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Been two chapters since I updated this dare, so I should probably do that

-still in story mode-


One hour in

I sat down next to the monster I had lured into the cage. It nudged my hand for more of the berries I had used as bait. I gave it the last of them while I inspected it. It's fur coat was covered in colors, and its big eyes were a dark red.
I stood up and walked out of the cage, the door closing behind me.

I licked some more berries from the bush I found, they looked almost like blue berries, but red and the juice was purple, I had no clue what they were, but I had already used them to catch three monsters, so I saw no reason to to continue.

The next monster could fly, but it didn't want the berries, it took a look at them, tried one, but didn't take any others, instead, it flew around me a few times, and landed on my shoulder. It had a body that resembled an eagle, but it had small bull like horns, and its feathers were pink.

I decided to let it stay, what can I say, I liked it. So the bird, that I had named pinkie (don't judge me I can't think of anything) helped me put the monsters into the cage.

Four hours in


I'd gotten a grinoblin, a gnome, a unicorn (very annoying), a lepricorn, a weird deer like creature that was no where to be found in the pamphlet or journal, a little mole like creature that the pamphlet called a Niffler that loved shiny things, (please please please understand that) a bird bull hybrid call a birll that liked to peck at my hat, and a weird thing that I don't even know how to describe, called a Blast Ended Skrewt.

Time skip to the end because I have delayed finishing this chapter because idk what to do ¯\_()_/¯

Story mode deactivated

People in the arena: *poof back into dare central*

Dipper: what happened in here!?

Phoenix: I sorta burned the room down.

Hufflepuff: yea, while I was gone she found out she has fire powers

Bill: while you were gone?

Hufflepuff: oh yea, I quit Wattpad for two weeks


Hufflepuff: ... yep

Silver: ok, who won?

Hufflepuff: Mabel

Mabel: WOO HOO!

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