Other characters and a... MONSTER HUNT!(Part 1)

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Hufflepuff: hehe no they didn't die, I'm not putting them back in unless they request to come back in, and so far only Kay and Bella have done that.

Kay: 😝

Bella: 😎

Hufflepuff: AND NOW FOR THE MONSTER HUNT! I'm guessing that you meant just Gravity Falls characters so that's whose doing this.

*gravity Falls people poof into a forest*


(Ima do this in story mode cuz why not)


Bill POV:

After Hufflepuff told us our objective, I looked around, in front of me laid a backpack, I opened it and found:

A knife
A net
Camouflage paint
Some food rations
A wafer bottle
A check list of different monsters
A blanket thirty sleep darts with the tube thingy
And a walkie talkie

I pressed the button on the walkie talkie and spoke into it, "hello?" I asked

"Yo!" Hufflepuffs voice came through, "you have three chances to use this, not including this conversation! If you have a question or need help, radio in, but be careful because after you use up your three turns, the walkie will only be good for a paper weight. GOOD LUCK!"

Next to me was a cage, and it was big, at least three stories high, the lock was a thumb scanner, I assumed that it was so that none of the others could steal my monsters. So I got to work, first a camouflaged my self, my yellow suit wasn't exactly great for hunting so I changed the color, or tried to anyway. After several failed attempts, a note appeared at my feet.

Haha I took your powers! I mean I had to make it even! It's not exactly fair if you can do whatever with a snap of your fingers! Also, this is fun!

~ Hufflepuff

I scowled at the paper, but since there was nothing I could do about it then, I took off my jacket, and vest, leaving me with a black shirt, pants, and shoes. I smeared the paint on my face, and decided to buy some in my bright yellow hair. When I was happy with my appearance, I got to work on a trap.

First I laid out the net, and in the middle I placed a bird that I had killed. I had decided not to mention that to Shooting Star.

Then I waited, I sat behind a bush, patiently, for fifteen minutes I stared at the net, then it happened, a deer like creature crept into the clearing, it's hide was bright purple, but it's head was disfigured, it had three eyes, and razor sharp teeth.

It crept on to the net and sniffed the bird, when it was distracted enough, I pulled my rope, and captured the animal. It took one tranquilizer dart, and then I put it into the cage.

Meanwhile at dare central

Hufflepuff POV:

I sat down looking straight at the reader.

"Hey." I said, "Long time no see. I sincerely meant to update over Thanksgiving break more." I said

"But you didn't!" Bella yelled from down the hall.

"I am aware of this!" I yelled back, "I don't really have much of an excuse," I said, talking to the reader once more, "other than I was enjoying relaxing, a lot, and forgot. But it was t just this book, it was all of my books." I told them

I glanced at my laptop, which held all the dares that had been sent in, "Unfortunately," I started, "I'm still behind on dares, and I have finals coming up." I frowned, "So like last year I will be taking a two week break from Wattpad."

I stood up, "This is going to be a hard two weeks for me, but I can't afford to fail any of my classes," I looked at my Geometry homework, that I had been putting off, "and in some of my classes, if I fail my final, I'll fail the class."

"Your leaving!?" Bella and Kat yelled running into my room.

"Only for two weeks, I said, picking up my things, "until then the dare is on hold, and none of my books will be updated."

Then I walked out of dare central, and back to my real life, life, where I would need to focus on school, just for a little while.

Sorry readers, but school does come first.

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