Kat should knock

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Kat: *walks into the room that Dipper and Pacifica are in* 😳 THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I GET OFF OF MY PHONE!


Kat: *storms out*

Dipsifica: 😳

Kat: *still mad* *walks into a Mabill kissing session* FOR GODS SAKES IM NEVER GETTING OFF OF MY PHONE AGAIN!

Mabill: 😳 ... 🤗

Hufflepuff: *still watching from camera room*

Hufflepuff: *still watching from camera room*

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

*over loud speaker* WELCOME BACK KAT!

Kat: *stomp* 😡

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