Chapter 6- Bartenders

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Chapter 6- Bartenders

[Levi P.O.V.]
As I trudged my apartment, I was attacked with a squeal from the one and only Isabel.
I saw her charging forward towards me and instantly ducked out of her way, "Le~vi!!! Farlan told me about last night," she said with a smirk playing on her lips.
I shot a glare at Farlan who was resting against the arm of our old couch, drinking a glass of water. He put his hands up, trying to be innocent.
"What did he tell you?" I asked Isabel, moving around her towards the kitchen for some tea.
She followed close behind me like lost dog wagging its tail in excitement, but instead of a tail, it was her god damn mouth.
"Just a little something about you leaving with a stripper from the club," she said to me while I grabbed a glass and set up a kettle of tea, "he said he went outside and saw one of the strippers driving your car. True or untrue?"
I rolled my eyes, "true I guess," I looked down at the boiling kettle of tea, avoiding Isabel's eyes that were pleading for more information, "and stop with the god damn puppy dog eyes," I shot her a glare.
She stuck out her bottom lip, and widened her eyes.
"I fucked a dirty ass stripper! Is that what you want to hear?!" A sharp pain of guilt shot through me when talking about Eren that way. He wasn't "just a stripper" he was kind and innocent. He was someone I could see myself getting to know and learning more about. He was beautifully special. I shouldn't have done what I did but I couldn't take it back at this point.
I looked Isabel directly in the eye, as to make my point stronger, and I suddenly was lost. I was just noticing how closely her blue green orbs of color resembled Eren's. The same wide, excited burst of color, the same reflection of emotion, the bright bold hues trimming the rings around his pupil.
"Le~vi!" Isabel snapped her fingers at my face, "what's going on with you? You normally don't space out like that. Thinkin' about your lover?" She winked at me, tucked her hands behind her back, and rocked on her heels.
I grabbed my kettle of tea and a glass, poured out a cup for myself, and began to walk away, "I'm a bit hungover okay. Give me a break."
With Isabel on my heels, I stomped my way over to my room and slammed the door in her face.
"Ow...that hurt. When you're ready to spill the beans I'll be here!" Isabel's shrill voice cut through the door as I smacked my head against it.
The guilt that was Eren was weighing me down more than ever. The reality was sinking in that he was gone and I fucked over another chance to have an actual good relationship instead of a "benefits" kind of thing.
After hearing Isabel walk away from my door, I turned around and surveyed my room. I could use more light.
The only window was covered by white curtains that's was only letting in minimal light across the dark black carpeted floors. My smooth white walls held no personal touches like pictures or decorations on them. A black and white bed adorned the middle of the room and a small black desk sat isolated in the corner. I needed something in this room. It was all so plain and boring.
I used to say it was "modern" and "clean" and "organized" but lately I've been wanting a change, especially after seeing those brilliant eyes. I wanted more to this dull, colorless space.
Huffing out a sigh, I took a sip from my cup and sat it on my bedside table. I stepped over to my desk and pulled out a book to read, but reading like I normally do just didn't seem interesting anymore.
Last night was more fun then I had ever had, not even the sex. Just talking genuinely to a new person made me happy for once.
Closing the book, I chucked it at the wall, "damnit!" I angrily growled to myself.
Calm down's okay. You'll be fine. I told myself. And it was true. I would be okay after some sleep and a good amount of time. He was just another person. Nothing special, nothing to get attached to.

I locked myself away in my room until I heard Isabel leave. It only took her 4 fucking hours to get out.
Stepping back out into the living room, Farlan's sleeping body was sprawled out across the couch. I made my way over to him to cover him with a blanket until I noticed his phone lying on the soft carpet below his limp hand, powered on. I picked it up carefully and inspected the screen that was on. A message window with a name I didn't recognize was pulled up. I scrolled up through the messages and looked back down at Farlan's sleeping face. His mouth was slightly parted with a small snore slipping past his chapped lips.
"Farlan," grabbing his shoulder, I shook him awake.
"Hm...Levi?" Farlan slowly sat himself up, rubbing his eyes lightly.
Turning his phone screen towards him I asked, "who's this guy?"
Suddenly alert and awake, Farlan grabbed his phone from my hand and a slight red blush formed across his cheek bones, "This is.." He paused, "I actually met someone last night..."
I sat myself down next to him, training my eyes on him, "was it that stripper you went to the back room with?"
He shook his head, "no. After that, I went to the bar and started talking with the bar tender. He was really sweet and gave me his number. When I saw you leaving he gave me a ride back here. But in the car he, uh..." Farlan paused. This demeanor was unlike him. He was never the kind to get all flustered and shaken up unless he was drunk.
"Did he rape you or something?!" My anger flared up and I tensed. I swear to Christ, if this guys hurt him in any way I would kill him! But I had no room to talk right now.
"No no no..." I relaxed slightly, "he just...gave me a quick blow and walked me back upstairs...I really like him though and we've been talking all day," Farlan's face was downcast, reflecting something more was bothering him.
"So, why are you upset?" I tried to keep my voice calm and steady.
Farlan swallowed, "I just am not sure if I could be in a relationship. I mean, did I do something wrong with us?" Farlan looked up at me, worry gleaming from his irises and resonating in my own eyes.
"Farlan, we've been over this. We broke up because we didn't work as a couple. We are friends and nothing more. You didn't do anything wrong. You're a great person but you need to have more god damn self confidence!" I slapped him playfully upside the head.
About a year ago, Farlan and I tried dating. We actually went out on dates and were a real couple but we both came to the conclusion that neither one of us felt a mutual connection of love. We broke up happily but continued our friendship unwavering.
Farlan smiled slightly, "really?"
I nodded and ruffled his hair like I always did when we were kids, "yeah, you ask him out and you go for it whole-heartedly! Just be open with him."
Farlan laughed slightly, "what about you? Who were you leaving with?"
I froze. I didn't want to talk about Eren right now cause I needed to get over him. He was nothing more than a one night stand that I happened to like a little, "one of the strippers, just a one night stand sorta thing," I closed the thought a quickly as I could and tried to move away from the topic, keeping my face as straight as possible.
"Oh...okay. I didn't know you did that kind of thing," Farlan's voice was edged with disappointment. Why would he be disappointed? I guess he has always looked up to me and now I'm kind of letting him down.
"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm fine, he's fine," dear god I hoped he was, "we're all okay. I'm gonna make me something to eat. You want anything?"
Standing up, trying to get Farlan off the topic, I walked into the kitchen to make something.
"Levi," Farlan stood up and followed me over to the fridge, "I'm sure this is me just being tired or still a bit drunk somehow but, um..." Farlan wasn't much taller than me but from behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and toyed with the front hem of my jeans, "I'm in one of those moods."
This was honestly a normal for us. Farlan and I tended to help each other release when needed but we had never gone the full way. Farlan was trying to save that for someone special. I'm not sure why or when exactly we got into the habit of doing this stuff but we ended up making this the norm for us around the time we started dating. Even after breaking up, Farlan kept into the habit and we never really got over it.
As Farlan's large hands scoped up under my button down shirt, I pushed his arms off of me.
"I'm sorry Farlan, I'm not in the mood right now. I've got a pounding hangover and you need sleep to work off yours," I stepped away from him and rested myself on one hip, trying to be authoritative.
I glanced up at the hanging wall clock that Isabel picked out. It was a small dove kitchen clock that I had thought was the dumbest piece of trash ever and still did, but it wasn't terrible, I guess. The dove read 5:03 pm.
"Yeah...ill see ya tomorrow I guess,"  Farlan put his hand on his neck and smirked slightly. Refusing to make eye contact with me, he shifted his gaze away from my face and began to head toward his bedroom.
Listening to the door click shut, I released a sigh and readjusted my shirt. It had been about a week since he had tried anything like that, so why now? As soon as he starts genuinely talking to someone he is actually interested in, he does it again?
I stretched my arms out in front of me before grabbing my cup of tea and heading toward my room.
As I took my first step up the metal staircase, a small sound caught my attention; a moan.
I stopped in my tracks and turned back toward the living area. Another small sound came from the far right- Farlan's room.
Cautiously stepping toward his door, I could hear small moans and the sounds of sheets twisting around on top of his mattress.
I stood in shock, my throat dry and my pants tightening ever so slightly. What was happening?
"L-Levi..." The small pleasure filled gasp just barley leaked through the thickness of the door and instantly, flashes of the night prior jolted through my head. The tent in my jeans grew larger.
So Farlan felt something for me? This wasn't good at all. Not for him or for me.
I decided to take my leave, quickly making my way up the stairs before anything else could happen. I shut my bedroom door and swallowed hard. I sat my tea down on my desk and paused.
I looked at the full length mirror on my closet door across the room, my crotch area defined with a hood. I bit my lip and ran a hand through my thin black hair. Deciding to take a cold shower, I grabbed some sweat pants and boxers and head back out of my room toward the restroom to calm myself down. I didn't need my dick getting me into anymore trouble like last night.

Merry christmas everyone! I tried yesterday to finish a chapter so I could post again today so Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Levi :> anyway, enjoy the chapter <3 kisses

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