Chapter 7

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(A couple days after getting home)

Baileys pov:

"Ow" I groan sitting up in my bed

My side still hurts from where I was kicked... yes, my boss beat me.

But I failed him and I deserved it.

My phone starts to go off, and with out looking at who it is I answer.

"Hello?" I say my voice still sleepy

"Good morning sunshine" Gerard's voice chimes threw the phone

"Ugh" I flop back onto my pillow

"God don't get to excited" he sasses

"What do you want and how did you get my number?" I ask

"You never called me so thought I would call you" he says

"Didn't answer my question" I say

"My friend ray found it out for me" he says

"So your spying on me?" I ask

"No, like I said I think we should make a run" he says

"I don't think my boss-"

"How about you come down stairs" he says

"What-" the phone goes dead

"Ugh!" I groan getting up

I fix my my black sweat pants and tank top walking down stairs. A couple feet from the stairs I see Gerard standing with my boss.

"Why? why me?" I say looking up

I hear them chuckle and I go down the last of steps.

"Bailey I'm sure you remember Gerard" boss says

"How could I forget.." I say crossing my arms

"He tells me that he wants you to come with him for a deal he has to make" he says

"So?" I sass

"Your going with him" he says

"Why!" I whine

"Because I unless you want a rerun of what happened on Tuesday I think you'll do it" he says threw greet teeth

I sigh walking back up to my room.

I hear foot steps following me as I walk into my room.

I hear the door shut, I turn around and I'm grabbed and pulled into a kiss.

My eyes go wide as I look to see Gerard is the one kissing me. He puts his hand on the side where I'm cut.

I shove him off grabbing my side "ow!" I yell

I look down and see its bleeding a little. I grab some close and rush into my bathroom shutting the door.

"Are you ok?" I hear him ask

"Why the fuck did you kiss me!?" I ask changing

"Because I know you like it" he smirks

"Pig" I say coming out of the bathroom changed but still holding my side

"What happened to your side?" he asks

"Nothing.." I dismiss him

"It didn't sound like nothing" he says getting closer to me

He picks up the end of my shirt lifting it to revel my now smaller cut.

"H-hey stop" I say yanking my shirt down

"Did he do that?" he asks

"No shut up!" I say

"He did" he says

"So what! it's not anything happened to you so just stay out of it!" I yell

"Don't tell me what to do... and I won't stay out of it!" he yells back

"God your so-"

"So what! you don't know anything about me!" he says

"You don't know anything about me but you think its okay to just go up a kiss me!" I say "tell me Gerard why is that!" I yell crossing my arms

"I do what I want and I don't need a girl telling what I can and can't do" he says in a low and angry voice

"I am not some toy" I say " and I'm not going to let you treat me like one so if this is how it's going to be you can forget me coming with you" I say

"Or really so you want to die here then?" He says

"What?" I ask

"Yea that's right your boss wants you dead, he called me to come over and kill you so I lied saying I was going to take you somewhere and kill you but I was really going to take you to my place so sorry if I was trying to be nice!" He yells huffing

"Wha- but w-why?" I ask

"Because you failed he said he doesn't want someone who fails"

"Then what do you want me for?" I ask

"Your every skilled, and my team could use someone like you" he says

"What about my other thing he'll know something's up if I leave with a suit case" I say

"Ill get you knew things" he says "so are you coming?" he asks

"Are you lying?" I ask

"No I'm not and if I am and you die you can come haunt me all you want" he says

"Fine... ill go"


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