Chapter 31

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I don't care that I left basically everything I owned at Gerard's, there's no way I'm going back.

Thinking that when I was off doing something outside of the house he was fucking someone I new for half of my life.

Me and Julie grew up together in are old bosses house when we frost got picked. but when she got transferred we never really talked then, but I guess she was never really that far if she was able to be with Gerard for 2 years and also still be together when I thought Gerard loved me.

I guess I should have seen this coming. I can never be loved, I do t think I'm capable of love now.

I look at the time on my dash board 2:15am. I've been driving for 8 hours now I'm not really sure where I am but I don't care I just needed to get away.

I pull into an empty parking lot and turn off the car sighing leaning back in my seat. I feel more tears brim my eyes and I let them fall.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" I yell putting my hands up to my head and leaning my head back sobbing.

I sob for the next hour until
I see the sun coming up. I wipe my eyes and look under the passenger seat where I hide my money.

I have around $300 so I'll be fine for a while. I turn the car back on and start to head back a little ways from where I came because I saw a hotel place back there.

When I get there I grab my bag and money and go to check in.

"Hello miss may I help you?" the lady behind the check in desk asks "yea Are there any rooms available?" I ask "I know it's kinda late.."

"Umm yes actually! room 301 second floor" she says handing me a key "thank you" I say and head to the elevator.

I hit the second floor button and sigh leaning back against the wall of the elevator. it dings and opens and I step out walking down the hall to my room.

I unlock the door stepping in and shutting it with my boot. its a pretty nice place. small kitchen and living room, and in the back I see the bed room.

Inset my stuff down on the couch and sit down in the chair. my phone starts to ring for the millionth time and I take it out of my pocket answering.

"Hello?" I say my voice weak

"Bailey! it's Jamia!" her worried voice says "franks going to kill Gerard he already punched him a couple time" she says

"But me on speaker" I say picking at the leather on the chair

"Ok your on speaker" she says "frank?" I ask "yea?" he says and I can hear how pissed he is "kill him" I say and I hear yelling and a punching sound.

"Thanks bailey!" Jamia says after everything calms down again

"I don't care anymore, I trusted him and he just used me I really loved him but that never mattered now did it?" I ask knowing Gerard can hear me

I wait a while and no one says anything "exactly" I say and hang up.

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