random topics, even touching a bit on more serious ones like why he was here and his home life. Apparently he lives with two friends. I found myself wondering what happened to his parents and why he chose to live with them instead of on his own. He seemed fairly independent so something about it felt odd. Throughout the conversation he ended up ordering about 3 more glasses of liquor for himself. He had downed nearly all of them within 15 minutes.
"Hey," his hand touched my thigh again as he leaned up to my ear, "after work, you wanna go somewhere?" His words were slightly slurred and his cheeks were a bright red. My cheeks mimicked his with the question presented.
Normally, I would think of him as every other drunk guy in here, but I had never had that nice of a conversation with anyone in a place like this before. I mean, I had never had sex before and I had always wanted to save myself for someone I cared about, but I was honestly considering it at the moment.
"I-...I don't know..." I answered, swallowing another rock in my throat.
His hand moved higher, "tell you what, finish your shift and meet me outside. You can tell me then," gulping down the last of his 6th drink, he stood up and made his way toward the exit, leaving me alone on the couch.
Was I seriously going to do this? Of course I was curious but was I curious enough to go with this man just for sex? I couldn't lie that I had an attraction to him so maybe something could come of this, but did I really want this? Any of this with him?

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