Chapter 19- Welcome Home

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Chapter 19- Welcome Home

[Eren's P.O.V.]
The ride was silent and short. The drive was only a few blocks from Trost but the ride felt much longer, too long.
I played with my fingers for the short ride, fidgeting my body around in the soft black seat.
"We're here," Levi's heavy voice scared me out of my skin the moment he spoke. I had been lost in my own thoughts, completely oblivious to everything around me.
"Okay," gravel below my feet crunched as I stepped out of the dark vehicle. Above my head, a white tower loomed over me, the glass windows reflecting the sunset light, "where are we?"
He wouldn't answer, he simply grabbed my hand, clutched it tight, and walked into the building, me trailing behind him.
A sending stairs, several flights, Levi stopped in front of a door, a bronze plate glittering above a small peep hole. Pulling out a shimmering key, he placed it in my hand. Taking it as an invite, I unlocked the white door, opening it to a small, beautiful apartment. Dark hardwood floors coated the entirety of the area, a small pit for a couch and television rested beside the doorway and two doors along the right wall were the only doors I could see. The kitchen was blocked off by a black quarts island. The whole place was painted in a light grey, brightening the area.
"This is the apartment," Levi spoke, enthusiasm sparking in his words, "I'm moving out tomorrow and his weekend we can move you in. I talked to them and got you out of your dorm," he was lighting up, but keeping his expression stoic. I could see the stone cracking at his lips.
He is NEVER this chipper...he's just not Levi anymore...admitting the fact hurt, I didn't want my Levi to be gone. Maybe, just maybe, I could pull him back. I wasn't going to leave him, not ever.
"It's beautiful," I smiled at him, wrapping my long arms around his neck and pulling him in close.
This was our home, together.

Levi drove me down to Little Teasers and ended up sticking around the whole time. Hanging out at the bar, drinking a few glasses of whisky and brushing aside the flirts that came his way.
That made me smile a bit.
He was mine, and I was his, gladly.
The whole night was normal, the average jackass trying to lay a hand on me, the normal creep at the bar, and same girls freaking out in the corner.
It wasn't particularly hard to break away from the club at the end of the night.
Levi decided to drive me back to my dorm, taking me up to my door. His hand still held firm in mine.
"How much stuff do you have to move?" Levi asked calmly, his voice unwavering.
I shrugged "Not a lot. Just some clothes and a few boxes of...important stuff I brought," every part of me just hoped he would no ask about them.
Apparently, he understood it simply, and did't ask, "well, I'll take you to work tomorrow so just text me okay? and we can get moved in soon."
Levi pecked me on the cheek and squeezed my hand once more before stepping away, letting me walk into my room, a light blush still on my cheeks.
I stepped into the room that was in need of cleaning and saw Jean passed out asleep on his bed, drool dripping down his chin.
He was smiling.
His phone was still unlocked and lying beside him. The screen that was open was one with Marco's text conversation. Marco had sent he last message saying, Goodnight, I love you <3
It was sent minutes ago.
Being the kind soul I am, I plugged his phone in and sat myself beside my own bed, pulling out my box filled with my mothers momentous. Previously, I had always wished she was here for me just so I could hold her and be with her again. But this time, I just wanted her to meet Levi. That was it.

The next few days were strenuous. I was able to get everything moved out, still go to work and classes, and still say bye to Jean within less than a week.
During the whole period, I was able to introduce Levi to everyone and Levi was starting to be more of just himself. I could already see him getting better, going back to who he really was. A cold man with a heart of silver. He was by no means perfect but he was as close to it as you could get. His heartbeat was always slow and mellow. It was hard to hear unless I was on his chest. However, I could always feel it. In his hand, in his neck, his chest, even in his eyes, I could feel his heartbeat quickening and slowing when I looked at him.
That is someone with a powerful heart.
After moving in, Levi held me to tightly that I nearly passed out. I was sinking into his embrace, feeling his warmth. I was so in love with him that it made me ache.
We slept in the same bed every night as well. although I never knew how much he loved to cuddle. It was really adorable.

The two of us started getting into a routine. Levi drove me to classes in the morning, headed off to work, picked me up and took me to the club, and we would head back home. Weekend were time for us, just the two of us. On the couch or going on a date. That was how the first three weeks went for us. Until the one weekend I chose to go out with Mikasa and Armin and everyone else.
Levi wasn't happy.
"So, you just don't want to be here anymore? Do you just want to leave?" There was anger in his eyes, anger and hatred and everything in between.
"No, I just-"
"Go then! Have fun!" He stormed off, slamming the bedroom door behind him.
I tried to catch the door before he locked it but it was too late, "Levi! Open the door!" i tried to wiggled the knob but it didn't budge, "you are acting like a fucking child! Open this door!"
Without another attempt I growled, slamming my fist into the door and threw myself on the couch.
I texted Mikasa, telling her I was staying because Levi was being an asshole. She seemed angry but I promised her we would soon.
She didn't seem to buy it but she let me off provided I bought her lunch tomorrow.
It has been nearly an hour until Levi decided to come out of our room. His face was dumbfounded when he found me sitting on the couch watching TV. He could tell I was pissed.
"you're still here?" He asked, stunned.
My chin was propped up on my hand while I responded with a simple, "yep."
Levi sat beside me and leaned into me, "sorry..." he sounded genuine.
Looking down at him, I could see his eyes were glossy and his hair was tossled like he had been crying, "are you okay Levi?"
He wipped his eyes, "I'm fine, I'm just really sorry. I just don't want anything to happen to you."
He turned his face into my shoulder and hugged my arm.
I smiled, my eyes gentle and lowered his head into my lap, stroking his hair, "I'm going to be okat Levi, trust me."
"do you love me?" his voice shook. For a moment I froze. Why would he ask that. I tell him on a constant.
"Yes I do," I assured him, returning to stroking his hair.
He looked up at me from where his head laid. His eyes the only thing visible to me, the remainder was tucked into my thighs, right near my crotch. I was internally screaming at myself to stop thinking about that right now, that this wasn't the time, but he was so beautiful, "say it for me?" he asked softly.
He felt my excitement and looked back down at my crotch where a bulge had formed.
Without a moment to hesitate, he unzipped my pants and yanked them down my thighs. Levi ran a small finger down the length of my boxers. I shivered.
"Do you love me?" he repeated as he continued to tease me, causing me to twitch and squirm.
"Of course! Yes, I love you Levi," I tried to keep my voice steady but I could feel it quiver.
He pulled my out of my boxers and took me in his hand. The cool air and his numbing fingers sent a shock down my spine, one that I couldn't decipher between pleasure and chill.
Taking me into his mouth, I almost came at that moment but I wasn't quite there yet.
Moving his tongue around me and taking me completely into his throat, I moaned and thrusted in his mouth without even thinking. I heard him gag once before I came into him. He swallowed the salty substance with ease.
"I love you too," he finally said, pulling my boxers and pants back up to fall back asleep onto my lap.

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