Chapter 12- The Dog and The Cat

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Chapter 12- The Dog and The Cat

[Eren's P.O.V.]
The next few days were calm. Levi and I got back into the schedule of  texting everyday, all day, and I developed a new love for poetry. I began to write down my feelings and I discovered that I can express myself very well. I hadn't told Levi or Jean and I have kept them hidden from them, in a small pink box under my bed. It was a little envelope box my mom had. I held onto a lot of her small things. I have her photo albums from her wedding and baby picture of me and the day we adopted Mikasa. She also loved to take photography and she was damn good at it. I have those albums too, all under my bed in hiding. Since I don't really have a home besides the dorm here, I keep them all in here. I could leave them with the Alert family but I feel better having them near me anyway so, win-win, they don't have to deal with all my shit cluttering their home.
Levi started opening up to me a bit more. He told me about something going on with Farlan, one of his best friends, and how Isabel is a lot like me. He invited me to hang out with them this weekend and now the days can't go by slower! I would go after classes but homework is such a hassle and I don't have a car to get over there. I really don't want to inconvenience Levi either.
And so, I wait.
I wait for the week to tick by and the nights to drag on until Saturday morning arrived.
I woke up without an alarm (which was nice). Jean was still snoring sound in sleep and my sheets were coated in sweat. It just registered to me that my pants had been kicked off in the middle of the night and were lying on the floor next to my mattress. This wouldn't be the first time this happened though.
I grabbed a fresh pair of boxers and claimed the bathroom before Jean woke up. Showering and  making myself look as presentable as possible, I stepped out to change. Jean was still snoring and my phone was vibrating on the bed.
I picked it up and answered the call.
"Hey Levi. What's up?" I asked nonchalantly. What if he was canceling or something happened.
I bit my thumb nail.
"Hey brat," I smiled. I liked that little brat things, yet it annoyed me. I was confusing, "I was wondering if you want to go get something to eat or do something before we head over? Isabel spent last night at some friends place so, based on her drinking habits, I don't know when she will be back. I told her to text me when she got home though," I heard a shower turn on in the background, "how about it?"
I wanted to squeal and explode. I felt like a firework inside me was about to burst. An actual date with Levi.
"Uh, yeah, we can totally do that," I tired to keep my voice calm but it hitched. I heard Levi nose laugh through the phone.
"Cool, I'll pick you up at about 10, sound good?"
I nodded, but quickly remembered he couldn't see. I blushed anyway, "yeah, yeah that's fine. Text me when you get parked out front," hanging up, I tossed my phone onto my bed, throwing myself on after.
I shoved my face deep into the pillow and smiled. A date with Levi. An actual date!
Standing up, I dressed myself, taking more time than any boy should. Jean was still passed out so I took the liberty of unplugging his alarm clock and collapsing back onto my bed with his phone. The dunce thinks 1-2-3-4 is too cliche of a passcode, yet 5-6-7-8 is original. Moron.
After gaining access, I snooped through his photos, coming across more than enough selfies, pics of him and Marco, and to my horror, his nudes. I almost screamed and I think I may have thrown up a bit in my own mouth.
Moving away from the horror show, I scrolled through his messages with Marco (Marco was saved as Freckled Jesus with the cheesy sparkle emoji next to it), coming across message that were sent almost as religiously as mine had been with Levi.
I glanced over at a sleeping Jean and smirked. He was queer and didn't even know it!
Deciding to be evil, I sent Marco a text.
Hey, Marco, would you wanna go out tonight? Like on a date? Cheesecake Factory?
I waited not even five seconds before the three little bubble dots appeared and only another thirty before I got a message back.
OMG YES >v< Of course! I've been a wimp on asking, like, you had never specified if you were straight. I didn't know what to do! Thank you Jean! What time?!
I smiled.
6:30? Sound good? I'll pick you up.
Marco sent back a 'see you then <3' just as Jean woke up.
"Jaeger," his voice was groggy but he quickly snapped up when he saw is iPhone in my hand and the smirk on my face, "why the fuck do you have my phone!"
He lunged up at me and I jumped back do I as standing on top of my bed. I just laughed, "dude, chill!"
"Jaeger, I'm going to kill you!" His voice was harsh and he would have been intimidating if he had anything more than pink boxer briefs on.
"Calm, I got you a date," I clicked off his phone and handed it back.
He looked dumbfounded. He opened his phone and a blush spread over his face, turning it a light shade of pink. The corners of his mouth twitched into a sort of half smiled.
I crossed my arms, jumped off my bed, and looked at him with a sneer, "you're welcome."
He tossed his phone back onto his bed and averted his eyes from mine, his "smile" gone, but his blush staying put, "whatever. What if I didn't even want to go out with a guy?"
"It's pretty clear Marco likes you and it's obvious you like him. I mean you always talk about him, text him, or are with him, one of three, there are no other situations."Jean threw himself back into his bed and sprawled out his arms, "thanks...but could you go or something?"
Figuring he wanted to get ready for his date I agreed and stepped out. As soon as the door clicked shut I heard a small, muffled squeal from inside the room. I grinned again and shoved my hands in my pockets. Same here Jean.

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