Chapter 4- Walk of Shame

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Sorry that it's not the most exciting chapter but we gotta get somewhere...enjoy <3
Chapter 4- Walk of Shame

[Levi's P.O.V.]
I didn't wake up in my bed like I normally would on a Saturday morning. Something felt odd. It wasn't the same old mattress like normal, but instead, a new, soft bed with a different, nicer feeling to it.
I began trying to open my tired eyes and was greeted with bright sunlight, causing me to snap them shut again.
After severely groggy attempts, I finally got my eyes adjusted little by little. I attempted to sit up but was stopped by an arm wrapped around my chest.
My head pounded while I tried to turn around and face the stranger. What went on last night?
Trying to recall my memories, images of a boy in a club, a private room, and a hot hotel room surfaced.
Panicked, I shoved his arm off of me and whipped myself out of bed. My boxers were the only thing on my small body while I gripped at my hair, trying to figure out what to do. I wasn't the type of person to go out, get drunk, and fuck a stripper! What the hell?!
The body in bed began to stir slightly. The boy sat up and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
It took him a moment to realize where he was and, with one look under the covers at his nude body, the gravity of the situation came crashing down with what he had done the night before.
"H-hi Levi," the boys face was blushed red and he looked freaked out. I'm guessing we were in the same boat.
"Um...I'm guessing we were drinking, huh?" I asked trying to act calm when I was clearly not. I was still only getting small bits and pieces of last night yet his name still wasn't coming to me.
"You were drunk...I was sober..." He looked down, as if having a mental conflict with himself.
I guess I was having one as well. I was scrambling around for his name and any recollection of the events last night other then sex.
A small pain in my skull brought me to bring my hand up to my head as a name shot into the front of my mind; Eren.
"Eren..." The name tumbled off my tongue before I could catch it.
Looking up at the skinny brunette, I saw tears falling down his cheeks as he stared off into space.
It was a beautiful kind of sad. He wasn't blinking or moving and his breathing was rapid.
"Hey, Eren," I stepped over to the bed and touched his shoulder gently.
Eren whipped his hand up and smacked my hand away, looking at me with fear in his brilliant eyes.
We stayed silent for a moment, our eyes remaining connected, before Eren scrambled for his clothes, which were scattered around the room.
"I'm sorry," his voice was shaky while he tugged on his jeans and shirt from yesterday. I hadn't moved since his hand slapped mine and next thing I know, I hear the door slam shut, leaving me alone.
What the hell just happened and why did I feel so upset about it? Looking down at my hand, I saw it slightly turning red from the impact of his slap. From what I could remember, last night he wasn't like that. He was more calm, gentle, innocent...why was now any different. He has said he didn't drink but he was clearly regretting it. Oh god, did I take his fucking virginity?! Shit shit shit!
I honestly liked him, he was kind and I would have loved to have gotten to actually know him. It's my own stupid fault for getting drunk and horny and taking something like that from him.
I let out a deep sigh and began to head toward the bathroom. Deciding to not shut the door, I turned the water on, letting it heat up while I examined myself in the mirror. Dark bags formed under my onyx eyes from nights of unrest and my hair was tousled and tangled up from last
I ran my fingers through my hair. How did I even get in this situation? Farlan, that's how.
Farlan! I had left the bastard at the club!! Did he get home?
A small wave of panic over came me while I started thinking about it but, knowing Farlan, he was able to get back just fine.
I relaxed slightly before fear struck me again. Did Eren know how to get home from here? I didn't know him that well so I had no way to know how smart he was in terms of a situation like this.
Turning off the water, I tugged on some clothes, grabbed my phone, and ran out into the hall way to look for Eren.
"Please still be here..." I mumbled to myself as I ran down the concrete stair-way and up to the front desk.
"Hey," I growled at the woman behind the desk, "did a boy dressed in all black leave here? Brown hair, tan skin, really thin?"
The woman looked at me confused, "I'm not sure, I'm sorry."
Giving her a small tch, I darted toward the front door and looked around outside, searching for the boy, "Eren!" I called out. Nothing.
Beginning to walk down the street I scanned the crowd of people. Why was I searching so desperately for this brat? Couldn't I just let him figure all this out on his own? This was so unlike me.
Just as the thoughts hovered over my brain, my eyes caught sight of the figure I was looking for. He was sitting on one of the benches across the street. He looked devastated. He was leaning forward with his elbows pressed into his thighs. He body looked relaxed but his face was overwhelmed with fear.
Getting to the cross walk and crossing the road, I stepped over to the bench, "Eren," I said, resting my hand on his shoulder.
He flinched and looked up at me. He had been crying even more so than when he fled the hotel.
"Hey, um, do you know how to get home from here?" I tried to keep the conversation small, I didn't want to freak him out into running again.
He nodded. His face was etched with heartbreak.
"Where is it at?" I asked. Tread lightly Levi, tread very lightly.
"Trost College," his voice was flat and emotionless. Just how badly did this hurt him?
Trost? Trost was almost 12 miles away! Was he planning on walking?
"Eren, You can't walk that far, do you know how far that is?" without even thinking, I grabbed his arm and yanked him toward me but he didn't give way.
Eren turned his head away from me so that I was looking at the back of his brunette skull.
"Eren, let me drive you. I'll leave you alone after that if you want," something inside me didn't feel right when I said the last of that sentence. Apparently, I had a crush on this damn kid. I'm some sort of pedophile. Great Levi, just fucking great.
Eren still didn't turn to face me, but instead he began crying again. Small, light watery tears dripped down his face and fell off of his flushed cheeks.
"Eren..." I still hadn't let go of his arm when I spoke up, "please just let me. We don't have to speak or anything if you don't want to."
I saw a small bit of contemplation flash through his now dull eyes before another tear slipped down his pale cheek.
"Fine..." His wiped his hand over his face and shouldered my arm off, "let's just go."

The car ride was dead silent. I wanted to speak to him so badly but I didn't dare break the silence, considering I had said if he didn't want to talk we wouldn't. And so, we didn't speak. That was all there was to it, no words, no goodbye, nothing. I just got to see him step out of my car and walk away with tears streaming down his soft, innocent face. I broke a child and I would never get to repent for that. Even within the 5 minutes I sat waiting for Eren to start coming back, guilt was eating away at me. Even if I was drunk, how could I be so insensitive and do something like that. The details were still hazey and, from what I could remember, he was willing. Why would he be so upset now? Obviously he was regretting it, which has nothing to do with me, but guilt still nabbed at me while I began to pull away from Trost.
While I was stopped at a light, a yawn over took my body. Why was I yawning? I got an amazing nights sleep, wrapped in Eren's embrace.
With A sudden realization, I remembered the act that I had actually slept a full nights sleep for the first time in God knows how long. And this first time was while I was being held by Eren.
I know it's shorter than normal but this will be about the normal length. Kisses <3

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