Chapter 13- Confessions

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Chapter 13- Confessions

[Levi's P.O.V.]
I drove Eren and I to our apartment. The whole way Eren was tapping his knee, I could feel it under my hand. When we finally arrived he looked like he would explode.
I finally got him out of the car with a bit of a struggle to keep him focused and out of his mind.
I couldn't comprehend why he was so damn nervous. He was great person. Sweet and kind. Everything I said about him being a dog and hyper and enthusiastic was suppose to be a complement, not an insult.
As we walked into the building, I held his hand tight, trying to stop him from shaking.
We got to the front door and I looked up at Eren, keys in hand, "ready?"
He giggled, God he's adorable, "not really but let's go."
I squeezed on his hand. It was sweaty and warm and shaky and it felt nice.
Unlocking the front door, I guided Eren in, refusing to drop his hand, and immediately Isabel jumped up from the couch squealing and hugging Eren, forcing me to drop his hand, "it's so good to meet you! Levi talks about you a lot!" Eren smiled at me with Isabel still cling onto his waist. I shrugged. I did, I couldn't help it, especially that week he just dropped off the face of the planet.
Isabel finally let go as soon as Farlan finally sauntered his way over offering his hand to Eren, "I'm Farlan and that's Isabel," Farlan greeted, pointing over to a bouncing Isabel, "come on, sit down. Tea?"
Farlan was such a kiss-ass but I always got that confused with him just being nice.
Eren and I took a seat on the couch, Eren awkwardly sitting straight and perfect. I lightly pushed him trying to get him to loosen up and Isabel sat across from us in one of the arm chairs, sprawling herself out.
Isabel, despite her acting excited and bouncy, was nervous. I could tell by the way her eyes flickered sporadically and her fluttering gaze. In a way, it reminded me of Eren. He was acting the same way, at least in the face. His smile was bright and excited but his eyes screamed 'anxiety'! If these two could loosen up, they could get along so well! They could be mistaken for twins if they just walked together.
"So Eren," Isabel squeaked, " where did you guys meet?"
Eren itched his neck, "at my job."
He was avoiding details. I couldn't blame him. You really don't want to tell your boyfriends best friends and basically family that you're a stripper.
"Where do you work?" Isabel sat up, resting her hands on her tiny thighs.
"Um..." Eren blushed, "that one strip club downtown."
Isabel stood up, "seriously?! Okay, is it Little Teasers?" She sounded genuinely excited.
"Uh, yeah..." Eren's eyes were confused.
"Omg! FARLAN!!!" Isabel screamed, "EREN WORKS AT LITTLE TEASERS!!"
Eren quickly snapped to beet-red. I almost giggled a bit. I couldn't get over how cute he was. He was exactly like a little dog.
"Sorry, that's just Farlan's favorite club! That's awesome! Pay good?" Isabel jumped over to where Eren was sitting and claimed the seat beside him.
Eren smiled, "yeah, actually..."
The two talk for quite awhile, moving on to Isabel's work as an editor and some of the books she's worked on. I guess Eren is a huge bookworm and she has worked on some of his favorite book. He lit up like a lightning bug. Flickering with a warm glow; you could almost feel his heartbeat just by looking at him.
Farlan had brought out tea while the two of them just talked. Apparently, Farlan had started dinner but Isabel just waved him away. I was right, they were identical.
Leaving the two be, I decided to help Farlan out with dinner. I actually enjoyed cooking. It was almost as calming as cleaning for me. I guess I was a born housewife.
"Hey, you gonna help?" Farlan had already began chopping up vegetables for some curry but I went ahead and started helping him chop. He wasn't good at mincing.
I took the knife from him and shooed him over toward the stove but he just giggled and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Farlan," I threatened, "don't do that..." His hands were warm and familiar and I could easily sink into him for old times sake. I had been kind of antsy since the car ride, watching Eren tap and bite on his nails.
"We could finish getting it ready and after dinner we could have one last fling. How about it?" Farlan murmured seductively, sliding his hands down below my waist toward my jeans.
I shook my head, "you know what, never mind," I slammed the knife down on the cutting board, slicing my hand open.
Blood started to quickly form at the surface and drip from my palm. I could feel already that it wasn't deep but it was enough to sting.
Farlan reached out to grab me but I quickly pulled back, "I got it!" I stormed out of the kitchen, clenching my hand.
It didn't hurt me to the point of tears, I had a high pain tolerance, but I still knew that I needed to patch it.
I couldn't blame Farlan though. I cut myself with the knife, not him. I had to expect he would do something like that. Farlan was always trying to get his hands on me, and since I heard him that one night I knew how he felt. Yet, I was still trying to brush it aside.
"Levi, are you okay?" Eren called out when I rushed from the kitchen, holding my hand. My brain didn't register that he had spoken and my feet just kept moving. I could hear him getting up but it faded into a ringing. I felt dizzy and nauseous. I leaned myself against a wall, my arm falling beside me.
I could feel myself beginning to pass out but before everything faded I saw Eren there, ready to catch me if I fell.

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