Chapter 9

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The first thing Dean notices when he looks at Cas's room is that it's very different from the rest of the house. While all of the rooms that Dean has seen have been painted in light neutrals, Cas's room is painted in a dark blue. Posters cover most of the walls. Covering almost the entire ceiling is a painting of the milky way as seen from earth. "Did you do that" Dean asks staring awestruck at the ceiling. "Yeah" Cas says "again, you can do a lot when you don't sleep." "I think this is the coolest part though" he says before turning off the light. The painting lights up like it's the actual Milky Way. Dean gasps and Cas laughs, moving forward and wrapping Dean in a hug with his head on his shoulder. They stand there in the dark looking up at the ceiling for a couple minutes. "You know I wish I could see the real Milky Way" Cas says before letting go of Dean and turning on the light. "Yeah me too" Dean says. Dean looks over at Cas's bookshelf."How many books do you have?". "A lot" Cas responds. "How?" Dean asks looking at Cas. "I have a generous grandma" Cas says shrugging. "I never knew you were such a nerd" Dean laughs. "You're not much better yourself" Cas counters, laughing. "True" Dean says. "So how are we sleeping tonight?" Dean asks. "Oh I was thinking you get a sleeping bag and I get the bed so that my parents don't get suspicious" Cas says looking dissatisfied with the plan. "Okay" Dean says. They talk about random things for an hour until Dean says they ought to go to sleep. Cas gets out a sleeping bag and puts it on the patch of carpet on the floor. Dean gets in it and Cas gets in his bed. The lights are off and Dean stares up at the galaxy above his head. "Do you think aliens exist" he asks idly. "Don't even get me started" Cas says "I will not shut up. Yeah aliens exists. Do you really think out of the infinite expansion of the universe that we're the only ones out there." Cas goes on to rant about aliens for a long time and Dean drifts off to sleep. 'I wonder how long this cutie will go on about aliens' he thinks before drifting off to sleep listening to Cas's voice. The next morning Dean wakes up to see Cas standing on the other side of the room fully clothed except for a shirt rummaging around in his dresser. "Why are you up so early" Dean asks. "Oh I didn't go to sleep last night" Cas says in an almost miserable tone masked by cheerfulness. "Are you okay?" Dean asks. "Yeah I'm fine" Cas says. Cas looks over at Dean staring and smirks. "You like whatcha see?" he says. "Maybe I do" Dean says, blushing a little. Cas grabs a shirt from his dresser and pulls it on. "What time is it?" Dean asks. "It's 6:11, school starts in almost two hours" Cas says without even looking at the clock. Dean groans but gets up. He goes through his backpack, pulling out a change of clothes and a mint. He pops the mint into his mouth and leaves the room and go in the bathroom. He changes and goes back into the bedroom where Cas is lying upside down on his bed reading a book. Dean grabs his book and they sit in comfortable silence reading their books. In an hour Cas's mom bursts into the room without any warning. "You two should get ready to leave for school" she says. "Done" they say simultaneously. "Well fine then breakfast is in the kitchen if it's still cool to eat breakfast" she says before walking out. "What is up with her" Dean asks. "I dunno I think i'm just a disappointment to her" Cas says. The get up and go downstairs to eat breakfast. They dig into some waffles and talk while they eat. Dean makes Cas laugh so hard he gets orange juice up his nose. They finish and go back up to Cas's room. They hang out there until it is time to go to school. When it's time to leave they go downstairs, put their jackets on, and walk out the door. They both cover their eyes for a moment until they get used to the brightness. There are no clouds and the snow is sort of blinding. They start walking and Dean puts his head on Cas's shoulder until they get off the back roads.

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