Chapter 21

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A heavy silence falls over the crowd as Pastor Chuck talks. Dean looks over at Cas and sees him staring blankly towards the front of the room. Dean looks back out over the crowd but only sees the back of people's heads. He is starting to feel nervous about what people are thinking, the reassurance and confidence from Cas's touch fading. Dean reaches out and slides his hand into Cas's. Cas doesn't look away from the front of the room but squeezes Dean's hand. Two hours goes by at an excruciating pace. Eventually Pastor Chuck stops talking and murmurs ripple through the crowd, slowly gaining momentum and returning to the normal noise level. Dean, having stopped listening a while ago, is hit with a new wave of nervousness when he realizes the service is over. People turn to look at them, mixed looks of emotion painted across each face. "Can we wait until they leave to go" Dean asks Bobby quietly. Bobby nods his head. Dean turns his head to watch as people start moving towards the doors. Dean spots Cas's family stand up and start moving towards them but Cas doesn't notice. They get to them and stop in front of the pew. "Um Cas" Mrs Novak says. Cas seems to be ripped back to reality and a look of surprise masking fear Dean knows only he can see slowly spreads across his face. Cas turns to look at them and Dean can't see his face anymore but knows he is a little scared by how hard he's squeezing his hand. "We wanted to say we were sorry and we acted rashly" Mrs Novak says, looking down at the floor. Mr Novak puts a hand on his wife's shoulder and a look of regret flashes across his face. Hannah peeks out from behind Mrs Novak. "If you want to we would like it if you came back home" Mrs Novak says. "You make it sound like I had a choice in leaving" Cas says in a breathy whisper, relief flooding his voice. He let's go of Dean's hand and stands up a little tentatively. Mrs Novak looks up at Cas who is a good six inches taller than her and he wraps his arms around her shoulders. Dean knows that no matter what, Cas loves his family. They start to leave and Dean nudges Bobby before following Cas. Dean walks up beside him and weaves his fingers through his. Cas looks over at him and smiles, a full smile that lights up his eyes and brightens up his face. It only lasts a moment but it's enough to let Dean know that maybe things to go back to normal. As they walk outside there are still whispers and stares but not nearly as many. They stand off to the side in the parking lot as people talk and little kids play. "So you're gonna go back to your house" Dean says. "Yeah" Cas says. "I'm gonna miss you, you're warm" Dean says. "Yeah well suck it up" Cas says, leaning in for a light kiss. "Cas" Mr Novak calls over to them "we're leaving." "See you later" Cas says before walking over to them, his hands shoved in his pockets. Dean walks over to Bobby who is talking cars with someone. Dean joins into the conversation for a couple minutes before they leave. Bobby rounds up Sam and they get in the car and leave. When they get home Dean goes up to his room. He stays up in there doing various things all day and eventually he gets into bed and tries to go to sleep. He does doze off but it woken up by his phone at around midnight. Cas is calling him on facetime. Dean answers and turns on the light. "Why are you calling so late?" Dean asks. "Can't sleep" Cas, who is lying on his bed with his arms on his hands, says. "Well you never can sleep" dean says, still squinting a little in the brightness from his lamp. "Well I could sleep with you" Cas says. "Well we can talk but I can't promise I won't fall asleep" Dean says. "Fair" Cas replies. Dean lays down and props his phone up on his nightstand. "So what was it like tonight at your house?" Dean asks. "Well they did act nicer than usual so that's a good thing" Cas replies. Dean smiles. "So what's your favorite mythological creature" Cas asks. "So that's what you're thinking about" Dean laughs.

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