Chapter 5

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That night Cas texts Dean. 'What's up' Cas texts. 'We have school tomorrow' Dean sends back. 'Nuuuuuuu' Cas texts. 'Yep' Dean texts. 'Well that sucks' Cas texts. 'I guess so' Dean texts. They talk until Dean falls asleep. The next day Dean wakes up and gets ready to go to school. By the time he gets downstairs Sam has already gotten Bobby to drive him to school and Bobby is at the garage. Dean walks out the door and starts walking to school. He reads as he walks. He is about a block away from school when snow starts falling on his head. He looks above and behind himself and sees Cas standing right behind him. "Hi" Dean says with a hint of annoyance, brushing the snow off of his head. "What was that for?" Dean asks as Cas laughs. "Well I thought throwing a snowball at you would either get you mad at me or get your book damaged which would also get you mad at me so I chose the best alternative" he says putting an arm around Dean's shoulders. "Well I thank you for the courtesy" Dean says. He shrugs his shoulders a little. "You know we could be seen" he says. "Oh come on there's no one around to see" Cas says. Dean looks at Cas with his best puppy dog eyes. Cas comes back with puppy dog eyes of his own 10 times more potent than Dean's but takes him arm off and shoves his hand in his pocket. They walk side by side up to the K-12 school, talking about random things. Their town is so small that they only need one school for all of the kids. When they get up to the building Dean waves at Sam. Sam waves back then resumes talking to his friends. They walk up to where the high schoolers all stand, which is ironically close to the playground, and lean up against the wall. "But seriously, bees" Cas says. "What is it with you and bees?" Dean laughs. "They're small, they're fat, they're cute, they bumble around but they're very intelligent" Cas says "need I say more?" Dean laughs, thinking it's adorable that Cas with his piercings and punk outfits and attitude gets so excited over bees. Cas laughs, his bright blue eyes sparkling, and looks away from Dean. He suddenly waves at a little girl on the playground that's waving at them. "Who's that?" Dean asks. "That's my little sister Hannah" Cas says. "Oh" Dean says remembering what Cas said about his sister at Mr and Mrs Hutchins' house. Hannah runs off to play with her friends and Cas looks back at Dean. "You know when I first saw you in the cellar you looked familiar" Dean says. "Yeah you did too" Cas says. "I wonder if we have any classes together" Dean says. They compare their schedules and find out that they have almost all of their classes together. "Now that's just freaky" Cas laughs when they're done. "Yeah it kinda is" Dean says. "How did I not notice you?" Dean says "You kinda stand out." "How did I not notice You" Cas says. "No one notices me" Dean laughs. "Yeah well I wasn't lying when I said you were cute" Cas says quietly. Dean smiles and looks at Cas. Someone walks past them and they look towards the playground. "You know sometimes I wish people here would just learn to grow up and accept people for who they are" Cas says. "Yeah well that would take a miracle" Dean says. "I wish it didn't have to though" Cas says. "Yeah" Dean says. "Hi Dean" someone says. Dean turns his head towards the sound. Gordan is walking towards them. "Why are you hanging out with this kid?" Gordan asks. "Because he's my friend" Dean says glancing over at Cas. "Well my folks said don't hang around him or I'll get sucked into drugs and other emo stuff" Gordan says. Cas rolls his eyes. "Well you can tell your folks that drugs make you sleep like a log" Cas says. Gordon's eyes go big and he walks away quickly. Cas watches him walk away until he disappears in the small crowd of students. "What did that mean?" Dean asks. "I have insomnia and my mom makes me take meds but I forget most of the time" Cas says nonchalantly. The bell rings and they leave to wall to go inside the building.

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