Chapter 19

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Gerard picks me up and carries me to the door while frank opens it.

Gerard sets me down on the couch and I wince in pain.

"Ow!" I half yell feeling the blood from my shirt getting on to the couch.

"What do we do!" frank freaks out

"Calm down!" Gerard almost yells "Bailey can you flip over on you stomach" Gerard asks kneeling in front of me

I nod and move slowly on to my stomach.

Gerard lefts up my shirt gasping.

"G-Gerard..." my voice is shaky

"W-we need to get you cleaned up" he says and try walk off to get stuff to clean my back off

I feel dizzy and black out.


I wake up. but not on the couch or even in my room, I think it's Gerard's.

i try to sit up but a pair of hands stops me.

"Relax" Gerard's voice chimes threw

"My b-back hurts.." I say

He puts my arms around his neck and helps me to set up.

I lean my head into his chest groaning in pain.

"Sorry" Gerard says

"What did you do to my back?" I ask feeling something on it

"We bandaged it up it wasn't to deep so you didn't need stitches" he says

"Where did frank go?" I ask

"He went home after I got you up here" he says

"Thank you, f-for helping me" I say looking up at him

"I would do anything for you" he says them his eyes go wide realizing what he just said

He calms and he puts a hand on my cheek brushing his thump on it.

He leans in gently kissing me.

I close my eyes and kiss back feeling warmth flow threw me.

We pull away and star at each other faces lightly pink.

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