Chapter 1

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Dean runs into the old cellar to get out of the snow, which is coming down so hard he can barely see. He sits down in the corner after turning on the light and pulls out a book. He knows Mrs Hutchins won't be mad if he uses her root cellar considering how bad it is outside. He had finished a page in his book when someone comes bursting into the small room. He jumps and looks at the figure quickly descending the steps, silhouetted by the blinding white snow. Dean doesn't get a good look at the person until they close the door. When he is finally able to see the stranger he sees a teenage boy his age clad in almost all black with black hair swept off to the side and multiple piercings.He stares at the slightly familiar boy as the stranger sees Dean sitting huddled in the corner with a book open in his lap. "Oh, hi" he says. "Hi" Dean replies. "That's one hell of a storm" the boy says, looking over his shoulder at the door. "Yeah" Dean says. "Well my name is Cas" the stranger says extending a hand out to Dean. "Dean" he says, reaching out and grabbing his hand in a quick shake. Cas sits down at the opposite side of the small room and stares at his black nailed hands. Dean looks down at his book but keeps finding himself looking up at Cas. Cas starts humming a tune. He looks down at his book and tries to read but finds it extremely difficult with Cas humming. He looks up and sees Cas looking at him. "What" Dean says. "Nothing" Cas says looking away. Dean feels his heart flurry but can't quite figure out why. "You're pretty cute you know" he hears Cas mutter under his breath. Dean blushes and when Cas looks over at him a look of horror spreads over his face. "Oh shit you heard me" he whispers. Dean stares at Cas in disbelief. "God dammit" Cas almost yells, standing up. He runs a hand through his hair and turns in a full circle before looking back at Dean. "You can't tell anyone!" he says. In the area, homosexuality was very looked down upon and chances are someone would be disowned if they came out as gay. While Cas is physically freaking out Dean is freaking out in his head. He had never even seen another homosexual let alone been called cute by one. "It's okay, I am too" Dean says, never looking away from Cas. "And I feel the same." Cas sighs and seems to deflate with relief and he sits back down. Cas breathes some deep breathes then realization creeps across his face. He smirks at Dean. "Really" he says. Dean's face turns a bright shade of red, making his bright green eyes seem even brighter. Cas scootches closer but stops. He looks down at his lap. "Who am I kidding" he says. "I'm already the satanic punk, now you know what I am... how could you really like me" Cas says, whispering the last part. Dean puts down his book and moves closer to Cas. "Hey, that's not true" he says, putting his hand on his shoulder. Cas looks up at him. Before Dean knew what was happening Cas had gripped the front of his shirt and pressed a kiss to his mouth. Dean is surprised at first but soon leans into the kiss. They pull apart and while Cas is blushing a little he seems confident. Dean is in utter shock. "That was my first kiss" he whispers. Cas laughs a bright warm laugh that makes Dean's heart skip a beat. "Well shit" Cas says, leaning in and pressing another kiss to Dean's lips. Dean presses into the kiss but soon breaks away with wide eyes when he hears creaking coming from above them. Cas's eyes widen as he hears the footsteps above them. They scramble away from each other not a second too soon. Right as they get in their original places, their hearts racing with a mix of what had just happened and fear from what was going to happen, the door opens. Bright blinding light spills into the dimly lit room and an older woman stands in the doorway. "Why hello boys," she says in a sweet southern accent, "Why don't y'all come inside and get warm."

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