Chapter 14- City Streets

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Chapter 14- City Streets

[Eren's P.O.V.]
As the night set over the city, the lights flickered on one by one, casting away the stars into the night sky. And with the night, a cold chill came along.
I stepped into the cold and autumn and hugged my arms. The gentle breeze nipped at my skin from underneath my shirt and I regretted not bringing a jacket along.
I walked away from Levi's building, weaving in and out of people. The walk home was going to be a long one and I considered a taxi but I wanted some time to think before getting home to Jean.
Isabel and I had gotten along just like Levi said we would. We both got along incredibly well but I still didn't understand his idea of us being twins.
But what was really bugging me was Farlan.
I had nothing against him but I had heard Farlan and Levi in his room before I left. I heard him talking to Farlan and I couldn't make it out completely but I could still hear Farlan's little confession. It made me nervous to think that he could easily swipe Levi away from me, he had known him for years and I had only been in his life for about a month or so. If Levi felt anything for him, I wouldn't stand a chance; Farlan had time on his side.
My mind was brimming with thoughts of being left behind and alone again. I could feel the wind freezing my watery eyes. I blinked away the water and tried to focus on my footsteps on the sidewalk.
I stared down at my shoes. Left, right, left, right, left...stepping over cracks and aimlessly wandering through the streets, yet managing to work my way toward my home.
The streets began to lessen with people and an odd feeling surfaced on the back of my neck. A shiver; a chill.
The footsteps behind me were matching up with mine almost perfectly. I shoved my hands into my pockets and picked up my speed slightly, turning corners and going down roads I didn't even know, and the footsteps followed.
I was unsettled and lost. I didn't want him knowing where I went to school, but maybe he already knew.
I felt dizzy and my breathing quickened. I was scared and wanted to call Levi for help, but I couldn't; the footsteps were to close. The area around me was only sprinkled with people and instantly I started to panic. I was in an isolated area and I could easily be killed here and no one would ever know...
Taking in a deep breath, I broke into a stride and he followed behind, faster.
A sweaty hand wrapped around my mouth and yanked me into an alley-way, throwing me against the wall and holding my hands behind me.
Large tears blurred my vision as I tried to look back at his face. He had covered it with a black hoodie. He didn't look much taller than me but he was bigger around than me. He was stronger than me by a mile and yet I was trying to scream for Levi. He was short but powerful. How could the night go to hell this quickly?
The man whispered rancid words in my ear, his breath slapping me in the face and nearly making me gag, "pretty boy, you got anything on you?"
I tried to shake my head. I really didn't. I had my wallet and ID but there was no money or credit cards. My debit card was back at my dorm and I spent all the money I brought at shops and on crepes for Levi and I.
"Doubt it," he squeezed on my hand harder and threw me onto the ground. I coughed, a bit of blood bubbling up in my throat and knocking the wind out of me.
My thoughts raced between Levi and fear and tears and everything in between.
I still felt weak and dizzy and I wanted to pass out but the man slammed his foot into my eye. My hands retreated up to my face and held it in pain. He kicked at my stomach and back and neck and I was beginning to accept the fact that my death was inevitable at this point. I closed my eyes and tried to force myself into death. I tried to make myself sink into the thrown of darkness and pain but suddenly it all stopped. I knew he wasn't at it for longer yet it felt like eternity since I had just been fine and had just seen Levi. It felt like years since he had been with me and years since I saw Mikasa or Armin. And even longer since I saw mom, her face was fading fast.
I could hear grunting and anguish coming from above me yet I couldn't bring myself to move. I just held my stomach and curled up farther into a ball.
Seconds went by and there was a gentle hand on me, jarring me slightly. Suddenly there were finger son my eyelids, opening them for me. A woman with silver framed glasses was smiling in front of me. Her grin was huge and her eyes were wide with excitement. Her lip was bleeding and her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail away from her structured face.
"Hi there!" Her voice was deep for a girl but she just blinked and starred at me, that smile still plastered to her bloody lip.
I blinked off her hand from my eye and tried to sit myself up. My head pounded and it aches to move.
The woman helped me up and brought me to her apartment nearby and patched me up.
She was wrapping my stomach and trying to make conversation.
"What happened?"
I shrugged.
"Did you know him?"
I shook my head.
"What hurts the most?"
I shrugged again, everything felt sore.
I wasn't in the mood to talk. I remember when this had happened to Armin and Mikasa and I came to help him. We had patched him up and cheered him up. How could I now be the victim? I couldn't fight back or even bring myself to try. I had tried to give up.
"Well...can you at least tell me your name?" She propped herself on her hip as she finished wrapping my belly. She had taken off her jacket and was only wearing a black tank-top and some dark jeans.
"Eren," I answered blandly. I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to go back to my dorm. Maybe even Levi's. Just somewhere else.
I could feel the new heat radiate from her and burst into fireworks, "Eren Jeager?!"
I nodded, shocked at here outburst. I jumped slightly when she started squealing, "You're Levi's boyfriend, right?!"
Retreating, back into the plush cushions of the couch, I looked her up and down, "you know Levi?"
Hanji's voice boomed through the area as she flopped down next to me, throwing her head into my lap. She smiled up at me, her teeth shining brilliantly, "hell yeah! He's one of my best friends! He talks about you all the time, Eren."
For a moment, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest -Levi talked about me...a lot. My shoulders relaxed and my thoughts eased back into place.
"Really?" I hesitantly asked. My brain almost couldn't handle the fact that he spoke of me when I wasn't around. For some odd reason, my heart didn't want to accept it either.
Hanji giggled and looked up at me, "yep! He goes on and on about you," she squinted her eyes and poked my cheek aggressively, "and he was right about your eyes. They are beautiful."
I blushed slightly and moved her hand away, "he says that kind of stuff about me?" Levi was sweet, but he didn't seem like the type of guy ranting about his boyfriend all the time.
Hanji sighed, the scent of alcohol and cigarettes tickling my face, "yeah. He's weird like that. He brings you up in conversation in the most subtle way -I don't even notice the topic shifted until he starts talking for minutes at a time!" Hanji sat up and grabbed an already open can of beer from the coffee table in front of her couch. Thinking about it now, the whole apartment smelled like liquor and the air felt sticky. Levi would have a field day cleaning here...
"Levi's strange," she went on, "he isn't normal with other people in any aspect. When he cares about someone he doesn't fawn over them like others would. For him, it's more like her just has to be there! He has to constantly be around you, watching you and making sure you're okay. But he won't baby you or do a lot. It will be small tasks that he wants to do but he wouldn't go out of his way..."
She took another sip.
"But he's sweet. He cares about others more than anyone I know, it just comes off as rude and cruel to everyone else," Hanji smiled at me and shook her can of beer in my face. The sound of the liquid sloshing around inside was unsettling and I denied, "how do you feel about him?"
Hanji's question startled me. I didn't expect to hear that all of a sudden. I wanted to think about what she had said. I wanted to talk to him immediately; he was kind.
He was like a mother bear protecting its cub. She looks mean and intimidating but it's simply because of the love she has for her child. She wants to protect it at all cost.
That's how he was.
"I really like him..." I smiled through the words, I didn't even realize I spoke.
I felt Hanji's squeaky giggle from beside me, "you guys are cute."
I stood up and stretched my aching muscles before I could be questioned any more. I had nearly forgotten the time or place or night or everything. I was learning, not just about Levi but, about humans. We were all complex, confusing creatures. I knew this already, but I couldn't have guess people like Levi existed; people that have more to do than go to strip clubs and fuck random boys. He was more than his body or his personality, he was something different that humans couldn't explain.

Hanji drove me home. It wasn't a long drive but she sure as hell made it feel like it. She had music blasting and she was bouncing around so much I expected her to throw us off the road. But just clung onto the seat for dear life. The handle above the door looked like it had been ripped off, I just very unsettled.
We made it to Trost in one piece and she handed me a small scrap of coffee stained paper with her number on it, "text me when you need anything about Levi."
Before I could respond she peeled away, the passenger side door swinging open, nearly knowing over a stray cat along the sidewalk. Startled, the black cat darted into the bushes to hide away.
I smiled and laughed at the hilarity of Hanji. She sure was something special. She was the essence of the beauty of humanity; a free-spirit with no worries for anyone else. She was someone I couldn't see death snatching easily.
Dragging my feet along the dirty brick pathways, I hummed a small lullaby my mother had sang to my sister and I, for the first time since her death, I sang it with no tears touching my face.
Yay! Finally, new chapter! It's been forever cause in having a hard time getting the newer chapters up to several pages and my best quality...they aren't fantastic because in focusing on another story, one I want to publish as a novel. Sorry again and hopefully I'll post more!!

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