Chapter 15

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(Couple weeks later)

Baileys pov:

"Bailey wake up!" Gerard yells

"No!" I say hiding under my covers from the sun

I feel him sit on me "ugh! Gerard get off!" I half yell removing the covers to see him smirking

"Then get up" he sasses

"I can't when your on me!" I say trying to shove him off

"Yknow your comfy" he says and then straddles my stomach

"Your c-crushing me.." I say trying to shove him off

He bends down and whispers in my ear "that's what the last girl said"

I sits up getting off leaving me shocked "your nasty" I say sitting up

He shrugs he's shoulders "oh well" he says "now get dressed we have to go take care for something" he orders

"Like what?" I ask sitting at the end of my bed

"I made a deal with this guy and he has to give me the money for it" he says crossing his arms

"For..?" I say standing up and stretching

"Some drug he wanted, I don't know what it was though, oh and bring your guns we might need them" he says with a smirk then walks out


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