Chapter 11- Finally

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Chapter 11- Finally

[Levi's P.O.V.]
I waited outside the neon lit club, leaning against my black jaguar, picking at my nails.
Eren had just completely stopped talking to me around a week ago and I've been completely confused as to why.
I've been worried sick and losing more sleep than usual thinking about how he could be lying in a fucking ditch somewhere. He was a very good looking kid, it wouldn't surprise me.
I had sent him God knows how many messages, called him an uncountable amount of times (37 god damn times!), and left voicemails on nearly every call.
I was upset at first, then just plain angry, then I became worried.
He wasn't like that. He never ignored me like this.
Throughout this week, I've found myself thinking about him nonstop. I've missed him and I'll be damned if I just let him walk away like this, for whatever reason.
He was a kind, caring kid and I could tell I was becoming obsessed with him. Every text I got, my first thought was, "Please let it be Eren!"
The mind works in odd was. Mysterious ways that cause a person to fall in love with madness and desire. To become shaken with want, lust, care, and simply love.
I wouldn't say I was in love with the brat, but I knew I could be there, if only I knew a bit more...
So I ended up here. The same club we met at a month ago, and the first time we've seen each other since.
If he wasn't here tonight, I don't know what I would do. I have no way to get to him. It's now or never.
So I waited and waited. I didn't know if he was even on duty tonight, still working here, or even alive at this point.
I tilted my head back to look at the empty navy grey void above me. The city lights blocked out all stars and absorbed all light, brightening the navy sky and dimming the full moon.
That's one thing I always wanted to do, I wanted to see the stars again.
I had went star gazing once with my mother and once with Farlan and Isabel. That's one thing I hated about the city; it felt like its own work at night. An empty expansive dome with no escape. It feels as if it's sucking up everything more than light. It feels like that emptiness is flooding into me, filling me with something hollow.
I heard one of the heavy metal doors swing open. My head moved on its own and immediately connected with the boy leaving the club.
"Eren!" I couldn't stop myself from shouting his name. I stood up straight, a huge weight fluttering away from my chest. He was alive! Thank god he was alive!
"Levi," he looked nervous, "what are you doing here?!" The closer he moved toward me and the more I stared at his face, the more I noticed the bandages.
White patched covered his skin and his lip was busted apart, his tongue poking out occasionally to lick some still forming blood from it.
"You havnt talked to me in a week," I crossed my arms, trying to look assertive, but mostly trying to stop myself from hugging him to death, "I was worried Eren. Where were you? What happened? Why did you just drop of the face of the fucking earth?!"
My calm aura was disappearing and being replaced with sheer concern. I wanted answers, and I wasn't leaving without any.
"Levi...I..." Eren moved his hand to the back of his neck and averted her gaze from mine. That pissed me off.
"Eren," I grabbed his chin and turned his head to face me. God he looked beaten up, "look at me. Start with what happened. Why did you stop talking to me?"
His eyes connected with mine and, for a moment, I wanted do desperately to kiss him. I wanted to hold him and tell him how much I missed him and how much he meant to me; I wanted to tell him how crazy I had been without him.
"I...I just didn't feel like texting..." Eren tried to avert his eyes again but I squeezed his small chin. His nerves were flooding back.
"Eren," I started. I lowered my chin so my face was slightly shadowed by streetlights, "I know that's not true. What happened? I've been crazy without knowing what the hell happened and I won't not let you tell me!" My voice was more of a growl than I intended.
Eren flinched a bit and swallowed hard, "fine I...after we talked about me doing...those things," Eren was shifting uncomfortably so I took my hand away from his face, "I uh..."
"Eren..." I tried to keep myself calm while I listened, just tell me, "just tell me. Why are you so nervous?"
"'Cause it's fucking embarrassing!" Eren shouted at me. His eyes darkening ever so slightly like a toxic waste dripping into the ocean.
I didn't say a word, I just continued staring at his face.
"I..." He softened his expression again, "I touched myself."
I narrowed my eyes slightly. If this was why he ignored me, because he fucking jacked off, I'm going to be pissed, "Okay...everyone does it, it's fine." I tried to comfort him by putting a hand on his arm but he shrugged me away. My hand grazed his flannel as it fell back to my side.
"No I..." He looked down, "I touched myself to you."
My eyebrow twitched. He jacked off to me? I felt an odd mix of embarrassment, joy, and anger. Is that why he just fucking ignored me?
"But why did you stop talking to me?" I tried to keep my voice calm but I felt shaky. I couldn't help but wonder if he noticed.
"I really like you...I didn't know how to talk to you after that or what I wanted to do about it. I wanted to think but this week has been hell! I've been doing those things almost every night; i can't stop thinking about you Levi! But I don't want to ruin what we have, I mean, I barely know anything about you if you think about it," Eren's face looked pale and his eyes shimmered, threatening tears.
So the brat had a crush on me? My heart began to beat a bit faster at the thought of us being together. I also had some small feelings for him but Eren was right, we barely knew anything about each other. We talked almost constantly, yet I only know a bit about his family and some small quirks of his. I can't really list off trivia about him.
But I want to know more.
"Eren," I brought his attention back to my face. Without hesitation, I stepped closer to him, lifting myself onto my toes. I pulled his flannel collar down, his face next to mine, and I pushed my lips onto his.
He smelled like alcohol and sweat from the club, but on him,  it was alluring. This kiss wasn't like last time. It wasn't ravenous and desperate. It wasn't harsh or lust filled. It was a soft, gentle, passionate kiss.
I moved my lips to mold his and it took him a moment but he began to move his hand to my hips and his lips worked with mine.
I parted the kiss, my lips instantly going cold from the loss of contact, and lowered my heels back to the ground. Eren's face was awestruck. He was almost frozen with a look of loss on his face.
I kept my hands on his shirt collar, "you wanna give this a shot and start over? We can actually try and get this thing right."
He smiled, "okay...Levi?"
"Can we get in the car..." He pulled my hips closer to him, "I want to kiss some more," he blushed slightly but there was a burst of confidence twisted into it.
I smirked and grabbed his hand, "of course."
Those are the moments you really are thankful for tinted glass.

Nothing happened that night. Eren and I kissed some more in the car before we pulled out of the parking lot (he sat in my lap and he bumped the horn a few times with his back) but we mutually agreed that sex was off the table until we actually knew more about each other. Drunken one night stands just aren't healthy.
I had dropped him off at Trost and he kissed me goodbye.
I stayed parked for a few more minutes, my head resting against the leather steering wheel, smiling stupidly at my lap.

I awoke the next morning with a clear head and I felt almost lighter. Like the weight of The Earth just flew away from my chest.
I opened my door and went down stairs to the kitchen. Isabel and Farlan were sitting eating breakfast at the table.
"Good morning," I rustled Isabel's hair as I walked past her to grab a bowl and some cereal.
"You seem chipper as opposed to your nervous silence throughout the week," Isabel said.
It's true. The past week I've been quiet and closed off more than usual while I thought about everything. About Eren and Farlan, about work and me as a human being. I was an ass and it was about time for that to change.
I looked Farlan in the eye for the first time since I heard him in his room. He smiled slightly then lowered his head to his bowl to take another bite of his Cheerios.
I had been avoiding him a bit because I don't know how to deal with the situation he has put out here. He probably doesn't even know I heard. I felt bad but things were getting better. I was forgetting an worrying less about it. I wasn't going to lose him over something this stupid anyway.
"Yeah, something happened," I turned away from Isabel and focused on my breakfast.
"Tell us?" Farlan pitched in.
Should I say anything yet? Nothing has happened between us yet.
I decided to wait.
"I'll tell you another time, give me a few days or so okay?" I asked, sitting down at the table with them.
For the first time in a long time, the three of us actually engaged in conversation. A real conversation. We were able to laugh and smile while forgetting all the troubles of the world.
We all decided to hang out at home that day. We lounged on the couch to watch a scary movie, which we all laughed at, and I texted Eren about it. I should see a horror movie with him sometime...
For once, the stars in my life were aligned into perfect constellations. Images matched up as I looked out upon them, seeing myself riding the waves of stardust and connecting the stars.
After so long of everything feeling like shit, everything felt right.
Chapter 11!! My apologies for such a short chapter but I'm so excited from here on, things will start to get better! I've got plans for things to happen and ways to destroy your lives >:) jk! I'm just excited for this story! Thanks so much for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment! <3

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