Chapter 7- Coffee Shops

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Chapter 7- Coffee Shops

[Eren's P.O.V.]
I stepped into our normal coffee shop. It felt odd to be in here on a Sunday, normally it was on calm lazy Friday's when only a few students and older people were there. It felt like a different atmosphere, being completely empty besides myself.
Ordering myself a sweet caramel cappuccino, I took a seat at my usual table. I pulled out my phone to wait for my sister and best friend, who I was betting on being late.
I messed around on Instagram and Facebook while waiting around.
With 15 minutes passed since I  came in, the bell on the front door jingled.
Looking up, I fully expected to see Mikasa or Armin, given the activity of this place. Instead of the people I was expecting, the last person I wanted to see right now was standing in the little cafe; Levi Ackerman.
Why was he here?! I had never seen him here before! Granted, I've never been in on a Sunday, but the odds of this happening in this big city is slim to none. Why would you do this to me God?
Flashes from that night went through my head. The pain, the tears, the guilt, the regret. Everything overwhelmed me and wet, silent tears started dripping from my eyes onto my phone screen. The only thing I could think was, please don't look at me. Please don't notice me. Please just leave and never come back!
I could hear my heart beat in my own ears while I tried to keep my teary eyed gaze down.
"One black coffee, quickly," Levi's deep, threatening voice cut through the quiet empty room with ease.
He's just getting his coffee, then he'll leave. Don't worry.
I had calmed myself down once again and stopped the small droplets of water from escaping.
As I went to grab my cappuccino to not look like I was starring at a ghost or something, my hand couldn't get grip, and the sweet, hot beverage tumbled to the floor, drawing the attention of every worker in the shop, including Levi.
My face went beat red and I tried to brush my thick mess of brown hair over my face to hide my mistake but it helped in no way.
"Eren?" Levi's voice sounded from across the small shop.
I tensed and swallowed hard. Why, why, why?! Nothing I did at this point would matter. I assessed my own thoughts quickly as Levi made is way over toward my table.
Why was I afraid? I could talk to him like I enjoyed doing or I could yell and scream at him -and probably cry along the way- to get out of my god damn life. Did I want him in my life?
Levi's short frame stopped by my chair and pulled out his own.
"Hey," he said nonchalantly.
I nodded and didn't speak.
"Eren," he said, his voice edged with sympathy, "I want to apologize. Even though I was drunk I was a dick and I'm sorry," the words coming from his mouth felt out of place. An apology didn't really suit him.
What do I say? Forgive him? Scream? I was still undecided.
"I was hoping we could maybe exchange numbers and talk a bit," he offered.
No no no!
Yes yes yes!
My mind was a mess.
"Levi," I spoke before thinking.
He looked up at me. I tried to read the emotion in his eyes but it was closed off by a thick wall.
"It's my fault," I forced the words out. No turning back, "I shouldn't be so messed up about it. I agreed and I fucked up. It's my own god damn mistake. I shouldn't be blaming you and you shouldn't be apologizing."
Levi's face didn't change other than a small raise of his eye brow.
"Well then, fuck you," Levi said coldly.
I looked up at his sharp face, hurt beginning to form inside me. A small smirk played on his lips. I smiled back.
"So, number brat?" Levi asked, or more so demanded, me.
I gulped and pulled my phone out again. My thoughts were running wild while I mentally paced back and forth on giving him a fake number or not.
"Levi," I began with a hitch in my already nervous voice, "is this to be friends or..." Something with benefits. I just couldn't get the words out. I didn't want him to say yes. I didn't want that to be all I was good for to him.
Levi's small shoulders rose and fell with a shrug, "that parts up to you. I really just enjoyed talking to you; a dumb little kid," he seemed to be talking to himself on the last part, as if trying to convince himself that I was just a dumb little kid.
We exchanged numbers and I flashed him a small smile. We didn't really have anytime to chat though. One of the ladies at the front counter called out Levi's name for his coffee.
"Call me later you dumb brat," standing up, Levi ruffled my brunette hair and stepped away from me, grabbed his coffee, and walked out of the small shop, a tiny ding from the bell of the for signaled his exit.
I began to fix my hair when I realized the last one I let play with my hair like that was my mom. Her small, thin hands picking at strands of my fine brunette hair while I sat lazily in her lap on her hospital bed, drifting to sleep under the touch of her frail hands.
Warm tears began falling down my cheeks and onto the table as the memories faded away into fragments of broken lives. It all seems so long ago. Almost as if it was never even in my own life, but another. However, the pain was all to recent, even now.
Another cling from the small door bell shocked me into wiping up the tears and finishing fixing my shaken hair.
Mikasa and Armin stood at the front door and sat down with no words, looking at me to speak.
"Uh..." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, "I'm sorry for freaking you out but let me explain before you assume something like that."
Mikasa glared at me with an evil eye and Armin looked at me with wide, open eyes.
I tried to explain the story with as little detail as possible. Mikasa would freak out if she ever saw him. She would try and kill the guy.
"Eren, how many times have I told you to not go anywhere with anyone after work?!" Mikasa's tone was clearly masked anger that she was trying to control.
"Mikasa...for once, can't you not baby me? I made the choice on my own. I'm 19, I'm not a kid anymore," I tried to keep my voice calm through clenched teeth but my face was hot with anger.
Almost every argument Mikasa and I have is over her being a mother to me. I'm about over it but at this point, I had to get my point out.
"You know we are just worried right? We don't mean to make you angry or upset," Armin's voice chipped in, bringing a sense of calmness and comfort among us.
Armin had a way of doing that.
"Yeah, I's just hard to hard for you guys to be treating me like a kid. I want a sense of independence, you know?" I shifted my hands uncomfortably folding an unfolding them. Placing them on my lap and then on the table. Why was I so nervous?
"I'm sorry we made assumptions an we'll try to back off a bit but we can't help but worry," Armin's spoke with a tone of genuine care and honesty while Mikasa sat quiet.
"Mikasa?" I reached over and touched her hands folded together on the wooden table top.
Without looking at me, she spoke, "do you know what could have happened? You could have died and I couldn't have been there to protect you..." Her voice tapered off but her eyes were unreadable for emotion. No tears, no anger, no sadness. Just blank screens.
Almost like Levi's.
"I'm sorry," I blushed and forced out my shitty apology.
Mikasa looked up at me and smiled slightly, "I'm sorry too."
Standing up, the three of us gathered each other up into a hug, the tension still rich.
With conversation coming in small awkward bursts, Mikasa and Armin took their leave, leaving me alone in the small shop.
I stood myself up and exited the shop toward my work for another night.

I hitched a cab ride to work and entered the establishment, the sight and smell of it all making me queasy.
Almost immediately after I entered the club, Mike stepped up to me. I braced myself for any sort of harassment but was only greater with a, "can I speak with you?"
Mike and I moved over to an area away from the other dancers and performers with Mike standing propped on one hip.
"A few of the guys saw you leaving with someone Friday night. True?" His arms were crossed and his face showed intense mistimed of worry, fear, and anger. The dim lighting made it difficult to see but his strong jaw and stubble was still clearly visible.
I gulped and stood up tall, trying to show confidence, "it's true."
Mike sighed and looked me in the eye, "I can't tell you what to do on your free time but, however, I am worried for your safety," he uncrossed his arms and put one thick hand onto my shoulder, "I discuss this with everyone when they are hired. 'Don't leave with strangers!'"
Mike didn't seem as angry as he was concerned. The way the small amount of lights leaked through from the stage and danced around on on the floor behind him and even his own face reflected that worry.
"Mike," I push his hand off of me and looked down, "he was okay. We talked a lot and he was really sweet and-"
"When did you talk?" Mike's deep voice cut me off, his eyes like arrowheads puncturing my skin.
We aren't suppose to talk to the customer unless we are getting money out of them in some way. He stressed that rule; no socializing for fun. This is your workplace, treat it as such.
I sighed, no getting out of this one, "at work. He looked really different so I wanted to chat him up and we kinda just started chatting. I didn't mean to interfere with work."
Mike rubbed his temple with his fingers, "look, I'm worried about you after work, but that's your business. In the workplace though, it's my business," he shot me a cold glare, "We don't make money as a business if you don't actually try to earn the money. Don't mess around  again or you're fired. Understood?"
I sight and looked down at my feet in the dark room, "understood."

After work, I found another cab to drive me the 5 miles home like normal only this time, sitting alone in the back of that dirty can car. I felt alone.
Pulling out my phone I opened my messages to text Armin when a new contact popped up; Levi Ackerman. Nothing special about it. Hard, bold text with no cute emoji or fancy lettering or spelling, just plain old Levi Ackerman.
Clicking on the black text, I typed out a 'Hey :)' and pressed the off button just as the cab pulled up to Trost.
Paying the driver, I stepped out of the yellow taxi and looked began to walk toward campus as the phone in my pocket vibrated.
I yanked out my small phone and smiled down at the boring text font of September 3rd, 10:07 Levi Ackerman.

HEY, SOOOOOO SUPER SORRY FOR THE DELAY!! The chapter I'm currently writing (Chapter 10) is much more difficult to write than expected! A lot has been happening at school and with me personally but all is well :3 I've figured out what to do with that troublesome chapter so I'll be trying to post a bit more soon...maybe...I'm a bit fuzzy on the details of everything so please bare with me!! Thanks a ton for the reads (200+!!!) and don't forget to vote and comment!!! Kisses <3

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