Chapter 18- I Love You

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* Warning: Smut Chapter*

Chapter 18- I Love You

[Eren P.O.V.]
When Hanji finally arrived, she was silent. It was strange to see her with a serious expression, no smiling, no speaking.
We ended up back at her place and the familiar scent of liquor and mud clogged my nostrils. It was worse than the club and I could barely breath with the pungent smell.
Hanji plopped herself into her ripped sofa and shot me a deadlocked glance telling me to sit my ass down and I complied with her.
"So, what's up with Levi?" She said the words as if she had said them a thousand times. Airy and exhausted from repeating herself.
How much was there to know about him?
"He just..." It just struck me that I was about to talk about my sex life with, basically a stranger. And yet, I was desperate enough to continue, "after the incident, he just became so aloof and very...clingy. He won't leave me alone and he wants me to move in. But, well, I'm worried what he will do to me. The other night he just..." Hanji stopped me, putting a can of beer in my hand. Where she got it from, I couldn't tell, but it was slightly warm, more of a lukewarm type of temperate.
"Eren, Levi is very...Special. I've told you this. He has a sort of complex. When he lost his mother, his Uncle Kenny took him in, kind of," she sipped her drink, "he taught Levi how to fight and trained him in defense. Levi clung to him, classified him as a father for the time. When Farlan and Isabel showed up in his life, he attached himself to them and left Kenny behind, God knows where he is now."
I stared down at the shinny aluminum of my can. My finger nail played with the tab and contemplated opening it, "okay? So what does that have to do with me?"
Hanji slammed her drink on the table, seemingly angry yet her words were calm, "Levi has now clung to you. You are all he has now. Sure he has friends but this is love. He may not see it, but his mind and body crave the feeling of loving someone. He is just scared to lose you because he is in love with you."
I waned to cry. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, yet I tried blinking them away, "how do I know if he really does love me or if it's just something he feels like he needs?" My voice chipped, breaking every other word or so.
"You don't," she sat herself back down, defeated, knowing that, yes she was right but she didn't want to be.
That's when I opened the can of alcohol, and chugged it down, in a matter of a few large chugs. Hanji looked impressed and handed me another.
I drank it as well.

Hanji and I ended up drunk. I ended up texting Levi, telling him I would move in. Tomorrow he would just have to help me move some stuff. He would need to talk to my counselor and get me out. He was so excited. Even smashed I could still see just how adorable he was.
Hanji told me about her lab experiments and how she never dated anyone and frankly, she didn't care too. We talked the entire night in our strange, I'm-drunk-please-don't-let-me-in-public state though I couldn't remember the majority of it.
The next morning was a blur. I woke in Hanji's apartment with her no where in sight. The couch I was in was creaky and my neck ached. On the coffee table, a small sticky note was written in neat handwriting. Went to work! Help yourself to anything.
I looked around and panic set in. What time was it? I whipped out my phone and checked the time. 10:42. I had class at 11:00 and no way back to Trost. Levi had also texted me about 50 times. Asking where I was, was I okay, when I would move in...I balanced myself and called Levi. The minute I rode up from my point on the old sofa, my head throbbed, killing my senses and nearly making me pass out again.
So this is a hangover? Wonderful...
Levi answered quickly, nearly on the first ring, "Eren? Are you okay?" His voice was calm yet had an aura of panic to it. Just hearing his voice made me melt, I fell in love all over again.
I didn't even know I cared this much, loved him this much already. I guess that's what tragedies do, they bring you closer.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I spoke, happier than I actually felt, "I'm at Hanji's place right now. Would you mind picking me up and bringing me to Trost. While you're there you can talk to my counselor about moving me out," I tried to give him a motive.
"Sure, but why are you there?"
I opted out of telling him about my drunken endeavors and instead told him we were just hanging out.
Levi agreed to pick me up and was there by 10:50, the car ride was a bit strange. He kept glancing over at me, as if making sure I hadn't just out of the car or something. Grabbing his hand, I felt him tense, then loosen up, sinking into me. I stroked my thumb over his hand, feeling the softness of his skin and the quickened beat of his heart.
He stopped looking over.
When he dropped me off, he insisted on walking with me to class. I knew I was going to be late and having him their would only embarrass me further.
I let him come.
Truthfully, I didn't want to let go of his hand either so I just held him tightly.
We got to my class around ten minutes late, no bag, nothing in hand.
"Thanks Levi, the office is right at front. You'll see it," I tried to let go of his hand but he gripped it tight, "Levi?"
He released his grip and rose to his toes. He kissed me gently, softly, unlike before. It wasn't long, but it felt like just a few seconds of perfection.
He smiled back at me, "I'll pick you up after. I want to take you somewhere."
And with that, he walk away. Something about his stride was bouncy, happy, but he was trying to hide it.

Class was a disaster. Without my books, or pencils, or anything, I was the laughing stoke of class. I couldn't find it in me to care. I was moving in with him, that's what I cared about right now, not some stupid history class.
I was excited, but there was still fear echoing in me. What he might do...
I fell asleep and was, again, yelled at.
After all my classes, I stepped outside and saw Levi fast asleep underneath one of the large trees Armin and I had slept under. I ran over to him.
There was nothing I could do but smile. He was adorable. A small trail of drool dropped down the corners of his mouth which hung slightly agape. His eyes fluttered softly as he awoke. He looked up at me with the softest gaze I had ever seen from him. It nearly made me squeal.
"Good morning sleepyhead," My smile was so big, it made my cheeks hurt.
"Shut up," he growled, a giggled hinted behind it.
"I need to be at work around 8 so where are you wanting to take me?"
His face fell slightly, "you still work there?"
I was afraid to say yes.
I nodded just as he grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the car. He didn't seem angry, his hand wasn't hot, he seemed nervous. He had parked in the back of the parking lot which was shaded by the whole of the building. He sat me down in the drivers seat, setting himself on my lap.
With one smooth motion, he shut the car door, locked the doors, and collapsed the seat back.
"Eren, you're mine, okay?" His eyes were glazed over, afraid and nervous. I hated those eyes.
"Okay..." He kissed me roughly. Twisting his tongue around mine.
His small hands trailed down my torso and gripped my hip. He grinded his pelvis on mine, causing a whimper in my throat to escape.
Levi parted his lips and looked down at me as if I were the most precious thing in the world.
He shifted his gaze down and quickly began unbuttoning his jeans, letting me take care of my own. I had no idea how this was going to work in the car in such a small space, but Levi seemed to know what he was doing. Pulling out his large member, he grabbed my own, a small gasp falling past my lips.
He pushed the two of us together, grinding himself on me. My breathing was heavy, and I could see his was too. The rise and fall of his chest while he sat just below my hips. The curve of his spine against the steering wheel and the feeling of his hand and his length against me. It was all so much.
Levi's face was pink, blush skimming his cheeks and his eyes fluttering from open and aware to closed and drifting.
My head was spinning. I wanted to see more of this Levi.
I had been unconsciously thrusting myself. Forcing myself to halt, I grabbed Levi's hips tightly, "Levi...can I?"
I had never done anything like this, being the one in control, but Levi seemed so gentle right now, like he couldn't hurt a single fly.
Levi looked down at me. His eyes thin and his mouth open, short breaths slipping out. He nodded slightly, so slightly I almost couldn't see it. He rose himself up over me and lowered back down onto me. He gritted his teeth and moaned so loudly, I was worried everyone around us may have heard.
But it was so sexy.
I felt myself twitch inside him.
The feel was so much different than I could ever had imagined, it was so much better. Levi pushed himself down farther and farther until his rear taped the base of me, "that's all of it," I spoke softly.
My hands were gripping his hips so hard, I knew there would be marks later. His fingers were splayed out over my torso, scratching me, nearly drawing blood as he rocked himself up and down on me. Rhythmic and in time. He began to speed up after only a few seconds.
I couldn't even find it in me to care.
"Levi, I..." I wanted to say it, "I..." Why want I saying it?
"Levi, I love you, I love you so much!" I gasped out.
He opened his eyes to look at me and he smiled, a real, soft, beautiful smile, "I love you, Eren. Please, come inside, please..." His voice was pleading, something I had never heard from him. It was so sweet, but this also was wrong. Levi should be demanding me to come, not asking politely like I would. It was all wrong, but it was too perfect for me to complain.
With a final bounce of Levi on me, I came right into him. I could feel the liquid seaping out of his ass, falling down my own. With the feeling, he curled over and came into his own chest and mine. We were both sweaty, sticky, and happy. He fell onto my chest, his head tucked into the nook of my shoulder. He was breathing hard and I could feel his wet face against my neck, "I love you so much much..." He chocked out the words as if he were about to cry.
I kissed the top of his small head, "I love you too..."
I'm finished! I'm just going to post the rest of this fanfic now :) don't forget to vote and comment

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