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Dipsifica: *runs in*

Hufflepuff:Dipper! Ask Paz on a date!

Paz: don't call me that

Dipper: Pacifica, do you want to go on a date?

Hufflepuff: *hisses* say yes!

Paz: of course

Love birds: *get ready*

-1 hour later-

Love birds: *go to fancy restaurant*

-1 1/2 hours later-

Dipper: so...

Paz: so...

Dipper: *kisses Pacifica*

Pacifica: *kisses back*

Love birds: *making out*

Hufflepuff:*walks in* WOW WOW WOW! What the heck!?


Hufflepuff: *reads truth* who is your fav PJO/HOO character(s)? Uuh, probably Leo, Piper, and Nico

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