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The day goes by quickly and soon Dean and Cas are sitting in their last period. They had only been in separate classes once that day. Dean watches the teacher but Cas doodles at the desk next to him, occasionally looking up. The teacher talks for most of class and by the time the bell rings Dean is happy to go home. He gets up and leaves the room with everyone else and goes to his locker. He is putting his stuff away when Cas walks up and leans against the lockers. "So I wanted to show you something after school" he says. "Oh yeah" Dean says. Dean puts on his jacket and after grabbing his backpack, closes his locker. He faces Cas, who has his backpack, and they start walking to the doors. They get outside and it's snowing. "There's already like 6 inches why is it snowing" Dean says looking at at the sky. He looks at Cas. Cas has a grin on his face and is looking up at the sky. "Are you complaining" Cas says looking at Dean. "Nope" Dean says looking back up at the sky. The get to the parking lot and Dean stops. "So where are we going" Dean asks Cas. "The woods" Cas says. The set off towards the local woods and Dean quickly texts Bobby that he's hanging out with Cas. "So what is it you're showing me?" Dean asks. "It's a surprise" Cas says. They walk in silence, enjoying the snow. They finally get to the woods and Cas walks in without hesitation. Dean follows and is engulfed by the beauty of the woods with snow. He has never really been in here when there was snow and is awed by the pristineness of it all. Cas sees him looking around and laughs a quiet light laugh that makes Dean look over at him. He notes the contrast between Cas dressed in black and the white surrounding them. Dean smiles and Cas walks towards him. He kisses Dean and Dean kisses back, enjoying the moment. Cas breaks away and grabs Dean hand. "Come on" Cas says with a smile, pulling Dean deeper into the woods. They walk for a couple minutes when they come across a treehouse. It's suspended in a big oak tree and has no visible way of getting up. Cas lets go of Dean's hand, leaving it cold without Cas's body heat, and tugs on a virtually invisible string. A ladder comes out of the treehouse and Cas turns to Dean. "I made a tree house a while back" he says. "This is really cool" Dean says looking up at it. "Well let's go up" Cas says. He starts climbing up the ladder and stands on the small balcony in the front of the treehouse. "Come on" Cas says, opening a door and entering the treehouse. Dean climbs up the ladder and goes inside, closing the door behind him. What he finds is a cozy room with blankets and beanbags and a couple solar powered lights. There are other assorted odds and ends on shelves on one wall. Dean's mouth hangs open as he takes in the treehouse. "You built this" Dean says. "Yeah" Cas says looking around "I didn't have anything to do one summer and I wanted a place to be alone so I built this. You can get a lot done when you don't sleep." "Does anyone else know about this?" Dean asks. "Nope" Cas says, walking up to Dean. "You're the only one" he says leaning in and kissing Dean. They break apart and are both smiling. Cas walks over to the corner and sits down on a beanbag. Dean walks over and sits in the other one next to Cas. "This is amazing" Dean says sliding his hand into Cas's. Cas squeezes his hand and looks at Dean. Cas smiles and kisses Dean. When they break apart Cas laughs. "What" Dean asks. "Well this has been my secret for years and now suddenly it's not such a secret anymore" Cas says "now my boyfriend knows about it." "Oh so I'm officially your boyfriend" Dean says with a smirk. "Of course" Cas says, pressing a quick kiss to Dean's lips. A buzz in Dean's pocket makes him jump. Dean takes it out of his pocket and sees that Sam had texted him. Cas has tears in his eyes he's laughing so hard. Sam just wants to know when he'll be home. Dean answers him and when he looks over at Cas, starts laughing too.

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